Spectrum Customer Service Issues

Archive 21

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Spectrum customer service, archive #21. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 28, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
As a long-time Spectrum customer paying nearly $[redacted] monthly for cable TV, internet, and cell phone service, I am frustrated by the new customer promotions offering significantly lower prices than what I currently pay. It does not seem fair that new customers can receive two phone lines for $30 a month while I am paying $90 monthly. I have purchased cable boxes and routers multiple times through monthly charges. I have not used a home phone in years and feel the pricing for my services should reflect that. If I cannot receive a reduced rate for my cell service, TV, and internet, I will consider cancelling my services. I have heard that Verizon may offer discounts for employees at FSC where I have worked for 26 years. Please address this matter promptly.
Reported by GetHuman8464262 on Rabu, 28 Jun 2023 pukul 09.04
Why are you now charging five dollars to pay a bill through customer service? It's concerning that this new fee has been introduced. I have been a customer since the Time Warner days and now with Spectrum. I have experienced interruptions with channel 62 while watching and find this behavior disappointing. It would be appreciated if the service could be maintained without such interruptions. It's important to uphold a level of professionalism and class when providing services to customers.
Reported by GetHuman8472044 on Sabtu, 1 Julai 2023 pukul 10.14
I would like to address the situation that occurred when your representative, Andrew (phone number [redacted]), sold an internet service to my son, J.C., at the Leavenworth Walmart. My son, who is cognitively impaired, is not capable of making such decisions and requires full-time care from his dad and me. Regrettably, the sale was completed without our knowledge while my husband briefly stepped away. Once we received the equipment, I contacted Andrew right away. He informed me that the service was canceled, and we were instructed to return the unopened equipment, which we promptly did on 6/26/23. The package arrived at your facility on 6/29/23 at 11:04, signed for by F.R. Please be advised that as per the Americans With Disabilities Act, Jason will not be responsible for any charges related to this service. The issue needs to be resolved urgently. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-tlcastil on Sabtu, 8 Julai 2023 pukul 16.02
I keep receiving numerous robo calls weekly from Spectrum Cable on my landline, despite being on the national do-not-call list. I want this to cease promptly. I am no longer a Spectrum customer, and this relentless contacting assures I will never be in the future. If this persists, I will involve a lawyer, as will some of my friends who are also former customers facing the same issue. I seek confirmation that my complaint has been received, the appropriate steps to halt these calls have been initiated, and my number will be promptly removed from Spectrum's telemarketing database. Thank you. - J.P. Newberry, SC
Reported by GetHuman-jmprobst on Ahad, 9 Julai 2023 pukul 15.24
I joined Spectrum Mobile in February [redacted] and have been diligently making my monthly payments. Lately, I've encountered issues with my mobile billing where the amount past due fluctuates between $0 and $[redacted]. After contacting support via Twitter, @Ask_Spectrum acknowledged that there is an error in how the app or website is fetching billing information. Despite their attempts, the problem remains unresolved. Below is the response from @Ask_Spectrum: "Thank you for following up. It appears there is a discrepancy with your balance, which does not align with your phone and watch balances. To address this, I suggest contacting our mobile support at 1-[redacted]​​​​​ for further assistance in escalating the issue. We have also documented detailed notes on your account to aid the agent in resolving this matter. ^CIP"
Reported by GetHuman-tekshack on Isnin, 10 Julai 2023 pukul 14.42
I requested the disconnection of my service at [redacted] North Elmer Avenue, Sayre, PA [redacted], effective 09/02/[redacted]. At the time, my payments were current. Despite my efforts to disconnect due to relocating, Spectrum has reported non-payment on my credit, impacting my score. As a single mother striving to support my children and secure a home, maintaining a positive credit history is crucial. I diligently made timely payments to prevent any negativity. I urgently seek assistance in rectifying this issue on my credit report promptly. Your prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Mallory A.
