Microsoft (Canada) Customer Service Issues

Archive 5

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Microsoft (Canada) customer service, archive #5. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 24, 2022 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I am in need of assistance as I have encountered issues while updating my Microsoft and Google Accounts. I need to ensure that the correct email addresses and passwords are associated with the right usernames. Specifically with Microsoft, I am experiencing login problems with Skype, Facebook, and I am uncertain about Instagram. I am looking to rectify this by setting the username for each to "billsharp7248@hotmail" and the password to "MicMail16212." I acknowledge that I appear to have made mistakes according to Microsoft Security. Thank you. - William J. (Bill) Sharp (Address: [redacted] Blacksmith Lane Oakville, Ontario L6M 3A3 Phone: C [redacted], H [redacted])
Reported by GetHuman7569153 on الجمعة ٢٤ يونيو ٢٠٢٢ ٢١:١٤
A technician from India, aged 23, remotely accessed my computer to correct the erroneous birthdate from [redacted] to the correct date, [redacted], on my work account: [redacted] They synced all my email accounts: - Work account: [redacted] - Facebook account: [redacted] - Personal account: [redacted] - Former work account: [redacted] (please delete) They also created a new account: [redacted] Unfortunately, they couldn't change the birthdate and mentioned that an experienced Microsoft technician would call me, but I never received the call. Currently, all my accounts are blocked by non-existent parental controls, preventing me from making online purchases or accessing online forms. The persistent pop-up requests completion of the family profile for [redacted], even though I am retired and have no children at home. I urgently need access to my work account [redacted] I do not want any synchronization of email addresses or accounts, as each contains different information that needs to be preserved. I am unable to work as everything is blocked. I need to restore my accounts to their previous state. Even attempting to request help on your website is rejected regardless of the email address used, as I receive a pop-up asking for parental permission. Sylvie H. [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman-lancentr on الإثنين ٢٧ يونيو ٢٠٢٢ ٢٠:١٩
I recently changed my password on July 14, [redacted], and it was working fine until this morning, July 15, [redacted], when I faced issues accessing my Hotmail account. I changed the password again, but still couldn't log in. I've had similar problems with this account in the past, like five years ago when the password wasn't being accepted. During that time, I spent hours at the Microsoft store in Yorkdale, Toronto, where a staff member struggled to set up a new Hotmail account for me. Currently, the account is created as [redacted], appearing as 'hotmail new' and 'old hotmail', often accessed through 'junk', making it inconvenient. Now, I am unable to access either of them. I would appreciate it if this issue could be resolved promptly. Thank you. Dian Wise
Reported by GetHuman-dianwise on الجمعة ١٥ يوليو ٢٠٢٢ ١٥:٤٥
Bonjour, je vous écris en français et j'espère recevoir une réponse dans la même langue. Je suis frustrée de devoir répéter la même chose, cela fait déjà une semaine que j'essaie de récupérer mon compte Outlook. Malheureusement, j'ai oublié mon mot de passe et mon numéro de téléphone associé n'est plus le même. Malgré mes multiples demandes de récupération, le support technique m'a demandé d'attendre encore 24 heures. Cependant, après une semaine d'efforts, cela me semble excessif. La communication en anglais plutôt qu'en français alors que je suis au Québec est décevante. Mes tentatives d'appel restent sans réponse, malgré les promesses de résolution. Je ne veux pas attendre encore deux semaines, je veux résoudre ce problème aujourd'hui. Je vous enverrai mon email pour faciliter la communication. Merci de m'envoyer un lien pour réactiver mon compte. Je vais déposer une plainte car cette situation est insupportable. Merci de votre compréhension. - Valérie G.
Reported by GetHuman-mcdovalg on الأحد ١٧ يوليو ٢٠٢٢ ١١:٤٧
Good morning Microsoft team, I am HaoHao, a student founder of Holo, a company focused on enhancing productivity for tech professionals by introducing virtual monitors on AR glasses. Our team is currently collaborating with Next Canada and Carleton University’s Entrepreneurship Center. As our project is software-based, we are aiming to release our first prototype app by the end of Winter [redacted]. We already have a waitlist of over 30 eager customers who want to test our beta app. Considering your industry leadership, we are interested in developing our initial product on your hardware. If possible, we would appreciate the opportunity for a 30-minute call with your collaboration team and potentially discuss acquiring a complimentary copy of your development kit for our project. Best regards, HaoHao
Reported by GetHuman-yechengh on الجمعة ١٢ أغسطس ٢٠٢٢ ٠٥:١٨
I have been trying to resolve a billing issue for weeks without success. Recently, my bank replaced my Visa card, and Microsoft Support notified me about the payment problem. Despite numerous attempts to update my payment information, I have not been able to fix the issue. I need to ensure my Microsoft support continues for personal and business use. It should only take a couple of minutes to update my new card details, but I keep receiving online responses stating "not enough information." How can I resolve this efficiently? Your online responses to my queries have not been helpful. You can contact me at [redacted] to assist me further. Thank you. - Fern B.
