What Do I Do If My LinkedIn Account Is Restricted?

If your LinkedIn account has been restricted then you are not able to access any of the professionally-useful features it offers. There are several reasons why LinkedIn might have restricted your account, including excessive page views, illegal activity, and copyright violations. It will also restrict it if it thinks your account has been hacked. To appeal the restriction, you can just follow the prompts from the restriction notification.

Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Dec 9, 2022

LinkedIn is a valuable resource for professionals of all types, so it can be understandably disturbing when you find that your LinkedIn account has been restricted. If this has happened to you then you need to figure out why it was restricted and what you can do to get it unrestricted.

Reasons why LinkedIn Might Restrict Your Account

There are several reasons why LinkedIn restricts people's accounts. One has to do with the number of page views made from your account. LinkedIn has a policy against the use of automated tools to view profiles and collect data from them. So if you've suddenly started viewing a lot of pages, the company might believe you're violating this policy and restrict your account.

LinkedIn will also restrict your account if it believes you've violated copyright laws or other laws, and also if you have repeatedly been involved in abusive behavior. Finally, if the company believes that your account has been compromised, such as by logins far outside of your local area, it will restrict your account to protect it.

How to Get Your LinkedIn Account Unrestricted

LinkedIn restrictions are, initially, only temporary. However, they can eventually be upgraded to permanent status, so you should take action as quickly as you can after you discover the restriction. To file an appeal, just go to the LinkedIn website and try to log into your account. You will receive a message saying that your account has been restricted.

Follow the prompts to file an appeal. Once you do, the company will review your case. It may or may not contact you for further information, so you should be prepared to explain why LinkedIn's complaint against you is not justified. You should get any proof you may have together in case you need it.

Contacting LinkedIn

If you have any questions for LinkedIn, you should contact a customer support representative. You can reach one via phone, help forum, or chat.

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Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg.
What Do I Do If My LinkedIn Account Is Restricted?

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Asked 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
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LinkedIn account restricted
get LinkedIn account unrestricted
unfreeze LinkedIn account

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