Kohl's Customer Service Issues

Archive 8

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Kohl's customer service, archive #8. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported July 24, 2022 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Unfortunately, due to my husband's health condition, I have been unable to shop at Kohl's, despite being a longtime loyal customer. The current situation with the lack of sales and high prices, especially in Sephora, has disappointed me. I recently received a 30% off coupon, but the changes in the store have made shopping there less enjoyable. I have heard rumors of bankruptcy, which saddened me as I have already noticed the absence of some of my favorite brands. I am considering returning the items I purchased and will share my experience with friends. I hope Kohl's can overcome these challenges, but changes may be needed in upper management for the store to succeed. Good luck to Kohl's in the future.
Reported by GetHuman-dkharm on воскресенье, 24 июля 2022 г., 23:27
Re: Order #[redacted] For: J.A. Sanders [redacted] Trousdale Ln Columbia, TN [redacted] Hello, I placed an order today to be shipped to my address in TN as listed above. However, after placing the order, I noticed that one item, the Reef Ortho Spring Women’s Flip Flop Sandals, needed to be picked up from Austell, GA. Since I live in TN, I will not be able to pick up the item from Austell, GA. I immediately contacted customer service, but unfortunately, I had difficulty understanding the representative. I requested to cancel the entire order and speak to a manager, but after being transferred, no one picked up the call for about 5 minutes. This experience has left me very dissatisfied with Kohl's. I kindly request that this issue be resolved promptly. Thank you, Julia Sanders
Reported by GetHuman7730177 on вторник, 16 августа 2022 г., 20:07
On October 6, [redacted], while shopping at the store, I felt uncomfortable noticing employees discussing me. Their behavior made me feel uneasy, especially when one of them took my cart without permission. When I returned a few days later, I experienced further distress as I felt followed and watched constantly. My attempt to purchase a duffle bag led to an embarrassing encounter with an employee who aggressively took my basket. The situation escalated when an employee outside the dressing room recorded me without consent, causing me great distress and humiliation. I believe the treatment I received was unacceptable and inappropriate. I hope that the matter will be addressed promptly as I do not expect to be treated this way at a reputable store like Kohl's.
Reported by GetHuman-jjmendob on среда, 12 октября 2022 г., 3:53
1. I am having trouble accessing my online payment. I recently switched to receiving paper bills because the paperless statements were too confusing. Can you please provide me with the information I need to access my statement? 2. Could you please provide me with the dates for the statement period? I have been making frequent orders from Kohl's lately, and the amount due seems unclear as it changes daily. I want to ensure I pay off the amount owed for the December statement period only to avoid accruing interest. Since I receive my payment once a month, any charges from my most recent purchases should fall into the following statement period, correct?
Reported by GetHuman8026517 on четверг, 15 декабря 2022 г., 18:31
I recently set up my payment to be due on 12/20/22 for my Kohl's account, with the payment originally due on 12/25/22. However, I noticed the amount due increased on my statement after making purchases. I've been having trouble accessing the Kohl's website to view my account details, as I rely on my bank card to track the exact amount due each month to avoid late fees. I switched to paperless billing, but without a clear statement end date, it's challenging to determine what is currently due and what can wait until the next billing cycle. When contacting customer service, I struggle to communicate with representatives in other countries, leading to misunderstandings on both sides.
Reported by GetHuman8026517 on четверг, 15 декабря 2022 г., 18:41
I had a situation at a Bardstown Rd store in Fern Creek, Louisville KY where I returned a coffee maker without a receipt. Despite the $[redacted].00 price, they issued me store credit for a slightly lower amount, which I understood. After shopping and spending about $[redacted].00, I realized I didn't have the store credit card with me. The store had closed, and I couldn't recall receiving it back from the cashier. I called the store the next day but was informed they couldn't find the card or issue a new one using my receipts. Loss prevention requested information from my receipt to check the video footage, but they later claimed the cashier had returned the card to me. I requested to see the video but was denied access. I believe they could verify the remaining balance on the card from the receipt, cancel it, and provide a new one. I still have all my receipts and don't understand why they won't assist me in recovering my credit.