Reported by GetHuman-fbrabant on الإثنين ٢٢ أغسطس ٢٠٢٢ ١٥:٣٣
I created a new email account, [redacted], with no activity yet. Unfortunately, I've forgotten the password and have been trying to recover it for four days without success. Microsoft's automated password recovery has been unhelpful due to the lack of activity on the account. After waiting for a promised response within 24 hours, I am still stuck without access. I urgently need to send a time-sensitive email from this account before 5:00 pm Atlantic time today, currently 4:11 pm. I have been seeking support online since 1:30 pm but have not found a resolution. The last chat agent redirected me to Just Answer, claiming they are not affiliated with Microsoft. I am frustrated by the lack of customer service and need this issue resolved promptly.
Reported by GetHuman7865360 on الجمعة ٧ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٢ ١٩:١٦
A friend bought Microsoft [redacted], previously Office [redacted], 5 years ago for her MacBook. She now wants it on her Windows 10 desktop, but faces issues with account recognition despite annual payments. Installing [redacted] removed Office [redacted], causing email access loss too. Contacting Microsoft via the provided phone number was unhelpful, directing to web chat where a 9-hour wait remains unanswered despite being first in the queue. The main concern is how she can obtain the product key necessary to activate Microsoft [redacted] on her desktop.
Reported by GetHuman-gregarms on الأحد ١٦ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٢ ١٩:٥٤
I encountered issues with the MSN homepage newsfeed displaying misleading and problematic content. Initially, I sought help from chat support to stop receiving such items, but their solutions were ineffective. Despite attempting to address the problem by contacting support, I was met with difficulty in signing out of the chat and faced repeated issues when trying to reconnect. Even Microsoft's phone support was unhelpful, leaving me stuck without alternative means of contacting them. The troublesome news items labeled as ads lacked an option to remove them, and the absence of a web contact form or email address only added to the frustration of trying to resolve these issues.
Reported by GetHuman7887802 on الإثنين ١٧ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٢ ٢٢:٢٥
I've been struggling to reset the password for my [redacted] account. Two years ago, following my husband's passing, I updated my home address, email, and purchased a new laptop. I've submitted my personal details and Visa payment information for my $90.85 subscription made on April 24/22. I've received security code numbers [redacted], [redacted], and [redacted], but haven't had luck calling for assistance. I'm feeling very frustrated with the service provided.
Reported by GetHuman7951300 on الثلاثاء ١٥ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٢ ٠٤:٤٧
My Microsoft Outlook email system has started reducing the font size of my emails to less than size 8 unexpectedly, making it difficult for recipients to read. This issue occurred a while back, and I can't recall how it was fixed. It's particularly frustrating while sending out season's greetings. Please reach out to me at [redacted] to provide guidance on resolving this matter. I've attempted adjusting the font size in options, but the changes don't seem to save. Could you please assist me with this?
Reported by GetHuman8002315 on الإثنين ٥ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٢ ٢٠:٠٨
Mon père a récemment eu un problème avec son ordinateur où quelqu'un a prétendu être de Microsoft et lui a demandé d'appeler pour des réparations. Après avoir payé [redacted]$ par an pendant 3 ans pour regagner l'accès à ses fichiers et obtenir des pare-feux, il a contacté É qui installe actuellement divers logiciels sur son ordinateur. Je m'inquiète que cela soit une fraude. Que devrions-nous faire pour vérifier la légitimité de cette situation et garantir la sécurité de son ordinateur?
