Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 752

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #752. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported August 8, 2019 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
My Facebook account got locked after someone logged in from Toronto, Canada, while I am in Victoria, BC. After unlocking it, another login was detected from Algeria, followed by one from California. It seems like a bot attack. Now, I am completely locked out of my account. When I request a code from Facebook, I keep receiving the same code repeatedly, but it never works when I input it. Clicking on the "change password" link in the email only leads me back to the main page prompting me to request a code again, which turns out to be the same non-working code I keep receiving. I've also received emails in Arabic about new codes that also don't work. After several failed attempts, a notification appears stating I've entered incorrect codes too many times and to try again later. Meanwhile, my account remains locked, causing confusion among my friends who think I have blocked them.
Reported by GetHuman3392187 on गुरूवार, ८ अगस्त २०१९, शाम ५:१७ बजे
I was falsely reported for impersonation on Facebook about a month ago. I followed their request to send my personal ID through the recovery chatbox. Despite sending my Citizen ID, after two weeks, I received an automated message asking for my personal ID again. Unsure if Facebook only considers images from the last message, I sent another image of my personal ID inside my Passport without any response. Although I sent additional messages providing information, I received no further communication. Now, I am unable to access the chatbox. Despite providing all required IDs, Facebook has taken no action and disabled my ability to contact them. Is there any recourse available to me at this stage?
Reported by GetHuman3392406 on गुरूवार, ८ अगस्त २०१९, शाम ५:५१ बजे
Hello, I’m reaching out on behalf of my mother. Her name is Ursula McGeary, and she recently purchased a new phone. However, upon trying to log back into her Facebook account after installing the app, she encountered issues with logging in and recovering her password. The reset link option was not available, and her attempts to create a new account using a different email address and password were unsuccessful due to alleged suspicious activity. Despite providing the necessary photo verification, her account was disabled. I tried creating new email addresses and using a different phone number for verification, but each attempt led to her accounts being disabled without any activity. I’m seeking assistance in resetting or deleting any profiles associated with her name so we can start fresh. The email addresses used are [redacted] and [redacted] We have exhausted all other options to resolve this issue, and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Padraig
Reported by GetHuman3392624 on गुरूवार, ८ अगस्त २०१९, शाम ६:२३ बजे
My family and I are facing false accusations on Facebook. Despite reporting the individual's profile and multiple posts, no action has been taken. They are spreading lies that my boyfriend and I stole from their car, which is entirely untrue as no charges have been filed. Screenshots of our profiles have been posted all over Facebook, with derogatory remarks. They have even messaged our children about it. I am seeking to have these misleading posts removed to prevent further harm to our reputation and well-being. The individual responsible for these posts is Stephanie M. Matlock from Corbin, KY.
Reported by GetHuman-ruthlewi on गुरूवार, ८ अगस्त २०१९, शाम ६:५५ बजे
Hello, I am unsure if my account was hacked, but I am unable to access it. One day, I tried to log into Facebook and discovered I was logged out. After multiple unsuccessful login attempts, I tried to reset my password but was informed that my email was not associated with a Facebook account. Consequently, I created a new account through which I play Coinmaster. However, when I try to add friends for card and spin exchanges, they cannot find me but my old account still appears. I am keen to regain access to my old account to delete it and resolve these issues. Is there a way to address this? Thank you, Paul H.
Reported by GetHuman-nikey on गुरूवार, ८ अगस्त २०१९, शाम ७:०४ बजे
I am currently locked out of my professional Facebook account and have attempted the verification process without success. I last updated my Facebook account yesterday before being locked out. I have tried changing my password multiple times, answered the verification questions and provided photos. Unfortunately, I cannot verify my birthday as I used a fake one to protect my personal information. It's concerning that even though I am locked out, my account still shows me as online when checked by a friend.
