Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 1831

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #1831. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported January 21, 2024 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Dear Facebook Team, I am experiencing an issue with my authentic Facebook account. Although I have already submitted my real identity card to recover my account, it seems the problem still persists. My account holds crucial business documents and information, making it very important to me. I kindly request your assistance in resolving this matter promptly and reopening my account. Account Details: Account name: [redacted] Number: [redacted] Email: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8714200 on रविवार, २१ जनवरी २०२४, रात ३:२० बजे
Dear Facebook Team, I am a genuine user of this account and I have been encountering the issue of a review request for quite some time now. I have already submitted all the necessary identity documents to prove my authenticity and have not received any response from the Facebook team. I kindly request you to review my appeal and reopen my Facebook account at your earliest convenience. Thank you, Email: [redacted] Date of Birth: 1.1.[redacted] Name: Ohnmar Thant
Reported by GetHuman8714253 on रविवार, २१ जनवरी २०२४, दोपहर ३:५३ बजे
Hello, my personal Facebook account was disabled mistakenly. When I tried to log in, I received a message from your team stating that my account has been disabled and the decision cannot be reviewed. I am a genuine user and I believe I have not violated any of Facebook's community standards. I have provided all necessary identity verification information. Kindly review the situation and reactivate my Facebook account. Thank you. Email: [redacted] Mobile number: [redacted] Date of Birth: 11-09-[redacted] Country: India
Reported by GetHuman8714430 on मंगलवार, २३ जनवरी २०२४, दोपहर १२:४१ बजे
Hello Facebook Team, I am a genuine user of this account and have been experiencing the issue of a review request on my Facebook account for quite some time. I have already provided all the necessary identification to reopen my account, but I have not received any response from the Facebook team. I kindly request you to review my appeal promptly and reactivate my Facebook account at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Rakesh K. Saini
Reported by GetHuman8714200 on बुधवार, २४ जनवरी २०२४, रात ३:०४ बजे
Dear Facebook Team, I am reaching out regarding my disabled main Facebook account. There were crucial files and items stored there that hold immense importance for me. I am unable to access my account due to an error, and it is causing me significant worry. I understand and respect Facebook's policies now and assure you that I will not repeat any mistakes. Please consider this and provide me with the opportunity to regain access to my account. Thank you for your understanding and assistance. Sincerely, Kit Jacinto
Reported by GetHuman-jacintog on बुधवार, २४ जनवरी २०२४, शाम ६:४८ बजे
Dear Facebook Team, I am writing to inform you about the continuous issue I am facing with the review request for my Facebook account. Although I have submitted all the necessary identification documents, I have not received any response from your team. I kindly ask you to speed up the review process and reopen my Facebook account promptly. Thank you for your quick assistance on this matter. Email: [redacted] Account/ID Birthday: February 13, [redacted] Account/ID Name: Ei Khaing Win Thanks, Admin Team
Reported by GetHuman-athinko on बुधवार, ३१ जनवरी २०२४, सुबह ५:२२ बजे
Dear Facebook Meta Team, I have noticed that my Facebook account is receiving warnings, while others with similar content are not. I believe this may be an error, as I always make an effort to adhere to Facebook's Community Standards. I kindly request that you review this issue and remove the warnings from my account promptly. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, [initials]
Reported by GetHuman-amojahar on बुधवार, ३१ जनवरी २०२४, दोपहर १:१८ बजे
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Mein Name ist Andreas Hagelstange, geboren am 18.9.[redacted]. Mein Profilname ist Andreas Hagelstange und mein Profilbild zeigt einen jungen Dobermann. Leider habe ich mein Passwort vergessen und kann mich auch nicht an meine E-Mail-Adresse erinnern. Ich bitte Sie darum, mir zu helfen, indem Sie mir eine Codenummer zusenden. In meiner Freundesliste sind Sabrina Franzkowiak, Nicole Frackenpohl, Roland Keller und Rebekka Stahl zu finden. Meine E-Mail-Adresse lautet [redacted] Vielen Dank und mit freundlichen Grüßen, Andreas Hagelstange
Reported by GetHuman-hageland on गुरूवार, १ फ़रवरी २०२४, सुबह ९:०९ बजे
Subject: Urgent - Need Help with Account Review Hello Facebook Team, I need to address an ongoing problem I am facing with the review request for my Facebook account. I have submitted all the necessary identification documents but have not heard back from your team yet. I would appreciate it if you could speed up the review process and reopen my Facebook account as soon as possible. Email: [redacted] Thank you for your assistance. Best regards, Riyad H.
Reported by GetHuman8715123 on गुरूवार, १ फ़रवरी २०२४, शाम ५:१७ बजे
My Facebook account was stolen, and the perpetrator changed all the login information. They are using my name and photos to deceive my friends for money by creating fabricated scenarios. I urgently need to regain access to my account or have Facebook freeze or delete it to prevent further misuse.