Reported by GetHuman8067482 on воскресенье, 1 января 2023 г., 14:25
I parked in front of the Kohl's doors because I was experiencing chest pains due to my cardiac issues and had left my dog in the car with the keys and flashers on. A female employee described as a 5'5" tall white woman with glasses, chunky build, shoulder-length hair, and a sweater with keys around her neck, approached me in a rude manner, yelling about my car being parked there. She continued to make a scene in front of other customers, insisting that I move my car before receiving any assistance. Despite my attempts to explain my emergency situation to her, she berated me in front of everyone and then walked away without offering any help or an apology. Other customers who witnessed this behavior also expressed their concerns to me and mentioned they would report her to the manager. I ended up having to seek emergency care at a nearby clinic due to my cardiac condition. I believe her actions were inappropriate, and she should not be representing Kohl's in this manner.
Reported by GetHuman-dgmauric on среда, 4 января 2023 г., 18:23
I inquired with the on-duty manager at my local Kohl's about honoring my $40 Kohl's Cash that expired on March 31st. I reached out on April 1st. Unfortunately, I was informed that they would not honor it, and the manner in which I was spoken to was unsatisfactory from both the manager and another cashier. I contacted the [redacted] number, but the communication barrier with the representative abroad added to my frustration. Spending nearly two hours trying to resolve this issue led me nowhere. Eventually, after a 45-minute wait on hold, I spoke to an agent and decided to cancel my Kohl's credit card due to the poor experience. It is essential for me to express my dissatisfaction directly to a representative in the United States about why I took my business elsewhere. I not only canceled my card but also vow to never shop at Kohl's again.
Reported by GetHuman-mdhobson on вторник, 4 апреля 2023 г., 2:27
Hello, I arranged for UPS to pick up a return from my home. Due to recent back surgery and physical restrictions, I am unable to manage the return on my own. Unfortunately, I was only given one shipping label over the phone despite having two anti-gravity chairs to return. The reference number is [redacted]92. Could you please issue another shipping label for UPS to collect the second chair? Thank you. From Carol Bock.
Reported by GetHuman-csbock on суббота, 10 июня 2023 г., 0:45
I purchased Croft and Barrows Yoga pants in petite size 14. I specifically chose this item and did not authorize any substitutions. In a previous order, I received the wrong pants and had to pay $14.95 to return them due to a label issue. As someone with knee problems, returning items in person is difficult for me. Unfortunately, the replacement pants sent were the wrong size and style, a regular size 14 dress pant instead of the petite size I require. As this was an error on your end, I am seeking a prepaid return label to send back the incorrect item.
Reported by GetHuman-lovefh on пятница, 16 июня 2023 г., 3:08
I had a problem placing an order on June 11, so I called and completed it over the phone instead. On June 13, I got an email saying my account was locked. I followed the instructions three times but got emails saying my reset request had expired each time, even though I checked immediately. I left it and tried again this morning, June 17, and still can't reset my password. Can someone please assist me with this problem? I've been a loyal Kohl's customer for years and want to keep using my online account. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-lpitonzo on суббота, 17 июня 2023 г., 11:06
I recently visited the Medina store and found the staff to be friendly and helpful. However, I did have a concern regarding the location of the petite department in relation to the women's department and the dressing rooms being situated far apart. When inquiring about additional dressing rooms, I was informed that there was another one located in the men's department, as they are not gender-specific. While I respect individuals with gender identity issues, I personally feel more comfortable and secure using a dressing room designated for women only. I believe that separate dressing rooms for men and women should be provided, along with an additional one for special circumstances. If this is a company-wide policy, I may have reservations about shopping there in the future.
Reported by GetHuman-dcmdw on вторник, 20 июня 2023 г., 20:16
I visited X to exchange a pair of capris for a different one. The associate, claiming to be the manager, at the Grafton store informed me I couldn't do an even exchange despite both items having the same price. I've been a loyal customer at Kohl's for over 30 years and never faced such a situation. The manager showed no willingness to resolve my issue, spoke condescendingly, and disregarded my concerns. As an MVC member, I'm deeply disappointed by the treatment I received and will not be returning to your stores.
