Virgin Active Customer Service Issues

Archive 1

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Virgin Active customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 9 issue(s) reported June 6, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Hello Virgin Active Team, I am contacting Customer Service due to a service issue regarding our membership. Our monthly memberships, 60p46824 for Jose Nava and 60p46825 for myself, Alexandra Nava, have been active since 3 April of this year. Despite renewing our membership for June on 2 June, I have been unable to book my preferred boot camp and body conditioning classes via the Virgin Active app. This has caused significant inconvenience as I typically plan my schedule a day in advance. Previous discussions with the front desk and Osei Bonsu, Membership Consultant, have indicated that the system requires updating. I am seeking the following resolutions: 1. Ensure our payment records are accurately updated. 2. Request compensation for the missed classes, equivalent to 4 daily passes or as necessary to rectify the issue as I have missed 4 days of workouts. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman755981 on बुधवार, ६ जून २०१८, दोपहर २:१७ बजे
Subject: Issue with Gym Membership Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to address a concern regarding my recent experience with the gym. When I contacted the branch and spoke to a sales representative about a promotional offer ending on January 31st, I mentioned I couldn't make it that day but would come the following day. However, upon my visit on the 31st, I discovered that had I come on the 1st as initially planned, I would have received free membership for February and March. Feeling this was unfair, especially after recommending family members who received the offer, I am disappointed and frustrated with the situation. I kindly request to review my membership sign-up details and my husband's to receive the promotion we rightfully deserve, similar to my sister-in-law's deal. I anticipate your prompt attention to this matter and appreciate your assistance in resolving it. Sincerely, Nawahl S. Gym location: Mitchell's Plain Membership number: [redacted] 74 Sailfish Road, Bayview, Western Cape, [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-nawahls on बुधवार, २६ फ़रवरी २०२०, सुबह ७:५२ बजे
Hello, I am writing to you today after understanding the reopening procedures of the club. I have been a member for 3 years and consider my gym to be exceptional and of a higher standard than most. However, amidst the ongoing health emergency, I have noticed a small issue: the lack of choice in deciding whether to return to the club given the current sanitary situation in our country and the world. While I trust that all hygiene measures taken by you and your staff will be followed, the human factor, the unintentional mistakes, and especially the lack of respect that we Italians have been showing lately, cannot be ignored. I must admit that I do not feel at ease returning to the club, sharing changing rooms, showers, equipment, common areas, even in full compliance with the rules, simply because it seems premature to me... but as rightly stated in your communication, everyone is free to make their own choices and act as they see fit, accepting the possible consequences. I want to express that although I have not directly been in contact with Covid patients, have not contracted the virus myself, and have followed the rules imposed by the recent DPCMs in the last few weeks, I currently live with my mother, a surgeon at the forefront of the virus battle, in contact with patients every day and constantly striving to maintain safety in a hospital setting. Luckily, none of us in the family has contracted the virus to date, but the possibility is very high. We live 24/7 with masks, do not share rooms, bathrooms, kitchen utensils, tables... a quarantine within the quarantine. All of this to protect ourselves and others. I have been checking the website, official pages, and contracts drawn up over the past 3 years, and there is no clause, even a new one that I know of, to temporarily suspend the subscription in cases of emergencies like these, only with a medical certificate attesting to serious health problems, pregnancy, or work issues. I am sorry, but this approach does not work in your favor. Forcing a member to continue paying a subscription when they are unable to come to the club out of respect for you, other members, and the current situation, is a behavior I would have never expected from an establishment like yours. I emphasize this is not a whim or reluctance to spend money in times like these, but a dialogue with you to clarify this situation. I am open to any discussion, but since I hold you in high regard and, as mentioned earlier, am a loyal customer, I hope to be allowed more time before returning, being able to suspend my subscription, ensuring the safety of my health, yours, the personal trainers, floor assistants, and other members. Thank you in advance
Reported by GetHuman-ingaramo on शनिवार, २३ मई २०२०, सुबह ९:३४ बजे
I, Alessia de Antoniis, state the following: On August 28, I visited Virgin gym in Rome Eur - Via Cina - to request the voucher provided by the Italian regulations following the Dpcm - recovery decree. My subscription, expiring on August 31, was extended until September 23, allowing me to reclaim the amount paid to Virgin Italia in March. The voucher is valid for 1 year, and I want to use it from June. It has been 3 months already. Each time, they mention it will be discounted at the end of the subscription period. This time, upon renewing my quarterly subscription, they insisted on the same, to discount it at the end. I objected, stating I would use it in September. I would decide to renew or cancel by September 23, to protect myself from your company that seems to disregard the law, at least in Italy. I also canceled my daughter's subscription for the same reason. Virgin Active Roma Eur stated that if I want to renew without paying the fee again, I must do so by August 31. The days lost in March due to Covid closure will be added on. I have concerns: the practice of placing the voucher at the end of another 12 months, the payment for reduced services, the inability to benefit from the Italian law with the Dpcm voucher, and the unsatisfactory customer service. I urge compliance with the contractual obligations despite the ongoing issues with Virgin Italia.
