Malwarebytes's customer service number is answered by a recording. It gives you options for customer support, business sales, and consumer sales. I chose customer support. The recording said business customers should log in to their Malwarebytes account to find their regional support number. It then prompted personal consumers with billing questions to press one and visit their website for any other questions.
After pressing one, a different recorded voice asked if I needed support for home or business use. I selected home use and got a message about calls being recorded for quality and training purposes. It then immediately played a recording saying that phone support is not currently available, that they're sorry they missed your call and to visit the website for support.
After a few tries at different times of day, I was never able to reach a human agent. It gave me the same "phone support unavailable" message every time. The other options didn't get me to anyone, either. Selecting consumer sales from the first menu navigates to a recording telling you to go online. Business sales rang for several minutes with the occasional hold message, but I disconnected when no one answered. I also tried selecting the business option within the customer support menu tree but was prompted for an account PIN. It's possible that business users may be able to reach an agent, but as a home user, I wasn't able to.
Looking online, it seems the vast majority of customers call Malwarebytes for help with billing issues. Many people ask for help canceling their subscriptions, refunds for unexpected charges and service stopping before the subscription ends. If you can't reach anyone over the phone, their online support center offers answers to various billing questions. If you still can't find an answer, they ask you to live chat with an agent or submit a ticket that they'll respond to via email. They don't seem to list their phone number anywhere on their website.
Technical issues are also a common reason to contact Malwarebytes. However, that's not even offered as an option when calling. Their online support pages seem to be the best resource in this case. They offer a pretty extensive library of help articles covering everything from installation to troubleshooting to account issues. There's also a forum to ask their community for help. It looks like business customers have further and possibly more personalized options, but they require you to log in.
Unfortunately, I don't think you'll get much help calling this number. There are plenty of reviews online confirming that I'm not the only home user who couldn't reach a human. Business users may have better luck if they can provide their account information, but I couldn't verify this. I'd recommend checking out their online help articles and submitting a ticket if you need assistance.
This is Malwarebytes's best phone number, the real-time current wait on hold and tools for skipping right through those phone lines to get right to a Malwarebytes agent. This phone number is Malwarebytes's best phone number because 16,338 customers like you used this contact information over the last 18 months and gave us feedback. Common problems addressed by the customer care unit that answers calls to 408-852-4336 include Account Access, Refund a Charge, Cancel Account, Upgrade Account, Transfer Service and other customer service issues. Rather than trying to call Malwarebytes first, consider describing your issue first; from that we may be able to recommend an optimal way to contact them via phone or email or web or twitter. In total, Malwarebytes has 1 phone number. It's not always clear what is the best way to talk to Malwarebytes representatives, so we started compiling this information built from suggestions from the customer community. Please keep sharing your experiences so we can continue to improve this free resource.
GetHuman does not provide call center services or customer support operations for Malwarebytes. The two organizations are not related. GetHuman builds free tools and shares information to help customers of companies like Malwarebytes. For large companies that includes tools such as our GetHuman Phone, which allows you to call a company but skip the part where you wait on the line to get a live human rep. We continue to work on these tools to help customers like you (and ourselves!) navigate the messy phone menus, hold times, and confusion with customer service. As long as you keep sharing it with your friends and loved ones, we'll keep doing it.