How Do I Cancel My Policy with Progressive Insurance?

Before you decide canceling your policy right before the renewal date, make sure you call the customer care and inform them as most insurance policies renew their policies automatically. This will prevent you from paying your premiums to both your current insurer and the new insurance company.

Christian Allen is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Oct 25, 2019

Progressive Insurance is one of the most affordable insurance companies in America that provides insurance policies for homeowners, motorcycles, RVs, boats, and commercial vehicles.

Regardless of its vast range of insurance solutions, you might be considering cancelling your policy due to personal reasons. This should not make you worry as it is somewhat an easy task.

Read through, to see how you can kick off with the cancelling procedure:

Reasons for Ending Your Policy

Are you thinking of shopping for a cheaper insurer than Progressive Insurance company? Or have you found a more affordable deal elsewhere? This are some of the questions that you need to ask yourself before starting the process. Or, it is also advisable to contact your insurance agent and have him clarify some of the policy terms that you may find not suitable to you.

Insurance companies will, most of the time, lower their rates to retain their customers. And depending on the offer you will be given at that point, and it will assist you in determining whether to keep your old policy or switch to a new insurer.

Consider a Good Timing

You can cancel your policy with progressive at any time you wish.However, there are two good times to start the switching process:

Depending on where you reside, the company will always send you a renewal notice a month before your renewal date. This information should assist you in comparing products and rates with other insurance companies.

Decide your insurance options after a major life event or change. These changes could be marriage, divorce, newborn, relocating to a new home, or buying a new vehicle. You can have a customer caregiver or representative from progressive explain how such changes can affect your rates or policy, then evaluate your options after this.

Check Your Cancellation Fees

Depending on your policy terms or where you reside, a cancellation fee might be charged. Normally, it is 10% of your outstanding premium. You will also get a refund for the remaining term in case you had done a prepayment for your policy.

Decide on New Insurance Coverage

You will be required by law, to show proof of your new insurer before cancelling the old one. Shop around, and make a choice that suits your needs and wallet. Ensure you are updated with your new policy length and arrange on when it should be effective. This should be on the Date when your progressive insurance ends.

Mail-in Signed Cancelation Policy Form

Most states in the US require a written cancellation request form to cancel car coverage. You can either fill an online form or write a letter requesting for cancellation. Make sure to include the following in your message:

1. Name, Email address, and phone number

2. Your policy number, Date and time on when it should end

3. Your new insurance policy name, number, date and time on when it should start

4. Dated signature

5. Mail to the Progressive Corporation, 6300 Wilson Mills Rd., Mayfield Village, OH 44143.

6. Send the mail at least or two before the cancellation date.


Calling your insurance agent is the simplest and easiest way of having your insurance coverage cancelled. You contact progressive customer care centre through GetHuman. Remember to have your policy number ready, as well as your policy replacement information before making that dial.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.
How Do I Cancel My Policy with Progressive Insurance?

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Progressive Insurance

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