If you get your auto insurance from Safeco and want to save some money, you might be able to get them to lower your rate. There are a number of things you can do that will qualify for one of Safeco's discounts.
Anti-lock brakes make your car safer to drive by making it less likely to skid out of control in certain kinds of accidents. Safeco will reward you for taking this safety step by discounting your rate.
If you go a few years without getting into any accidents, Safeco will lower your rate because you have proven to the company that you are a low-risk driver. You can also get your deductible lowered this way.
By installing an anti-theft device, you are making it less likely that your car will get stolen and therefore less likely that Safeco will have to pay to replace it. To thank you, Safeco will lower your rate.
Do everything you can to cut down the number of miles you drive in a year. If you get them low enough, Safeco will lower your rate. After all, the less you drive, the fewer opportunities there for getting into an accident.
Safeco's RightTrack program is not offered in every state, but if your state's Safeco branch does offer it, you could wind up with an enormous discount. Just let Safeco monitor your driving for 90 days with an app and you will get a discount. If this monitoring proves that you are a safe driver, you could get a 30% discount.
Ask a Safeco representative if you can get a lower rate in exchange for taking a higher deductible. By shouldering more of the responsibility for paying for an accident, you may not have to pay so much month to month. Be sure that you can actually pay the higher deductible, though.
Taking an accident prevention course will help you drive more safely. It will also lower your rate.
If you have a teenage driver on your policy, ask Safeco about Teen Safety Rewards. Using the tools Safeco provides to help your teen drive more safely can get you a discount.
If you have some questions that you need answered, get in contact with Safeco's customer service. You can reach it by phone and by help forum.
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