Reported by GetHuman8715342 on सोमवार, ५ फ़रवरी २०२४, रात १२:४४ बजे
Dear Facebook Team, I am experiencing an issue with my personal Facebook account where a review has been requested. I have submitted all the necessary documents to confirm my identity, but I have not received any response from the Facebook team. I kindly request your assistance in resolving this matter promptly and reinstating access to my account. Thank you. Account: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-momen_ki on सोमवार, ५ फ़रवरी २०२४, दोपहर १:०० बजे
Dear Facebook team, I am encountering issues with my Facebook account. The message displayed is prompting me to check my email for updates and request further information for review. However, despite my efforts to comply, my account remains disabled. I have not posted any copyright material intentionally, although my account has been restricted in the past briefly. This time, my account's suspension seems to stem from reports by other users. This situation is concerning as I use the account for important communication and have invested significantly in it. I am seeking assistance to resolve this matter promptly.
Reported by GetHuman8715403 on सोमवार, ५ फ़रवरी २०२४, रात ९:१३ बजे
I'm looking for help with Facebook review requests. I need assistance recovering my account from a review requested status and fixing this issue related to Facebook's community standards. Additionally, I'm seeking guidance on recovering a disabled Facebook account and resolving any problems related to disabled accounts or Facebook ad account issues. Any tips or advice on how to address these matters would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-kevatrup on शुक्रवार, ९ फ़रवरी २०२४, सुबह ४:०७ बजे
Karan, your account has been locked. We have noticed unusual activity on your account. This could mean that someone has used your account without your knowledge. Account lock date: September 12, [redacted]. For your safety, your profile will not be visible to others on Facebook, and you will not be able to use your account. What should I do? Avoid using the phone or computer that was used for this activity.
Reported by GetHuman8715711 on शनिवार, १० फ़रवरी २०२४, सुबह ५:२६ बजे
Hello Facebook Team, I am a genuine user of this account and have been experiencing a "review requested" issue on my Facebook account for a while now. I have already submitted all the required identification documents to prove my identity, but unfortunately, there has been no response from the Facebook team. I kindly request you to review my appeal and reactivate my Facebook account at your earliest convenience. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Facebook Account Details: - Name: Baqy Tawellay - Email: [redacted] I am facing an issue where my Facebook account has been automatically closed without any prompt. I believe I have not violated any policies and would like you to review the reason behind the closure. Please reopen my account as it is personal, and if I do not receive a response, I will have to escalate this matter further. Your prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-baqytawe on शनिवार, १० फ़रवरी २०२४, दोपहर ३:५१ बजे
Subject: Urgent Account Review Request for Facebook Dear Facebook Team, I am reaching out regarding an ongoing issue with the review request for my Facebook account. Although I have submitted all required identification documents, I am yet to receive a response from your team. I kindly ask for your prompt assistance in expediting the review process and reopening my Facebook account. Your swift attention to this matter is highly valued. Email: [redacted] [redacted] Name: Riyad Hossain Birthday: 01 Feb [redacted] Phone: +[redacted]-[redacted] Thank you for your help in advance. Sincerely,
Reported by GetHuman8715745 on शनिवार, १० फ़रवरी २०२४, शाम ७:०२ बजे
Dear Facebook Team, My personal account has been disabled by mistake. I am unsure what happened as I always follow the Community Guidelines and rules. I have never posted anything illegal or violated any of Facebook's terms of service. It seems to be a false deactivation. I did not have any intention of violating any of the Community Guidelines. Please reactivate my personal Facebook account promptly. Thank you,
Reported by GetHuman8715794 on रविवार, ११ फ़रवरी २०२४, शाम ६:३७ बजे
I am reaching out to the Facebook team in regards to the 'Review Requested' notification. Despite my attempts, my account is still disabled pending a review of my posts and comments. I acknowledge the significance of following Facebook's Community Standards and I promise to uphold them. I am asking for clarification on the particular posts or comments that triggered this response, and a chance to resolve any infractions. I appreciate Facebook's security protocols and look forward to accessing the platform once the review is done. Thank you for addressing this.
Reported by GetHuman-nasirho on सोमवार, १२ फ़रवरी २०२४, सुबह ७:२९ बजे
👇 To the Facebook Team, I am experiencing issues with a review request on my personal account. I have submitted all necessary identification to verify my account, but I have not received a response from the Facebook team. I kindly request assistance in resolving this matter promptly so that I can regain access to my account. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8715718 on मंगलवार, १३ फ़रवरी २०२४, सुबह ५:०१ बजे
Dear Facebook team, I am experiencing issues with review requests on my personal Facebook account. I suspect this problem may be due to competitors falsely reporting my marketplace account. It seems they are unable to compete fairly. I believe Facebook should notify users about such actions. If there are other issues on my end, I kindly ask for your assistance in resolving them and restoring my marketplace on Facebook.
Reported by GetHuman8716043 on बुधवार, १४ फ़रवरी २०२४, रात १०:५६ बजे

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