
LinkedIn Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

How do I Contact LinkedIn Customer Service?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to LinkedIn customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

What Do I Do If My LinkedIn Account Is Restricted?

If your LinkedIn account has been restricted then you are not able to access any of the professionally-useful features it offers. There...

How Do I Change My Primary Email on LinkedIn?

If you need to change your primary email on LinkedIn, follow this step-by-step guide that tells you how to change your email address...
Ask any question you have about LinkedIn customer service, get an answer now.

Recent LinkedIn Customer Questions

some one created an account in linkdn using my photo and uploaded fake resume with my name

If someone created a LinkedIn account using your photo and uploaded a fake resume with your name, you can report this impersonation to LinkedIn. Navigate to the profile in question, click on the "More" button (three dots), and select "Report/Block." There, you'll find the option to report the profile for impersonation. This helps LinkedIn address the issue promptly.
Asked Jul 14, 2024 11:13 PM

can't access my account due to name change

If you're unable to access your account due to a name change, you may need to verify your identity. This process typically involves providing identification or additional information to LinkedIn. You can visit LinkedIn’s help center for detailed steps on verifying your identity and regaining access to your account.
Asked Jul 12, 2024 1:07 PM

LinkedIn "social support" will not help get restrictions lifted on your account.

If your account is restricted, it's often due to violations of LinkedIn's User Agreement or Professional Community Policies. Restrictions are typically not lifted through social support channels. You may need to follow the formal appeal process provided by LinkedIn or review the specific reasons for the restriction in any communication you received from LinkedIn.
Asked Jul 12, 2024 1:13 AM

sometimes I can't see my profile picture.

You might be experiencing a visibility setting issue with your profile picture. Go to your settings to ensure that your profile photo visibility is set to your desired audience (public, connections, or private). Make sure you've uploaded the picture correctly and check for any technical issues on your end.
Asked Jul 8, 2024 11:45 PM

hello, my LinkedIn page was blocked, I already sent my confirmation documents and I don’t know how to unblock my page and why exactly I was blocked

Account blocks on LinkedIn can occur due to suspected fraud, policy violations, or erroneous reporting. You've done the right thing by sending your confirmation documents. Once submitted, LinkedIn's support team will review them. If your documents are verified, they will lift the block. The timeframe for review can vary, so please be patient while they process your information.
Asked Jun 25, 2024 10:14 AM

Help me with my LinkedIn customer service issue

Posting Jobs

How Do I Post a Job in LinkedIn?

If you're looking to hire an industry professional, LinkedIn's recruiter tools can help you. You can find potential candidates for...

Account Issues

What Do I Do If My LinkedIn Account Is Restricted?

If your LinkedIn account has been restricted then you are not able to access any of the professionally-useful features it offers. There...

How Do I Change My Primary Email on LinkedIn?

If you need to change your primary email on LinkedIn, follow this step-by-step guide that tells you how to change your email address...

How Do I Change My Payment Method on LinkedIn?

There are several ways to change your payment method on LinkedIn, and it can be done right from your account. Remember that you must...

How Do I Get a Refund from LinkedIn?

LinkedIn provides many subscription services for job seekers and those looking to hire. There are basic free plans for those looking...

How Do I Recover My LinkedIn Account If I No Longer Have Access to the Email on the Account?

This article describes what you need to do if you can no longer access your LinkedIn account because you can no longer access the email...

Choosing Services

How Do I Pick the Best Travel Agent?

Travel agents have varying levels of experience and are not licensed by state authorities. It is up to you to ask questions and determined...

Account Management

How Do I Make My LinkedIn Account Inactive?

LinkedIn allows users to connect with professionals, find jobs, and access industry news. If you need a break from the platform, you...

How do I cancel LinkedIn premium?

To cancel your LinkedIn Premium subscription, go to your profile icon on top of your LinkedIn page and follow these steps on a desktop:...

How do I recover my LinkedIn username and password?

LinkedIn is a social media platform for professionals used by companies to grow their network. Signing up is free and requires an email...

How do I reactivate my LinkedIn company page?

A LinkedIn company page allows for sharing business news and connecting with professionals. To reactivate an inactive page, go to the...

How do I upgrade or downgrade my account on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn offers various premium and paid subscriptions for users, such as Recruiter Lite or Premium Business. You can choose annual...
FAQ Table of Contents

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