Reported by GetHuman8449876 on четверг, 22 июня 2023 г., 0:08
I am disappointed with Kohl's for failing to communicate with me regarding a missed payment. I recently changed checking accounts due to fraudulent activity and forgot to update my payment details with the company. As a nurse at sea for extended periods, I was surprised to see a negative impact on my credit score as Kohl's did not inform me that payments were missed. Only after noticing the credit report hit did I settle the balance. Subsequently, I received an email notification of a required payment on 7/12/23, which was the sole notice sent. I request the removal of the negative credit mark. Once resolved, I will close my Kohl's account. Regards, L. Kluth.
Reported by GetHuman-lkluth on суббота, 15 июля 2023 г., 8:33
I purchased three items from Kohl’s: an Amazon Echo, a 4K Fire Stick, and a bath towel. Scheduled delivery was between August 5th-9th, but the tracking now shows "sent back to sender." After reaching out on the 11th and being advised to wait, I called back on the 19th. Now, I'm told I won't get a refund until 30 days post-return center receipt of the missing package. To get the items, I must repurchase at full price. Having spent $55 initially, I'm hesitant to pay over $[redacted] and await a refund and reimbursement. I expected better customer service, possibly re-sending without extra costs. Reordering over the phone wasn’t an option, so I’m left to reorder, call again for reimbursement, and hope for a resolution. I just want my original order without the added expense. A discount or gesture for the inconvenience would be appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-jmedi on суббота, 19 августа 2023 г., 18:24
I worked at Kohls on Agora ParkWay recently. Following my termination, I was asked to complete a survey about my employment experience. When I contacted my manager to discuss the reasons for my dismissal, they claimed that I requested to leave the job, which is false. I requested to verify the number used for this claim, but my request was denied. Despite explaining the mistake, my concerns were not addressed. I am considering taking further action if this issue is not resolved promptly.
Reported by GetHuman8631194 on пятница, 22 сентября 2023 г., 19:46
I had a smooth return process. I initially used my debit card for the purchase. However, Kohl’s policy states I should have had the choice to receive cash during the return. Unfortunately, I was told the refund must go back to the original card. I urgently require the funds for bill payments due to my unemployment. Waiting 7-10 business days for the refund to show up in my bank account is challenging. Is there any way to expedite the refund or provide me with cash instead?
Reported by GetHuman8635155 on понедельник, 25 сентября 2023 г., 21:54
I attempted to submit an order online, but due to cell reception problems, I am unsure if it went through. I would appreciate it if you could confirm whether the order was received, provide the total cost billed to my Kohl's charge card, specify the estimated delivery date, and offer guidance on how to track the order online. This order is particularly significant to me as it is intended as a gift. I value a swift response. I have been a loyal Kohl's customer for an extended period.
Reported by GetHuman8662175 on воскресенье, 15 октября 2023 г., 19:42
Hello, I'm Nicolás from Argentina. I have an LLC in New Mexico and recently engaged a 3PL service in Florida. I encountered issues while trying to buy products from khols.com, using my Argentine debit card with a billing address in New Mexico and a shipping address in Florida. Despite using my personal Paypal account and my US LLC debit card, all purchases were canceled. I'm unsure how to resolve this situation. Thank you for any advice.
Reported by GetHuman-nicofaud on вторник, 7 ноября 2023 г., 14:55
I placed an order today, 11/14/[redacted], for the SharkMatrix Plus 2-in-1 Robot Vacuum RV2610WD, but it was the wrong item. I tried to cancel it with Kohl's customer service, but they mentioned a 7-minute cancellation window, which I missed by 30 minutes based on my first attempt. Despite trying different phone numbers, their online agents continued to deny my request. I plan to return the item once it arrives because 7 minutes wasn't enough time to cancel. When I checked my email for the order number, Kohl's had strangely removed it. If anyone from Kohl's sees this and can cancel the vacuum order, it would be greatly appreciated, saving me the trouble and Kohl's shipping costs.
Reported by GetHuman8697003 on вторник, 14 ноября 2023 г., 15:12

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