Reported by GetHuman8505703 on Ahad, 16 Julai 2023 pukul 10.21
After switching from Verizon to Spectrum in [redacted], I brought in my XR phone and my daughter also got a phone from Spectrum. There was an issue when my daughter used my upgrade, and our phones got switched in the system. My XR was showing as the new phone, causing confusion. Despite contacting Spectrum multiple times, no one was able to correct the error in the system. I visited the store on 7/18/[redacted], but they couldn't help as the manager was unavailable. Due to the inconvenience, I switched to T-Mobile, which offers a discount through my job. However, I was surprised to receive an email stating I owe over $[redacted] due to removing my phone from the Spectrum account, even though I didn't owe anything initially. Spectrum insisted the charge was for porting my number to the new phone. I had faced a previous issue with Spectrum billing me for iPad services despite discontinuing them months ago. They only offered to refund three months' worth. Now, I am seeking assistance from Spectrum to resolve the billing discrepancies and continue paying for my daughter's phone.
Reported by GetHuman8512715 on Rabu, 19 Julai 2023 pukul 13.48
I am Shelly Renaud residing at [redacted] Glenn Springs Road, Spartanburg, South Carolina [redacted]. I recently lost my internet connection due to a security issue. I am entitled to free Spectrum services as part of an agreement that allowed Spectrum to do construction work on my property. They assured me I would have access to all Spectrum services for free, so I am confused about why my internet is not working.
Reported by GetHuman8518154 on Jumaat, 21 Julai 2023 pukul 20.29
I am currently experiencing issues with my iPhone 13S regarding voicemail, specifically with playing my voicemail greeting and not receiving messages after subscribing to Robokiller. Despite unsubscribing, the problem persists, with my phone indicating an active membership even though it should expire on October 13. Spectrum and Apple have both been consulted, inconclusive regarding the source of the problem. Spectrum advises the voicemail concern is connected to their services, while Apple asserts it is not related to the phone or its software. As a result, I am reaching out for assistance as the lack of voicemail access for weeks has caused various difficulties. Any help in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-theshemo on Sabtu, 12 Ogos 2023 pukul 19.42
I am experiencing difficulties with my iPhone 13S voicemail. It is not allowing me to receive or play voicemail messages after subscribing to Robokiller. Despite unsubscribing, my phone still indicates an active membership, set to expire on Oct 13. I sought help from Spectrum and Apple, with neither able to resolve the issue. Spectrum attributed it to being an Apple problem while Apple suggested consulting Spectrum tech support as voicemail is operated through them. It has been weeks without voicemail, causing many inconveniences. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8560790 on Sabtu, 12 Ogos 2023 pukul 19.42
I am experiencing continuous buffering issues with my Sling service at my home address of 10 Red Oak Circle. This problem does not occur when I use Sling at my office located at [redacted] South Lake Dallas Drive near Carlisle, four blocks away. While watching a movie, the stream pauses and re-buffers every 10-15 seconds, making it incredibly frustrating. I suspect the internet speed at home is only around 300k, causing the interruptions. This issue doesn't happen with Netflix in my living room or with Haystack News at home. The service seems slow and inefficient. I would appreciate any help to resolve this issue. Thank you. Regards, Bryant H. [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8584459 on Sabtu, 26 Ogos 2023 pukul 00.14
On September 1st, I visited to complete a phone upgrade due to my account showing eligibility for an early upgrade. However, during the process, I encountered an issue preventing the upgrade. The staff submitted a ticket to address the problem. Unfortunately, I currently lack transportation and am unable to contact them for updates. I am eager to know if the ticket has been approved and processed to avoid a fruitless trip to the store.
Reported by GetHuman8601216 on Selasa, 5 September 2023 pukul 20.41
My Spectrum bill has been increasing consistently over the past few months, now exceeding $[redacted] for the Silver package, internet, and phone services. Recently, Spectrum has encountered issues with ESPN and potentially ABC and related channels, affecting my access to college football games on Saturdays. I am seeking a reduction of $30 or more in my bill without altering the services I currently receive, including channels, equipment, and internet speed.