Reported by GetHuman-paminad on रविवार, ३० अगस्त २०२०, दोपहर १:२५ बजे
Good morning. I am a member at Solihull and have been pleased with my experience there. When I joined approximately three years ago, I was only made aware of the full or off-peak membership options. I opted for the full membership so I could access the facilities at the weekends and after school with my grandchildren. It was only recently, just before the Covid lockdown, that I discovered members aged 65 or older are entitled to a discounted fee. Given that I am now 66, I believe I am owed a refund of around £[redacted] for overpaying during the past year. I raised this issue with Solihull, but they stated it was my responsibility to change my membership. However, I was not informed about the discounted fee initially. Thank you, Mrs. J. Walters.
Reported by GetHuman5338009 on मंगलवार, ६ अक्टूबर २०२०, सुबह ९:४३ बजे
In May [redacted], I sent an email to cancel my Virgin Active contract that was supposed to end in June [redacted]. However, it was not canceled, and I got debited without knowing. In October, I discovered this issue while applying for a cellphone contract. I visited the Virgin Active branch in Overport City, Durban. They assured me it would be canceled and submitted the necessary request. Despite not receiving any feedback, I contacted the branch on November 3rd and followed up on November 5th. I spoke with Ronelle and Ayeesha, who asked me to return the next day due to a system offline. When I called back, Ronelle had left for the day, and Ayeesha was off. I left my details, but there has been no response. I hope for a resolution soon as I fear being blacklisted. My name is Barbara, and you can reach me at [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman-bgovende on शुक्रवार, ६ नवम्बर २०२०, दोपहर २:४४ बजे
Dear Sir/Madam, I am Kevin Chivers, and I am excited to introduce a new concept that focuses on reducing carbon emissions and benefiting gym-goers. This innovative concept, known as the Eco Gym, presents a cost-effective, safe, and efficient solution without the need for CHPs or boilers. Virgin Active would be the pioneering fitness center to implement this technology. The Eco Gym operates on a simple premise: as customers contribute, they also gain, promoting a symbiotic relationship between personal health and environmental well-being. By engaging customers in reducing emissions, and providing them with real-time feedback on their impact, it establishes a unique and rewarding experience not yet seen in the industry. The Eco Gym holds promise for various benefits and could serve as a significant post-COVID boost in the fitness sector.
Reported by GetHuman-kevinech on रविवार, २१ मार्च २०२१, दोपहर २:५१ बजे
Good morning, I wanted to share my concerns regarding the Amanzimtoti branch. Since the gym re-opened, I have noticed a significant decline in Covid protocols. Cleaners are not consistently sanitizing equipment, there are no mask reminders or social distancing announcements, and members are not wearing masks while working out or socializing. The designated areas for distancing are not being respected, especially in the change rooms. There is a lack of monitoring of the number of people entering the gym. This negligence is making it unsafe for members like myself to train there. It is crucial that stricter measures are enforced to prevent a potential closure of the gym. Thank you. - L. Govender.
Reported by GetHuman-kogiego on बुधवार, ९ जून २०२१, सुबह ७:३८ बजे
To whom it may concern, I am writing to address my ongoing membership issue. Upon moving to London, I have been attempting to reach out to the club management team to unfreeze my account. Before leaving in June, I personally met with the manager to request a non-standard freeze due to visa complications. I communicated the need to either cancel my membership or suspend it indefinitely, as my return to the country was uncertain. The manager advised against canceling until I was certain of my return. Furthermore, on 13.11, I was contacted by ARC regarding outstanding dues. Despite daily calls to the club, I was unable to speak to a manager or receive a call back. I visited the club in person and discussed the matter with a manager who was empathetic and assisted me in paying the arrears for the freeze period. I am awaiting a receipt for the 13 days of active subscription (18th October to 31st). My membership remains frozen, preventing club usage, and I continue to receive calls from ARC. I kindly request resolution for this issue. I am unwilling to pay for services not utilized amidst such treatment. The on-site manager proposed a resolution (paying the freeze and partial month fee while enjoying club access), but this has not been implemented. Due to relocation, I am unable to visit the club in person, and my phone calls remain unanswered. I also previously reached out via mail on 7th July, receiving no response, after being erroneously charged a monthly fee during a frozen subscription. Please rectify the payment matter and absolve me of the debt. I do not intend to pay for the unused month considering the inconvenience caused by staff inconsistencies. Kindly terminate my contract as I had intended to switch to Virgin Active Mayfair in early November. Given the unresolved situation and approaching 1st November, I no longer wish to avail your services. Despite my initial fondness for the gym chain, I have faced challenges accessing the facilities due to lapses in freezing my account properly and payment misunderstandings. Upon my return, I did not receive adequate support from the club in settling my dues.
Reported by GetHuman7918997 on सोमवार, ३१ अक्टूबर २०२२, रात १०:५७ बजे

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