ROBLOX Customer Service Issues

Archive 243

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about ROBLOX customer service, archive #243. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported November 1, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
My account has been hacked, and the PIN code has been changed along with the email. I am unable to contact support. Please help me change the PIN code and email. The hacker also used my Roblox game passes in Bed Wars. Please cancel the last two purchases, totaling [redacted] Robux. If possible, check the IP addresses used to access my account before and at 01:30 UTC. I can verify ownership through the IP address. Please help me recover my username: zombar_99, game: Roblox. I want the PIN code to be reset along with recovering the spent Robux.
Reported by GetHuman-mobywood on Mittwoch, 1. November 2023 16:54
Hola, hace varios años abrí una cuenta que creo que creé con el antiguo correo de mi padre, el cual canceló más tarde. Si ese es el caso, el correo sería [redacted] El nombre de la cuenta es 777_23. ¿Sigue existiendo? Si necesitan cualquier información para confirmar que es mi cuenta antigua, envíenme un correo y les responderé. Le tengo mucho aprecio ya que contiene buenos recuerdos con mis amigos y queremos volver a jugar =) Muchas gracias.
Reported by GetHuman8682228 on Mittwoch, 1. November 2023 21:26
While playing FF2, I encountered an issue where my quarterback continuously crowd passed even when I was wide open. Despite my frustration, I remained civil and simply asked for better passes. Surprisingly, I was banned from the game for three days. I feel this penalty was unjust as I did not engage in any inappropriate behavior or trash-talking. My username is Nunks101675. I kindly request to have my account reinstated. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-nunks on Mittwoch, 1. November 2023 23:46
I encountered an issue while attempting to verify my account for a game on Roblox, "Anime Adventures". Upon trying to log in for verification, I got kicked off the Roblox launcher. When I attempted to log back in, I received a message stating that my username or password was incorrect. However, I am certain the information is correct as I store it securely behind biometrics on my phone. Trying to reset the password using the linked email resulted in an error message on the launcher. I have emails confirming recent purchases made on my account and can provide those as proof of ownership. My main goal is to regain access to my account.
Reported by GetHuman-wjkbluja on Freitag, 3. November 2023 06:39
I encountered an issue while using my mobile phone or iPad. I recall playing as usual when I accidentally activated account protection. I need to unlock the PIN to access and open my account. I have the username z3ttagv1 and password, but it asks for a code when I try to log in, which I don't have. Additionally, the email associated with the account is missing, and I would like to update it with a new email address.
Reported by GetHuman8685384 on Samstag, 4. November 2023 15:06
Hello, I am seeking assistance with my Roblox account that was banned unjustly. I had to create a new account, losing all my progress. Additionally, I am looking for support in identifying the individual who made threats towards me online, specifically saying "if you live in Russia please come visit me :)" and repeatedly threatening to hack me and another player's devices. I have already reported this person but have not received the necessary help. I would appreciate a prompt response to resolve these matters. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-snsnnada on Sonntag, 5. November 2023 10:52
I recently received a 3-day ban from the game due to a misunderstanding. While playing Saitama underground battles, another player repeatedly targeted and killed me. I asked them to stop, but they continued. When attempting to express my frustration by calling them a "lame kid," autocorrect changed it to a word I did not intend to use. I want to clarify that I never intended to bully, discriminate, or promote hate speech. I simply seek to have my account suspension reviewed and adjusted accordingly.
Reported by GetHuman-setob on Sonntag, 5. November 2023 21:11
Hello, I recently discovered that my daughter's Roblox account was compromised after she couldn't log in. I realized her email had been changed without our knowledge, with a login from the Philippines. After reverting the email back, changing her password, and regaining access, we found her Robux balance decreased significantly from [redacted] to 70. I am concerned about the unauthorized use of her account and would like the Robux to be refunded. I did not authorize any transactions and need your assistance in resolving this issue. Kindly advise if there is a direct contact number that we can reach for further assistance. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8687026 on Montag, 6. November 2023 03:43
I decided to revisit playing Roblox after a few years of not logging in. However, upon trying to sign in, I encountered the two-step verification process. Unfortunately, the verification code was sent to a Gmail account I no longer have access to. As a result, I am unable to access my account, which I have invested a considerable amount into. I am seeking assistance from a genuine person to help me resolve this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-noteven on Montag, 6. November 2023 20:19
Hello, I've recently been banned from Roblox. I acknowledge that I broke the rules. The person who reported me got on my nerves, and I admit I got carried away and used a bad word. I understand that was not appropriate. Ironically, I serve as a moderator on the Saint-Malo UDF (35) game. I kindly asked the person to stop, but they didn't listen, and in the heat of the moment, I said something I shouldn't have. Apologies and goodbye.
Reported by GetHuman8689515 on Dienstag, 7. November 2023 21:45
Bonjour, je voulais partager mon expérience. J'avais promu mon groupe sur ROBLOX dans un endroit où c'était autorisé. Mais certaines personnes m'ont harcelé en signalant ma pub comme une arnaque. En retour, j'ai signalé ces harceleurs à ROBLOX, mais aucune action n'a été prise. J'ai même perdu l'accès à mon compte, indispensable pour gérer mon groupe. Je suis une youtubeuse et je trouve injuste que les harceleurs n'aient pas été traités, d'autant plus qu'ils ont commis des actes bien plus graves que ma simple publicité. J'aimerais vraiment que les cas de harcèlement soient pris au sérieux avant les autres. Cette situation dure depuis août. Merci beaucoup pour votre aide, j'espère vraiment que mon problème sera résolu.
