Crunch Gym Customer FAQ

Answers & How-to Guides

Use Crunch Gym's Phone Number

Crunch Gym's customer service phone number is the best way to reach them and resolve issues. While there may be a wait, you will be able to talk to a real human being.

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Top questions and answers

Be sure to check out the full answer to your question listed below. We have written extensive, step-by-step guides for even the most vexing of customer service problems for Crunch Gym.
There's more!
Click below to show 4 more questions, answers, and complete guides to common Crunch Gym customer support problems.

Recent reasons customers contacted Crunch Gym:

Hi just wanted to let you guys know that o m very upset about the service i got from C...
They won't cancel over the phone and I have no way of going in.
I was charged an unauthorized amount on my card. My account was on pause because of a h...
tried to cancel membership multiple times and they dont follow through
Just want to figure out which club my membership is still linked to
Years ago I worked in one of the best gyms in NYC. Almost everyone would clean of their...
Dear Sir or Madam,*My name is Maryna Opanashchuk. I have been a member of Fitness Crunc...
To whom it may concern:*Good afternoon.*I write this email to report and complain about...
The PT department at the crunch in Bloomingdale are calling me a liar. *st I signed you...
Crunch Fitness is a gym that I had a membership then I let it lapse and had to bring th...
Got a call from a collection agency in regards to my crunch membership so I’m just tryi...
I have been trying to cancel my membership for weeks now and no one answers the phone o...
I got a membership last week, i went to the gym for just * days (even when i have * day...
Need to change card on billing And logging in there is no option on there for me to cha...
I want to confirm my subscription will be canceled.

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Does GetHuman work with Crunch Gym?

GetHuman does not work with Crunch Gym's customer support operations, directly or in any other way. GetHuman has no partnership or relation to Crunch Gym at all. GetHuman works with customers everywhere to compile the best tips and tools for reaching call centers faster and solving common customer problems effectively. Much of the information on this website comes from customers who struggled to find the best contact information or solve a problem and shared their story. The information on this website is edited frequently, but for the most accurate and up to date contact information, it may be useful to check Crunch Gym's own website for new or more up to date information about calling or messaging their call center. If you'd like to help in the effort to improve customer service for all, please share this page!

Answered on this page:

Is there a trial period available for new members?
Can I use my Crunch Gym membership at any location?
Are there group fitness classes available at Crunch Gym?
Solutions to common issues

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