What ingredients are used in Biotherm products?

Asked 10 months ago
Biotherm products are formulated with a wide range of carefully selected ingredients to deliver effective and skin-friendly solutions. The brand prioritizes using natural key ingredients derived from aquatic sources, such as Life Plankton™, a unique micro-organism with powerful regenerative properties. Other natural marine ingredients like seaweed and seawater are also commonly used, as they are rich in minerals and nutrients beneficial for the skin. Biotherm products integrate cutting-edge biotechnology with potent natural extracts to achieve optimal effectiveness. Additionally, Biotherm is committed to ensuring product safety and efficacy, adhering to stringent standards and regulations. All ingredients used in Biotherm products are thoroughly researched, with a focus on skin compatibility, sustainability, and respecting the environment.
Jeff Whelpley is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Answered May 3, 2024

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