Reported by GetHuman8692987 on Freitag, 10. November 2023 19:23
I was banned for mistakenly using a prohibited word, along with questioning the mechanics of a game in Football Fusion. Despite engaging in casual conversation, I received a ban whereas another player's similar behavior went unpunished. I expressed my experience on YouTube, generating significant views and comments supporting the need for clearer rules on platforms like Roblox.
Reported by GetHuman8693276 on Freitag, 10. November 2023 23:33
My account CatCatMoooo was unexpectedly deleted earlier this year, around March or April. It was done without any prior warning, which was quite shocking to me. I want to clarify that I never received any bans or warnings on my account, except perhaps for a single warning, but it was not for the "scam game" that was mentioned. The game "REAL ADOPT ME" was simply a creation made with a friend out of admiration for Flamingo, a YouTuber we both liked at the time. Our intentions were not harmful. I am reaching out in the hopes of resolving this issue, receiving a clear explanation, or possibly retrieving my items. The original account email belonged to my older brother at [redacted] since I was young and unable to change it due to forgetting my account PIN. Sincerely, Ashleigh (CatCatMoooo)
Reported by GetHuman8693290 on Freitag, 10. November 2023 23:59
I logged into my Roblox account and opened Adopt Me to discover that all my legendary pets with fly and ride abilities, as well as some rideable pets, are missing once again. This is the second occurrence of this issue. I had faced it before, managed to rebuild my inventory, and acquire legendary pets. However, now my hard work has disappeared for the second time this year. I had approximately seven pets that were either Fly or Ride, along with some regular legendary ones. Since I hadn't logged in for a while, I can't recall the specific details of each one.
Reported by GetHuman-naimareh on Samstag, 11. November 2023 16:59
Hello! I encountered an issue with my account: I created succionate_myknock in March [redacted] during the beginning of the pandemic while residing in the US. I interacted with friends on accounts from the US and played on US servers until June [redacted] when I relocated to Spain. Regrettably, I mistakenly linked an incorrect email to my account, leaving it unlinked to any email or phone number. Fortunately, I never made any purchases, only acquiring free items from the store. My memory fails me regarding the age provided during the account setup, likely being random. Additional identifying details about my account include a history of playing Royale High and Escape the Beast. Although I haven't accessed the account for approximately 2 years, I am keen to regain access. Could you assist in linking my account to this email for a password reset? Thank you!
Reported by GetHuman-asombros on Sonntag, 12. November 2023 13:16
I am feeling upset tonight because my Roblox account has been banned until tomorrow. This occurred because it seems that the moderation team misunderstood my use of the term 'fatty' towards another player in the context of the game 'gain fat every second.' I attempted to appeal the ban through the provided form, but unfortunately, it did not submit successfully. Additionally, I tried to contact customer support via phone, but was unable to get through. The account 'iwantcookieseveryday' is very dear to me; I have cherished it for many years. Losing access to it would be a great disappointment.
Reported by GetHuman8694880 on Sonntag, 12. November 2023 19:02
I am dealing with a situation where my account was hacked, and despite being cautious and not clicking on any suspicious links, it was compromised. I reached out to Roblox and Gmail for support as the hacker used the same password for both my email and Roblox. Thanks to a backup email, I managed to regain access to my account. However, I discovered it had been deleted, which was distressing. Despite my efforts to address this with support, I was informed I could not continue to message them about the same issue. I need assistance in recovering my account and understanding why the violation that led to its deletion cannot be reversed. This account holds sentimental value to me, and I have invested significant time, effort, and money into it. I would appreciate any help or guidance on how to proceed. Thank you for your time and support.
Reported by GetHuman-cuqidsrc on Donnerstag, 16. November 2023 04:40
My Roblox account, Football2een, got suspended for a week for a voice chat moderation issue. I attempted to intervene to stop a child from bullying another child who was being teased for having a pride flag. I warned the bully that if they didn't stop, they would be muted for harassment. However, instead of addressing the root problem, my account was banned for supposed harassment.
Reported by GetHuman8702764 on Sonntag, 19. November 2023 05:19
I received a one-day ban for using phrases like “clashing,” “HES LEARNING,” “THAT WAS GOOOD,” “I died to your force,” “I didn’t,” “LOL,” “MAYBE,” “and,” and “clicked too early.” These were all compliments and discussions related to our gameplay. The term “nigha” isn't offensive; it refers to a character named Nighal. Calling someone “looooooser” was because they were being a sore loser. This happened in a private server with a friend, so no harm was intended. It's frustrating to be banned for a day over what was deemed as “discriminatory content” when it wasn't the case at all.
Reported by GetHuman-cicisast on Sonntag, 19. November 2023 21:13
Hello, I recently got banned from my account for a day. I use the Authenticator App, but I accidentally deleted the code for it. I tried to turn it off but was unsuccessful. Now that I am banned, I can't reactivate it and access my account. I have invested a significant amount of money and time into this account, and I am really worried about losing it. Please help me resolve this issue so I can regain access to my account.
Reported by GetHuman-alytapia on Montag, 20. November 2023 23:11

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