Reported by GetHuman8602815 on Rabu, 6 September 2023 pukul 19.40
I'm curious about when I may be eligible for a phone upgrade. My current phone is having connectivity issues and is unable to make calls. Additionally, the face of the phone has started to detach, requiring me to use tape to keep it in place. I've had this Pixel 6a for some time, and it has proven to be of poor quality with constant problems. Could someone please provide me with this information? My phone number is [redacted], and you can reach me via email at [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8610094 on Jumaat, 8 September 2023 pukul 13.55
I contacted Spectrum today at work to cancel my internet service but was put on hold for over 43 minutes, so I had to give up. I managed to reach a person through the chatbot on their website and requested an email for my cancellation. However, I was mistakenly given the email for Spectrum Association Management and inadvertently emailed them all my account information. They replied stating they are not Spectrum. I tried calling Spectrum multiple times but had difficulty reaching the Retention Department to cancel my service. A representative even provided me with the wrong phone number. It's been frustrating to deal with the lack of direct access to the department I need. I am hoping they can resolve this issue promptly before my next billing cycle ends on 9/25/23 as I won't be using the service further.
Reported by GetHuman-sickohou on Sabtu, 9 September 2023 pukul 00.14
I am hoping Spectrum will bring back the Disney channels, especially ESPN and ABC. I heard they are delaying negotiations to push Disney streaming services, but I have no interest in them. If I wanted streaming, I would use other services. I just want my old channels back. Spectrum should have consulted customers, who probably share my opinion.
Reported by GetHuman-rhkatz on Sabtu, 9 September 2023 pukul 01.17
I had a temporary repair done on August 26th for my cable, but I am still waiting for the permanent line to be installed. Two appointments with the digging crew have been missed already. I've tried contacting Spectrum customer support through eight different numbers, but I keep getting the same prompts and long wait times of 20 minutes or more. I'm looking for a contact number that I can reach to dispatch the crew that can install the permanent line by trenching it around my house.
Reported by GetHuman8614436 on Isnin, 11 September 2023 pukul 13.54
I've tried multiple times to decrease my bill after learning that my friends, who have a similar service, managed to significantly lower their costs through the choice plan. The information you receive seems dependent on the representative assisting you. Currently, I'm struggling to reach anyone due to high call volumes, seemingly related to the Disney channel. I've been loyal to Spectrum for a long time and prefer not to switch providers solely to reduce expenses. Nonetheless, Altra Fiber has an appealing plan available now.
Reported by GetHuman8614666 on Isnin, 11 September 2023 pukul 15.57
I am experiencing difficulties connecting to Spectrum's mobile hotspots using various devices despite entering the correct credentials. This issue persists at every Spectrum hotspot I attempt to connect to. I have tried multiple troubleshooting steps, including resetting network settings, with no success. According to information from another user, the problem may be related to needing the home modem reprovisioned by Spectrum. Tech support has been unhelpful so far, repeatedly having me reset network settings without resolving the problem. If this issue is not resolved, I may consider switching back to AT&T, where I did not encounter similar hotspot connectivity issues. Any suggestions on how to prompt Spectrum to take action on my account or modem to enable access to their mobile hotspots would be appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman8623727 on Ahad, 17 September 2023 pukul 17.41
I'm experiencing issues with my Internet and cable TV services. When seeking assistance through the chat line, they requested a payment of $1, supposedly refundable, and an additional $45 per month for expedited support in restoring my services. My husband contacted them yesterday, and they informed him that the earliest they could assist us is Friday. I urgently rely on my Internet and cable services and would appreciate any help in resolving this matter promptly.
Reported by GetHuman8628724 on Khamis, 21 September 2023 pukul 07.10

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