Microsoft (Canada) Customer Service Issues

Archive 6

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Microsoft (Canada) customer service, archive #6. It includes a selection of 13 issue(s) reported May 8, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I'm having trouble canceling my Microsoft subscription because I can't remember my email ID. I've tried to get help, but the system keeps asking for the email of the account I'm trying to access. Since I can't remember the email, I'm stuck in a loop. I have another Microsoft account with login details but providing my date of birth and credit card details for the free trial didn't help me reset my account. Microsoft has charged me $[redacted], which is frustrating as I only needed the subscription for a month. I'm seeking a refund for the remaining amount and request to be charged only for this month.
Reported by GetHuman8350714 on Montag, 8. Mai 2023 04:13
I am experiencing difficulties accessing Ontario websites as my location keeps being identified as Quebec by Microsoft. This is frustrating as it impacts my browsing experience. The affected companies include OLG, WPSHF, and NBRHF. I am considering switching browsers due to this ongoing issue. I have been informed that Microsoft is the root cause of this problem, and I expect them to resolve it promptly given their resources and expertise. Your attention to this matter would be appreciated. Thank you, M.G. Madigan
Reported by GetHuman-gmadigan on Dienstag, 6. Juni 2023 14:46
I am having trouble with my email account. An error message says, "We cannot access this account 'sympatico'. You need to update your password or give the account permission to sync to this device." I have two sympatico accounts. One message mentions that "your sympatico account settings are out of date." Also, in the Inbox, there is a symbol of a triangle with a small line in the middle. Unfortunately, I cannot send or receive emails, which is troubling as I am unable to receive any information by email. As a 75-year-old senior citizen, I struggle with technical instructions for fixing issues. I called 1-[redacted], but due to complex instructions required (like Serial Numbers), I couldn't get the help I needed. Since then, I have not been able to send or receive any emails. My name is Peter Lauridsen, and I reside at [redacted]-8 Chichester Place, Scarborough, Ont. M1T 0A3. You can reach me at [redacted]. I have tried following the instructions in the email outlook without any success. I am desperate for any sort of help to resolve this issue.
Reported by GetHuman8417047 on Mittwoch, 7. Juni 2023 14:42
I turned off my computer on Tuesday night, and when I turned it back on Wednesday, my Hotmail account was gone; it no longer existed. I attempted to refresh and search for it but received a message saying Hotmail did not exist. I have tried calling customer service, but I only reach automated voices with no human assistance. I am extremely frustrated as I have had my Hotmail account for nearly 30 years. I need to know where all my information has gone and how I can recover it.
Reported by GetHuman8420816 on Donnerstag, 8. Juni 2023 22:53
I recently noticed a charge of $54.88 on my credit card statement dated May 10, [redacted]. I am unsure what this charge is for as I did not authorize it. I am requesting an immediate refund of $54.88. This is the third or fourth time I have had unauthorized charges on my account. Please cease these unauthorized charges. It is becoming frustrating to constantly have to monitor my credit card for potential unauthorized charges from Microsoft.
Reported by GetHuman-mapirvin on Dienstag, 13. Juni 2023 15:10
I recently noticed a charge of $54.88 on my credit card from May 10, [redacted], that I did not authorize. I have been dealing with unauthorized charges more frequently and request a refund of $54.88 immediately. I have contacted your customer service multiple times about unauthorized charges. I urge you to halt any unauthorized charges to my credit card. I do not intend to pay for an app to expedite resolving these issues; I find that unreasonable.
Reported by GetHuman-mapirvin on Dienstag, 13. Juni 2023 15:15
I have been wrongly charged for a service twice now without my consent. The initial charge was supposedly for support for five devices, which I do not have. After disputing it, the charge was refunded as I was confirmed not to have this service. However, I have been charged again for the same service without permission. In a recent chat session, I was informed that the previous charges were reversed and that this latest charge could not be refunded. Surprisingly, they instructed me to contact my bank to address this issue. I am confused as to why this is being considered a bank matter when the error lies with the service provider.
Reported by GetHuman-mapirvin on Mittwoch, 14. Juni 2023 23:13
I bought the "Microsoft Designer Bluetooth Desktop - Keyboard and Mouse Combo: Microsoft Wireless Mouse and Keyboard with Bluetooth" from Amazon in December [redacted]. Unfortunately, I encountered significant issues with both items. The mouse stopped clicking after just three months, and two keys have already fallen off the keyboard. This level of quality is very disappointing, especially considering they are "Microsoft" products. I kindly request immediate assistance with either a refund or replacement for these faulty products. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-hyojickc on Mittwoch, 28. Juni 2023 19:02
I recently had work done on my computer, including replacing the solid state drive, which resulted in me losing access to LastPass and subsequently my email and other accounts. I use my hotmail address, which is my real name, but I can only remember a few passwords that I regularly use. Unfortunately, Microsoft's helpline directs me online to recover my account, which requires access to my old email address that I can no longer reach. I have set up a new email for situations like this but need crucial information from my old account. Since I do not own a smartphone or use other devices to sign in, I am unable to reset my password as Microsoft claims I have not provided sufficient verification. I tried answering security questions, but I do not email people, making it challenging to remember specific details from my inbox. The importance lies in retrieving a specific message sent to myself in my hotmail account.
Reported by GetHuman8543441 on Donnerstag, 3. August 2023 20:31
I am having trouble accessing my Hotmail email account as it is asking for a password. I have tried all the passwords I can recall but am unable to reset it as I don't have a secondary email or phone number linked. I resorted to using someone else's email to receive a code, but I'm now concerned as it felt like a scam due to the amount of personal information requested. Unfortunately, I can't receive any emails for help as I can't access my account without the password. This is worrying as I receive important billing notifications through that email. Kindly reach out to me for assistance via phone at [redacted]. - Tom F.
Reported by GetHuman-thfen on Dienstag, 5. September 2023 15:50
Hello, I'm reaching out from my alternate email address at [redacted] I'm attempting to access my other email account, [redacted] When entering my login credentials: Email: [redacted] - confirmed Password: D……[redacted] - confirmed The system prompted a verification code sent to my previous phone number, which I no longer possess. Consequently, I am unable to access my account. My current phone number is [redacted]. I kindly ask for prompt assistance in resolving this matter. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-sabintec on Dienstag, 19. September 2023 00:56
Every time I open my Outlook account, a Microsoft page pops up with the first line saying "Microsoft Respects Your Privacy." There are four pages, including an ad for Microsoft products. I can navigate through them by clicking a box at the bottom right corner, but they keep reappearing every time I log in. It's frustrating and ironic that a message about privacy keeps intruding on my account. I have tried my security system, but it doesn't help. I'm concerned if this could be a security issue. I need guidance on how to get rid of these unwanted pages for good.
Reported by GetHuman-rvmcmill on Mittwoch, 4. Oktober 2023 18:07
I recently kept receiving pop-ups prompting me to renew my Microsoft [redacted] subscription. I attempted various methods to identify my current subscription status, hoping to speak with someone from accounting instead of a tech expert. After three days of unsuccessful attempts, I decided to proceed with what I believed was the renewal process. I provided all the requested information, particularly my Mastercard details because the one displayed had been compromised in the past. However, I am now receiving pop-ups indicating that my subscription was canceled as of March 24th. This situation is confusing, and I require assistance from a customer service representative to clarify my current status. Thank you, B. Walton [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8713551 on Montag, 15. Januar 2024 16:21

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