Kindle Customer Service Issues

Archive 9

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Kindle customer service, archive #9. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported March 9, 2022 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
When I try to purchase a book on the App Store, I can only read a chapter or two before being prompted to buy it. The same issue occurs when I try to buy a different book. I am unsure of how many books are available for purchase. Can you provide me with this information and resolve the problem? I am also confused about the use of "read" or "read" in the app. Could you clarify if it means I need to read or if it has been read? Additionally, is it possible to show the percentage of the book that has been read, such as 0% or another value? I am seeking assistance with this issue as my frustration has led me to seek help from my husband. Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman7198418 on mercoledì 9 marzo 2022 16:18
I am the author of the book "Jesse Busdegan: A Social Media Predator" available in Kindle Edition. The book discusses Jesse's behavior as a narcissistic meth user who manipulates and preys on others on social media. Despite requesting its removal due to the impact on my life, it has not been taken down as promised.
Reported by GetHuman7230220 on giovedì 17 marzo 2022 13:40
Subject: Issue with Kindle Subscription Charges Dear Sir/Madam, I downloaded a book on a free 30-day trial four months ago on the Kindle app. I found it challenging to locate the unsubscribe option to cancel my subscription. Consequently, I have been charged four times, even though I am no longer using the service. I am quite frustrated by this situation. I kindly request your assistance in investigating this matter and processing a refund for the months I have been incorrectly charged. Warm regards, Mrs. P. Brown
Reported by GetHuman7321862 on sabato 9 aprile 2022 17:52
My Kindle Paperwhite froze, so I rebooted it. After the reboot, I received a critical error message. Following the reset, I tried to connect to the internet and was prompted to register the device. I input my Amazon account information, but the "Sign In" button was disabled, leaving only the option to "Create a New Account." I hesitated to proceed as I want to link the Kindle to my existing Amazon account, not create a new one. I am unsure of how to proceed as I was only given the new account option. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman7396680 on domenica 1 maggio 2022 12:25
I recently purchased a Kindle through Amazon and turned it on. I was offered three months of Kindle's best plan for free followed by monthly pricing. I selected this offer and entered my card details. The service worked initially as I downloaded the first two books. However, when I tried to download a third book that was supposed to be free, I was prompted to pay for it due to a change in my Kindle subscription status only 10 minutes into the plan. A few days later, my entire Kindle plan disappeared, along with the books I had downloaded. Amazon Kindle is now offering me the same three-month promotion but at a price higher than free, followed by a monthly service charge after the promotional period.
Reported by GetHuman3485322 on giovedì 5 maggio 2022 13:34
Regarding KDP case number [redacted]9, I reached out to my KDP Project Manager, Kim Johnson, about my book titled "Pizza Party." Upon reviewing the ebook and paperback copies, I noticed that the interior text on pages 17 and 29 was incorrect. Despite informing Kim Johnson of these errors, I was informed that the Revision period had expired and I would need to pay $19.00 for each revision for both the ebook and paperback versions of my book. I paid for the revisions and requested the word "and" be deleted on page 17, and the duplicate "Three" be replaced with "Third" on page 29. After the revisions were allegedly completed, I ordered an author copy on June 6, [redacted], only to find that the interior text was still incorrect. I am reaching out for assistance on fixing this issue promptly so that the public can purchase my book. Thank you for your help in resolving this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-easond on martedì 5 luglio 2022 16:49
I recently received a Kindle Paperwhite as a gift. However, my old Kindle is linked to an outdated email address that I can no longer access. I am unable to update the email associated with my Kindle account to my current email, preventing me from setting up my new device and transferring content from the old one. I tried to create a new account with my current email on my phone and laptop in the past, but I couldn't access any of the content from the old Kindle. I would greatly appreciate any guidance on how to merge these accounts into one connected to my current email address. Thank you for any assistance.
Reported by GetHuman-cantosol on sabato 9 luglio 2022 09:33
I recently encountered a notification while using Kindle Create prompting me to install the newest version, 1.68.00. Previously, I had provided feedback regarding issues with cutting and pasting content, which sometimes resulted in a prompt to convert content to plain text. With the newest version, I'm hoping this problem will be resolved. However, I am concerned that installing the new version may erase the book I am currently working on. As someone who is not very tech-savvy, I appreciate any guidance on how to ensure that my work is saved during the update process. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman7625618 on martedì 12 luglio 2022 10:22
I am concerned about the declining quality of Kindle books recently. I have noticed several issues like misspellings, wrong character names, improper word usage, and poor grammar. It seems like there is a lack of proofreading before these books are published. Spell check cannot catch all the errors, and this has become more noticeable in the last few months. For example, I just finished reading Kathryn Shay's latest novel, The President's Daughters (#4), and it was riddled with mistakes. I am not seeking a refund, but I am baffled by this sudden drop in quality. I understand that Kindle is a convenient platform for reading, but the decline in book quality is disappointing.
Reported by GetHuman-leehanco on domenica 21 agosto 2022 17:46
Subject: Issue with Display of E-Book "The Color of the Sky at Dusk" I am the author of the e-book "The Color of the Sky at Dusk" with the ASIN B0BG26S48D, published through KDP. I am encountering display issues with the Kindle version on both Kindle for PC and the "look inside" feature on Amazon. While the Kindle Create file and my personal Kindle device display the book correctly, there seem to be formatting problems on other platforms. After communicating with Amazon KDP, I was advised to reach out to you regarding the specific Kindle versions of my book. I kindly ask for your assistance in resolving this matter. Please review the book's display issues and provide guidance on how to rectify them. If additional details are needed, feel free to request them from me. Thank you for your help. Best regards.
Reported by GetHuman-nimrom on martedì 4 ottobre 2022 19:30