Reported by GetHuman-brentwe on गुरूवार, ८ अगस्त २०१९, शाम ७:१२ बजे
I'm concerned about the security of my Facebook account. I initially created an account in [redacted] under the name "Ukana Victor," which was recently hacked and changed to "Tonia Maxwell." The hacker used it to impersonate others. I am puzzled about how this breach occurred as I assumed my account was secure. In an attempt to regain access, I used a friend's account called "William Hubert" momentarily and then switched it back to my original name after contacting Facebook about my compromised account. Unfortunately, Facebook promptly disabled that account. Subsequently, I unknowingly recreated an account under my original name, as I preferred not to use an alternative name, and it was swiftly disabled right after I reached out to my old contacts. I simply wish for Facebook to assist in recovering my hacked account under the name "Tonia Maxwell." Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-ukanavic on गुरूवार, ८ अगस्त २०१९, रात ८:३७ बजे
My comment is currently under review due to some strong language I used out of anger. The video and subsequent comments evoked strong emotions, with people quick to label things as racist. I am frustrated with this ongoing issue. It seems like on Facebook, people can easily play the "Race Card," which only further adds to the division and victim mentality in our society. Facebook should reconsider its policies on such matters. Allowing every issue to turn into a race debate is harmful and counterproductive. We need to address these situations more directly and not resort to accusations of racism at every turn. It's crucial to understand that just because there are differing opinions doesn't automatically make someone racist. It's time for someone to take a stand against this trend.
Reported by GetHuman3393859 on गुरूवार, ८ अगस्त २०१९, रात ९:५७ बजे
I have encountered issues while attempting to set up new Facebook personal and business accounts. Despite uploading content and confirming my identity, I received a security notification accusing me of impersonation. Despite providing a photo when requested, my accounts keep getting shut down. I have tried contacting Facebook through various email addresses unsuccessfully. They have never requested my driver's license or passport. I am seeking guidance on verifying my identity to run Facebook and Instagram accounts for business purposes. How can I reach a Facebook representative to resolve this matter and confirm that I am the rightful account owner?
Reported by GetHuman3393867 on गुरूवार, ८ अगस्त २०१९, रात ९:५९ बजे
I have experienced multiple hacking incidents and despite my efforts to create new accounts to avoid them, my Facebook account was unexpectedly disabled. I suffer from aftereffects of a recent stroke which sometimes impairs my memory and cognition, worsened by stress. As a chronically ill individual, Facebook is crucial for my freelance work and international connections. I have repeatedly submitted my photo and completed numerous recovery forms and emails, but have received no assistance from Facebook. The lack of a customer support phone line adds to my frustration. It is disheartening that my attempts to communicate seem unnoticed. I am facing obstacles due to my health limitations and financial constraints. I am reaching out for help in restoring my mistakenly disabled account.
Reported by GetHuman3393901 on गुरूवार, ८ अगस्त २०१९, रात १०:०५ बजे
I didn't change my password on Facebook, but the linked email is old and unreachable. After verifying my ID to update the email, it was changed back to the old one by an unauthorized user around 1:30 am. I re-submitted my ID but haven't received further emails. I need a code sent to my new email or phone to recover my account. I'm willing to answer security questions, but this option was not available. Currently, only the old email, which I can't access, is receiving the recovery code.
Reported by GetHuman-jacyhee on गुरूवार, ८ अगस्त २०१९, रात ११:१३ बजे
I need to recover access to my radio station website account and the associated Facebook page for Amped UP Radio.FM. The issue arose when ownership of the website and social media accounts changed after I left California, where they were originally set up with a web designer. Unfortunately, I am unable to access the Facebook page because the recovery phone numbers are outdated and the email address linked to the account ([redacted]) no longer exists. Our new email accounts are now [redacted] and [redacted] Please assist me in resetting the password and providing any necessary login information so I can update our website's Facebook page with the new logo and improvements. You can reach me at the website www.ampedupradiofm.com. Thank you. - Eric Lee Huffman (DJ E-Mix), Owner of AmpedUPRadioFM
Reported by GetHuman-ampedupr on गुरूवार, ८ अगस्त २०१९, रात ११:३४ बजे
I attempted to log into my Facebook account using my email and password, but the system keeps telling me the password is incorrect. I tried the account recovery process with the codes, but nothing was sent to me. I also tried using my phone number for recovery, but again, nothing was sent. I have been struggling to access my account since then, resulting in setting up two new accounts that were later deleted by Facebook for policy violations.
