Craigslist Customer Service Issues

Archive 44

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Craigslist customer service, archive #44. It includes a selection of 15 issue(s) reported August 24, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I would like to request the immediate removal of my phone number from the post. If this is not addressed promptly, I will be compelled to report this issue to the FTC and FCC. It seems that my number has been wrongly disclosed, and I am eager to have this matter resolved at the earliest. I am considering legal actions to identify the account holders involved. Rest assured, I am taking this matter seriously and will involve the necessary parties to address this issue properly.
Reported by GetHuman8582609 on Thursday, August 24, 2023 9:30 PM
Hello, I've been facing daily harassment with my posts being flagged for over a year. I made seven posts yesterday, and today they're being flagged again. This continuous harassment needs to be addressed, as it's extreme. I do not post anything inappropriate; I'm just looking to connect with friends and meet new people. It's crucial to ensure the safety and well-being of all Craigslist users. Your prompt assistance to resolve this issue and hold the responsible individuals accountable would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-lescheve on Thursday, August 31, 2023 8:07 PM
There is a sick individual flagging pet adoption ads in Vancouver, BC, Canada. In addition to flagging and deleting our posts, he is also sending emails to us. Numerous families are frustrated, and we have not heard from Craigslist. Elderly individuals, children, and families are eager to adopt kittens, yet this person continues to flag every post. The level of frustration is becoming overwhelming. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. The person's name in the email is Tyler M Pendergast.
Reported by GetHuman8593956 on Thursday, August 31, 2023 10:18 PM
I am unsure why I am being targeted by someone who keeps flagging my posts on this platform. Over the past two days, more than 20 of my posts have been flagged within minutes of posting. I am not very skilled with using a laptop, and I believe I am specifically being singled out and harassed by the person responsible for this. Can someone please investigate this matter and assist me in resolving this issue? I am willing to provide all the post numbers that have been flagged if needed.
Reported by GetHuman-lescheve on Friday, September 1, 2023 11:53 PM
My phone number has been misused in a Craigslist ad, causing me to receive inappropriate messages and images at all hours. This has extended to my girlfriend's special needs daughter, resulting in suspicious individuals showing up at their home. We feel extremely unsafe and are considering legal action if this issue is not resolved promptly. My name is Lee Jorgensen, and I can be reached at [redacted]. Urgent contact is required to prevent further escalation, as involving law enforcement and seeking legal recourse may be necessary. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-leebonz on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 6:33 PM
My name is Linda. My email is [redacted]. My number is [redacted]. My ads keep getting flagged, and I am concerned about who is behind it. They could be targeting me or causing a distraction. I think Craigslist should investigate this. The more ads posted, the better for your company. Thank you, Linda.
Reported by GetHuman8611605 on Saturday, September 9, 2023 12:43 PM
Hello, I am Curtis K. and I have been using Craigslist for years without issues. However, recently I have encountered a problem where clicking on any ad redirects me to the "contact us" page. Despite reaching out multiple times, no response or solution has been provided. I am puzzled by this situation and wondering why it has not been addressed.
Reported by GetHuman-dogstare on Thursday, September 14, 2023 1:44 PM
There are too many scammers on Craigslist. I was scammed yesterday by a posting for an RV for sale by the owner. I lost $[redacted]. The poster's account number is [redacted], and their phone number is [redacted]. I sent $[redacted] via Zelle to hold the RV, but now the person has blocked everyone and is unreachable. Please help reach out to them. Craigslist needs to improve its screening process for posters. I request a refund of $[redacted] and am willing to provide any necessary information.
Reported by GetHuman-buddiepu on Sunday, September 17, 2023 6:05 PM
Hello, I'm in search of a room. I created an account and posted two different ads. Initially, I could view my post. However, after contacting someone regarding a room, my phone started to malfunction. Consequently, I had to change my phone number and email address. Now, I am able to post ads looking for a room, but it shows as active with no responses. I can't seem to locate my post or if it's getting deleted. Can anyone assist me with this issue?
Reported by GetHuman-aguix on Tuesday, September 26, 2023 8:58 PM
Hello, I've been facing issues with my room posting. For more than a week now, my posts keep getting flagged. Recently, a person was very disrespectful to me regarding the quality of my writing. Yet, I'm being flagged again, even before the rude encounter. Today, I posted again, but there is nothing against Craigslist rules. It seems like someone is intentionally causing trouble for me. Currently, I'm living in unbearable conditions and need to move out, but this situation is making it difficult. Additionally, my introverted nature is also complicating things. It's starting to affect me mentally as I can't comprehend why someone is targeting me like this.
Reported by GetHuman-cambsyg on Saturday, October 7, 2023 5:02 AM
I am having trouble posting my job wanted resume on Craigslist under the resumes section. Despite following all the guidelines, my ad keeps getting deleted before appearing on the site. I am using the email account [redacted] and the phone number ***-***-****. I am simply seeking employment and not breaking any rules. Your assistance in allowing me to post my resume would be greatly appreciated as I am currently unemployed and in need of work. Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman8673778 on Wednesday, October 25, 2023 10:05 PM
Subject: Inquiry about Flagged Posting and Correction of Commercial Listing Category Hello Support, I am writing to inquire why my recent posting has been flagged. Additionally, I have paid for a commercial listing that needs to be placed under "Inland Empire > Housing > Parking & Storage" category. Your assistance in resolving these issues would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Cozymgr1 Mgr
Reported by GetHuman-cozymgr on Thursday, October 26, 2023 9:46 PM
Hello, I am in need of urgent assistance regarding a matter on Craigslist. I am unfamiliar with listing properties and recently discovered inaccurate information and photos on a listing related to my rental properties. I need to completely remove all listings tied to the following addresses: - 1342A Marshall Street, Boulder, CO [redacted] - 1342B Marshall Street, Boulder, CO [redacted] - [redacted] Marshall Street, Boulder, CO [redacted] I'm a senior citizen reliant on rental income for support and must rectify this issue promptly. Kindly assist me in permanently deleting these listings and guide me on how to create new ones with a priority placement. Your technical help is greatly appreciated. Thank you, B.L. Franklin
Reported by GetHuman8679203 on Monday, October 30, 2023 6:16 PM
I am reaching out because my ad for the sale of a collection of cassettes, with the posting number [redacted], was flagged for removal, which has not happened before. I have regularly renewed this posting without any issues until today. I would appreciate it if you could clarify the reason for the flagging. If there are no issues with the ad, I kindly request for it to be reposted on Craigslist since I renewed it on October 31, [redacted]. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8683213 on Thursday, November 2, 2023 5:23 PM
I suspect fraud was committed by a seller who sold me a vehicle. I believe I've found the same seller trying to sell another vehicle and taking all my money, including numerous gift cards. I'd appreciate your assistance in resolving this issue and getting my money back as per your guarantee. I've had trouble reaching out to you and used a guest account as I was unaware I had an actual account. It's been challenging to locate the information provided by the sellers. Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman8696428 on Tuesday, November 14, 2023 1:20 AM

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