What Do I Do If I'm Having Trouble Verifying My Account on Nextdoor?

If you have trouble verifying your Nextdoor account, you may seek the help of customer service representatives with these helpful tips.

Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Nov 18, 2019

Nextdoor has made it possible for neighbors to communicate and create communities. It was created based on the idea that neighborhoods are some of the most important communities anyone can belong to. You have to verify your account before participating in Nextdoor. You are allowed to participate and verify your account under the following circumstances;

1. If you rent or own a home

2. If you buy a second home

3. If you own a rental property

4. If you intend to build a home on your property that is within the neighborhood

Verifying Your Address

Geo Location

You may verify your address on the web, Android, or iPhone. If you verify your address using your location, it is verified based on the location of your computer. You can start accessing your neighborhood as soon as you wish. If you are not home, you can register your account but you must wait until you get back home to verify your address.

1. Go to the Address Verification Page

2. If it is possible to verify your address by geo-location in your area, you must allow your browser to access your location

3. Click on the option 'Allow Location Access'

There are other options to verify your address if geo-location is not allowed in your area.

Using Your Phone Number

You may verify your account using your phone number. Your phone billing address must be similar to the address you used when joining Nextdoor. You will receive a call with authentication code and instructions to complete the verification.

On the Web

1. Go to the Address Verification Page

2. Click on the option 'Verify by Phone'

3. Enter your phone number and tap on the option 'Verify'

On Android

1. Open the Nextdoor app on your Android device

2. If you don't have an account, you may create a new one. Click on the option 'Create an Account' and follow the prompts

3. Click 'Sign In' and enter the relevant information.

4. Click 'Next' when you get to the 'Verify Address' screen

5. Click on the option 'Verify by phone'

6. Click 'Check Availability'

7. If Nextdoor does not find a match, you may have to use a different method to verify your account


1. Open the app on your iPhone

2. Create an account of you don't already have one

3. Click 'sign in' and enter the appropriate credentials

4. Click 'Next' when you get to the 'Verify your Address' screen

5. Click 'Verify by phone'

6. Enter your phone number and click on the option 'Check Availability'

7. If there is no match, cancel and try a different method


If a verified neighbor invites you to Nextdoor through email, your address is automatically verified. You do not need to go through any other verification procedures. Neighborhood leads may verify neighbors that they know using the 'Verify Neighbor' feature;

1. Tap on your profile picture at the top of the page

2. Click on 'Lead tools' and then 'Verify members'

3. You will find a list of unverified neighbors

4. Click 'Verify' against neighbors that you know

5. If you want to invite an unverified neighbor, click on the three dots and choose the option 'Message'

If you have trouble verifying your account, you may seek the help of customer service representatives. The best way to contact Nextdoor is through email. Send them a brief email with the details of the problem you are experiencing and how you want them to help. You may also seek support from the help desk. It has tips and topics that may help deal with your problem.

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Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg.
What Do I Do If I'm Having Trouble Verifying My Account on Nextdoor?

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Asked 5 years ago
Updated 5 years ago
Viewed 2,482,918 times
Verification Trouble
account issues
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Nextdoor.com account
account verification issues
Verification Trouble

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