Reported by GetHuman-laujul on الخميس ٢٢ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٢ ١٤:٥٥
Dear Concerned Party, I am currently unable to access my account due to recent security concerns causing a lockout. Despite my attempts to update my phone number on the account, it will not be active until March 2nd. Unfortunately, the verification process with the code sent to my old number has been unsuccessful. The automated support options have not been able to assist me effectively, and I am in need of technical support from a live agent. This issue is affecting my access to Xbox Live and my email, leaving me worried about regaining entry even after my phone number update. Sincerely, [Initials]
Reported by GetHuman8192214 on الجمعة ٢٤ فبراير ٢٠٢٣ ٢٠:٢٥
I bought a PC from in August. It came with Windows 11 Pro pre-installed, but now it's showing as not activated and the activation key provided is being rejected as invalid. I am hesitant to buy something that should have been included with the PC. Contacting customer service has been unhelpful, and I am surprised and disappointed that I cannot seem to reach anyone to fix this problem.
Reported by GetHuman8213443 on الإثنين ٦ مارس ٢٠٢٣ ٠٢:١٩
Hello. I'm experiencing issues with sending and receiving emails. The Inbox page indicates that my storage is full, stating I have 5 GB and have used 8 GB. However, the Manage Storage section shows I have 15 GB with only 11.7 GB used. I believe it's a technical glitch. Please advise on how to resolve this matter as I need to access my emails. As a Senior Citizen on a fixed income, I can't afford extra expenses for storage or any other services. Thanks, Alan
Reported by GetHuman8243248 on السبت ١٨ مارس ٢٠٢٣ ١٧:٥١
I recently received an email stating my account would be closed. I primarily use [redacted] to log in, as [redacted] is my secondary email. Unfortunately, I no longer have access to [redacted] Upon checking my Microsoft account, I saw that my phone number [redacted] was not correctly updated. Microsoft requires a verification code to be sent to my inaccessible email for me to make changes, but they are unable to text it to me. This situation has left me feeling stuck and unsure of how to proceed.
Reported by GetHuman8256805 on الجمعة ٢٤ مارس ٢٠٢٣ ١٨:٠٧
I purchased Microsoft [redacted] Family in French using my email [redacted] and paid with a Visa card ending in [redacted] on February 28. However, on April 10, you renewed my Microsoft [redacted] Family subscription with the email [redacted] and auto-charged the same Visa card ending in [redacted]. I need to cancel the April 10 order and retain the subscription linked to [redacted] Please assist me promptly. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-dufortpo on الثلاثاء ١١ أبريل ٢٠٢٣ ١٧:١٤
I am facing an issue with receiving mass emails from a legitimate sender, [redacted], which go out to over [redacted] recipients, including [redacted] hotmail accounts. Despite other hotmail users receiving the emails, I do not. The message is bounced back to the sender with a "read dropped" notification. Interestingly, if someone from the sender's organization uses the same email account to send me an email individually, I do receive it. This problem started in October [redacted] as before then, I had no issues receiving the mass emails. It seems that Hotmail is now blocking these emails from reaching my inbox. Is there a way for Hotmail to remove this filter so I can receive these emails again? I appreciate any assistance in resolving this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-thjmwise on الأربعاء ١٩ أبريل ٢٠٢٣ ١٥:٢٢
I purchased several Microsoft [redacted] subscriptions at BestBuy in Victoria, BC, Canada last year. Currently, I am in Japan due to a family emergency following my father's passing. I need to update one of my new Microsoft [redacted] subscriptions purchased in Victoria, BC, but I am unable to do so as I am now outside of Canada. Your prompt assistance in enabling me to update my Microsoft [redacted] subscription would be greatly appreciated. I eagerly await your response. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-satonaok on الأربعاء ٢٦ أبريل ٢٠٢٣ ١٥:٣١
I would like to bring to your attention that my Microsoft [redacted] subscription was removed from recurring billing last year. However, I recently received my Mastercard billing statement indicating a renewal billing for March 29, [redacted], amounting to $82.50. Despite attempting to contact a Microsoft [redacted] representative for the past three hours, I have been unsuccessful. I made several unsuccessful attempts to cancel my subscription within the [redacted] platform as well. I am deeply disappointed with Microsoft. I have previously mentioned that I own Windows 7. While I upgraded to Windows 10 many years ago, I have not received assistance in securing it. My only request is to promptly cancel my Microsoft [redacted] subscription and cease any further recurring billing.
Reported by GetHuman8333706 on الأحد ٣٠ أبريل ٢٠٢٣ ٠١:٤٥

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