Reported by GetHuman3394448 on शुक्रवार, ९ अगस्त २०१९, रात १२:१३ बजे
Hi there, I'm hoping my account can be reactivated soon. I made the mistake of sending a picture with a celebrity when asked for a photo. I was assured it wouldn't be used, so I didn't think it would be a problem. I genuinely don't use celebrity photos on my account. Reactivating it would mean a lot to me as I have many friends on the platform and don't want to lose touch with them. Your assistance in reactivating my account would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-hmariejo on शुक्रवार, ९ अगस्त २०१९, रात १२:४० बजे
We recently adopted our daughter, and despite our efforts, her biological parents have refused to take down her pictures from their social media. Our daughter was only with them for a short time, during which she suffered abuse and neglect. As her legal parents now, we are asking for their cooperation in removing the images from their Facebook profiles.
Reported by GetHuman-jinalafa on शुक्रवार, ९ अगस्त २०१९, रात १२:५५ बजे
I recently received alarming news from two friends who informed me that my Facebook account had been hacked. They shared a snippet of a conversation along with personal information and photos that didn't match my usual account background. Although I don't recall this specific post, my friends forwarded it to me through Timeline Review. I immediately updated my password and adjusted my posting settings. Despite these actions, I remain concerned about the security of my account. Is there additional measures I should take to safeguard my information? Would you be able to investigate the suspicious posting on my behalf?
Reported by GetHuman-aletagee on शुक्रवार, ९ अगस्त २०१९, रात १:०० बजे
I recently reactivated my Instagram account and also created a Facebook account under my married name, Edelia Correa, linked to the email [redacted] I observed a suspicious request from a hacker using my maiden name, Edelia Carrion, with only one family member as a friend. It appeared to have been active for some time. I reported this issue. Today, I discovered that my account has been disabled, and I am unable to reach out for assistance. I had my son, Alex Vasquez, investigate and found several active accounts under the name Edelia Carrion. I am puzzled by how this could happen and would appreciate immediate assistance in resolving this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-leilacca on शुक्रवार, ९ अगस्त २०१९, रात १:१५ बजे
Hello, I'm Marie. I have three Facebook accounts, but I only use one actively, named "Marie Ramirez." One of the other two accounts seems to be hacked. The hacker is sending inappropriate messages to my contacts. I confronted them via Messenger, and they threatened me to send them money via Cash App, even mentioning harm to me if I refuse. Unfortunately, I no longer have the phone number linked to that particular account and can't access it anymore. I kindly seek assistance in regaining control of that compromised account or having it permanently deleted. Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman3394690 on शुक्रवार, ९ अगस्त २०१९, रात १:१८ बजे
Hello Facebook support team, I am encountering issues logging into my account as I have forgotten my password. I have only verified my account through my phone number and not an email address. I attempted to recover my account by requesting a confirmation code to be sent to my phone number by Facebook. However, the code was sent to a different phone number that I do not recognize. I have searched for this number and it belongs to someone unknown to me, and I did not input this number in my account previously. Kindly assist me in regaining access to my account. The phone number associated with my account is [redacted][redacted]. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman3394698 on शुक्रवार, ९ अगस्त २०१९, रात १:२१ बजे
I am struggling to regain access to my old account. Despite trying various methods, all have been unsuccessful. I attempted to log in by guessing the password periodically. The account was associated with the email address [redacted], and my username was ahmad j ahmad. I previously tried to recover the account by submitting my government-issued ID per an older protocol. However, Facebook does not show any account linked to [redacted] now. How can I go about recovering this account? I created it over a decade ago while I was in Africa, specifically in Sierra Leone.
Reported by GetHuman-ahmadbon on शुक्रवार, ९ अगस्त २०१९, रात १:३४ बजे

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