I have self-published a book on Kindle Direct Publishing under my own account. I need to make two changes: 1. I need to transfer the book from my personal KDP account (B091J1MB83, B093RP1ZWL) to a publisher's account as I've recently secured a publishing deal and they need to manage its promotion and sales. 2. I need to update the list of authors by removing individuals added as co-authors by mistake. This is urgent and I need assistance this week as I have been unable to reach anyone for help.
Reported by GetHuman7868337 on domenica 9 ottobre 2022 08:49
I have self-published a book on Kindle Direct Publishing under my own account and need to make two changes: 1. The book is available in two formats on my personal KDP account (B091J1MB83, B093RP1ZWL). 2. I need to update the list of authors by removing individuals added as co-authors by mistake. I am urgently seeking assistance with transferring the book from my personal account to a publisher's account. This is crucial as I have recently secured a publishing deal, and the book needs to be linked to their Amazon account for promotion and sales management. I have been unable to reach anyone for help and require this to be completed by the end of the week.
Reported by GetHuman7868337 on domenica 9 ottobre 2022 08:51
I encountered difficulty opening two books on my Kindle (10th generation), "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel and "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Despite reaching out to Kindle customer service for assistance, the issue remains unresolved. Consequently, I removed both books from my Kindle, received refunds from Amazon, and repurchased them. Following the new downloads, the books automatically found their correct collections on my Kindle but remain inaccessible from my library. Interestingly, when searching for them on the device, the books open to the last read page. Furthermore, I noticed that the Amazon refund for "The Case for Christ" was $4.31, while the original purchase price was $12.95, leaving a balance of $8.64 owed to me by Amazon.
Reported by GetHuman7902742 on lunedì 24 ottobre 2022 19:49
My Kindle reader, which I have been using for over five years every night before I sleep, has suddenly stopped working. The green light at the bottom turns on, and the screen lights up, but it remains stuck on a white page without displaying any content or responding to any commands. This is particularly frustrating as I was close to finishing a lengthy book that I had been reading for over 40 days. I have another Kindle of the same model, but it has not been used recently due to the first one working perfectly until now. When I tried to switch to the second Kindle, I realized I had forgotten the password and was unable to connect to the network. I reside in the Chicago, Illinois area and am open to visiting a repair center if that is your recommended course of action.
Reported by GetHuman-edmurnan on domenica 30 ottobre 2022 22:26
I am experiencing issues with the internet browser on my new Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition, which was purchased on 11/25. The setup went smoothly, and the firmware was updated to Kindle 5.15.1 without any problems. Wi-Fi setup is working fine, and charging is normal. I can access Amazon and my local libraries through Overdrive and Libby. I've successfully downloaded Kindle format books from my local library, and they are visible in my Kindle library and readable. However, when I try to use the browser by clicking on the Web Browser switch on the home page, the page that opens is blank except for the URL bar. Typing in a URL like Overdrive results in a distorted website that is not functional. I've tried refreshing the browser and entering new URLs, but they won't load. None of the menu options like browser settings are responsive. I attempted a soft reset to no avail. At this point, the browser seems unresponsive, and I don't want to do a Factory Reset and lose all my settings and books unless it's necessary. If there's something I missed, please advise. Thank you, R.Day.
Reported by GetHuman7981702 on lunedì 28 novembre 2022 02:50
I will be passing on my entire library to my children when I'm gone. Exploring these books will offer them insights into who I am, our family, and themselves. Unfortunately, I've transitioned to buying most of my books in Kindle format lately. This means my kids might miss out on this valuable collection. I urge Amazon to consider introducing a policy that allows Kindle library owners to designate one child to inherit a copy of each Kindle book they own. This change would be low-cost for Amazon but greatly increase the value of purchases for me and others. I've reached out to Amazon multiple times in the past without any response. I hope this attempt will yield a different outcome. Best regards, Jack P.
Reported by GetHuman7988053 on mercoledì 30 novembre 2022 04:13
I submitted my manuscript on KDP, and I keep receiving a message stating they are experiencing issues processing the interior. I have checked it multiple times following the size and formatting guidelines but cannot identify the problem. I am also facing a similar issue with the cover. KDP is struggling to process it, and I am unsure what the problem is. Any guidance on how to resolve these issues would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman5933999 on mercoledì 30 novembre 2022 16:46
I am currently on hold with Amazon attempting to update my email, phone number, and other details associated with my Kindle account for the book I self-published on April 2, [redacted], titled "Return to Pure Worship" by Bobbi Mercer. Kindle is informing me that I cannot access my book reports as my old email, [redacted], is no longer active since I closed it down five years ago. The book details are as follows: ASIN: B00VMSEMOO Publisher: Mercy Publishing (April 2, [redacted]) Publication Date: April 2, [redacted] "Return to Pure Worship" by Bobbi Mercer
Reported by GetHuman8002769 on lunedì 5 dicembre 2022 22:35
Hello, I am seeking assistance with my Kindle Fire (9th generation) and the BBC News app. After encountering some issues with the app, I decided to uninstall and reinstall it. However, upon attempting to download it from the App Store again, I noticed that the icon displays with an "OPEN" box beside it. When I try to open the app, nothing occurs due to it already being removed. I confirmed it's no longer listed among my downloaded apps. Can someone please assist with this matter? Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8003862 on martedì 6 dicembre 2022 12:07
After a technician upgraded my system to Windows 10, my files and photos became disorganized. Unfortunately, I wasn't instructed to back up my data prior to the upgrade. I recently discovered that my newest book file is saved in WordPad format. Is there a simple way to convert this back to Kindle format or is it impossible? Even my book cover file is now messed up. Since you're not directly associated with Kindle, I realize this might be a complex issue that you might not be able to assist with.
Reported by GetHuman8041873 on mercoledì 21 dicembre 2022 23:12

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