Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV) Customer Service

Phone Number & Contact Info

Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV)'s Best Phone Number

Calls Customer Service·Most popular Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV) number

How do I talk to a live human at Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV)?

A:Press 1.

Does Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV) offer 24 hour customer service?

A:Not at this number; hours here are Mon-Fri 8am-4pm EST. The least busy day is Wednesday, and the most busy day is Thursday.

How long will I wait on hold?

A:The average hold time is 2 minutes. The longest hold times are on Tuesday, and the shortest are on Friday. How is this calculated?

How do I get through the phone menu to a live person?

GetHuman researchers routinely call this Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV) phone number to document the phone system.
Here is how our research team describes the way the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV) phone system greets you: Info about driver's license, press 1. Info about your vehicles, press 2. Driving privileges are suspended or you want to make a payment, press 3.
Here is our latest tip for weaving through the phone menu to get to a real person the fastest: Press 1

What are the hours and when should I call?

Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV) operates the call center for this 225-925-6146 phone number Mon-Fri 8am-4pm ET. The short answer is that you should call on a Wednesday. This observation and the following section are based on analysis of a sample set of 635 calls made in the last 90 days using our free, web-based phone (see above).
An important note: busy times vs hold times vs best time to call
When we refer to busy or less busy times, we are talking about the volume of calls. The busiest times are when the most people are calling this Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV) phone number (least busy times have fewer people calling). This high call volume does not necessarily mean that you will have a long hold time when you call. Companies like Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV) staff their call centers differently based on the time of day and day of the week, so you may experience a shorter wait on hold at the busiest of times. When we refer to the best time to call, we are referring to the optimal combination of lower call volume and shorter wait times.

The least busy time to call

The least busy day to call Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV) is Wednesday. The most busy day to call is Thursday. Again, this is based on a sample of 635 calls made with our AI-powered, web-based phone in the last 90 days.

The shortest wait on hold

We measured the shortest hold times to be on Friday. The longest wait in the queue on average occurs on Tuesday.

The best time to call Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV)

In summation, the best day to call Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV) is Wednesday. This is not the day with the shortest wait on hold in the phone system, but we still recommend it for its ideal combination of low call volume and short hold times. Plus we believe that Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV) staffs the call center well on Wednesday.

Calling this Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV) Customer Number

Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Aug 28, 2023

When calling the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles, you have a limited window of time in which you might be able to call for assistance, even during normal business hours. I made attempts to place calls on two occasions about getting a driver's license - and was completely unsuccessful on both days.

That's because the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles has no system set up for allowing customers to remain on hold or request a call back if the system decides it doesn't have the wherewithal to answer your question. Instead, it simply tells you to hang up and try your call again another day.

When I called on Monday, I did so at approximately 3:10 p.m. Central Time, which meant I had 50 minutes until the DMV closed for the day. Despite that, the system told me that it couldn't accept my call because of high call volume and proceeded to hang up after completing its message.

As such, I cannot recommend using this system. The phone system doesn't offer any kind of automated menu to provide assistance, and while it does mention the website as an option, that isn't really a solution when a customer needs to be able to talk to someone or go beyond help from the web.

Considering that similar numbers have offered support after the office has closed as long as the customer dialed before the office had closed for the day, not being able to address customers who called in almost an hour before the listed hours really isn't great customer service. Obviously, the office can't help if a high number of calls come in, but the system should really allow for the customer to choose to wait or request a call back in those cases.

Failing that, the system should at least use its number to provide some answers to basic questions that an automated system could answer. It could help get customers off the phone faster, allowing the live representatives to assist customers who really need detailed assistance. It could also give those customers without easy access to a computer a reliable way to get basic assistance if they happen to call on a day with high call volumes.

Regardless of reasoning, the reality is that this system is simply not working for phone customers. With no way to reliably get information or assistance from this number unless you call well before closing time, I have to say that I would not use this number for assistance from the Louisiana DMV unless I had no other choice.

Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg.

Why Customers Call Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV)

If you have time to do a bit of reading before you call Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV), we recommend you read over some of our problem-specific articles.

How Do I Find Out If I Have a Flag on My License with the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles?

As a Louisiana motorist, there are several options available to you if you have questions regarding the status of your driver's license. You can call the Louisiana DMV, visit the site, or use public sites to get information regarding the status of your driver's license. Most sites will require your driver's license number and your social security number. Some sites will be able to retrieve information by simply entering your name and the state. However, following the directions on the website or sites should help you to gain information regarding any flags or issues with your driver's license. Most sites will give explicit instructions regarding what's needed to retrieve this sensitive information.

Top Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV) customer service problems

Click the link above to get answers to just about any Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV) customer service question, including step by step guides for the most complex issues. You can also detail a new issue and get answers instantly.

More Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV) Customer Service Contacts

There are of course other ways to contact Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV) customer service besides the phone. Below we list the best ones, by medium.

Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV) Customer Help Desk / Web Support

offices.omv.la.gov - Customer Service
Online customer service support
As a last, sometimes only, resort- Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV) customer service can be accessed through their website. This can entail digging through help articles before finding a form and "being allowed" to submit a problem to their team, and rarely leads to a real-time conversation, which is why GetHuman does not recommend this unless it's the only way.

Conclusion and closing notes

This is Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV)'s best phone number, the real-time current wait on hold and tools for skipping right through those phone lines to get right to a Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV) agent. This phone number is Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV)'s best phone number because 3,810 customers like you used this contact information over the last 18 months and gave us feedback. Common problems addressed by the customer care unit that answers calls to 225-925-6146 include Local services, File a report, Complaint and other customer service issues. Rather than trying to call Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV) first, consider describing your issue first; from that we may be able to recommend an optimal way to contact them via phone or web. In total, Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV) has 1 phone number. It's not always clear what is the best way to talk to Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV) representatives, so we started compiling this information built from suggestions from the customer community. Please keep sharing your experiences so we can continue to improve this free resource.

GetHuman does not provide call center services or customer support operations for Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV). The two organizations are not related. GetHuman builds free tools and shares information to help customers of companies like Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (DMV/RMV). For large companies that includes tools such as our GetHuman Phone, which allows you to call a company but skip the part where you wait on the line to get a live human rep. We continue to work on these tools to help customers like you (and ourselves!) navigate the messy phone menus, hold times, and confusion with customer service. As long as you keep sharing it with your friends and loved ones, we'll keep doing it.

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