Craigslist Customer Service Issues

Archive 43

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Craigslist customer service, archive #43. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported May 21, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
On May 13, I saw a Craigslist ad posted by a 23-year-old woman seeking someone to cause her harm. Intrigued by the unusual request, I reached out to her through email. Surprisingly, she genuinely wanted to be hurt and even mentioned being put in the hospital for a few days. As our conversation progressed, she revealed she was facing a forced marriage the next day. Despite my initial skepticism, I offered to help her escape, but she insisted on going through with her plan. Eventually, she mentioned someone from San Antonio was coming to get her. Worried for her safety, I asked for proof that she was okay but received no response after that. I contacted authorities and organizations dealing with forced marriages, but without her cooperation, they couldn't assist. Now, I'm seeking advice on how to locate her through her original Craigslist ad to ensure she's safe. My previous attempt at contacting Craigslist directly was unproductive, so I hope for a better outcome this time.
Reported by GetHuman-jklepare on रविवार, २१ मई २०२३, रात ११:५७ बजे
Hello, I am reaching out because my account has been flagged since December due to potential fraudulent activity, and I am looking to have it resolved so I can resume posting on Craigslist. I was trying to post about puppies for adoption and followed all the guidelines provided. I suspect that the issue arose when I posted in multiple cities. I reside in Campbellsville, KY, but have an Illinois cell phone number. My location allows me access to cities such as Lexington, Louisville, Nashville, and Knoxville in Tennessee, as well as Cincinnati in Ohio and cities in Indiana. After my initial post was flagged, the situation worsened, prompting me to switch to new email addresses and even use a different phone number. I assure you that I am a genuine individual and had no intention of engaging in any dishonest activities. You can verify my credibility by visiting my Facebook page under the name Abedoodle, where I occasionally share about puppies. For future correspondence, I will only utilize my original email address, [redacted], and phone number, [redacted]. I intend to post solely in Lexington, Kentucky. Any assistance you can provide in addressing this issue is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Best regards, Amy B. [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8388194 on गुरूवार, २५ मई २०२३, दोपहर ३:१३ बजे
I am currently residing in Mexico as an American citizen, and I want to point this out as I am unsure if this may be related to my problem. I am encountering an issue when trying to reply to Craigslist ads; the reply button does not display any options when clicked. I attempted to right-click in an effort to open the link in a new tab, but it seems to be unlinked. This problem is not specific to a single ad but is happening consistently across all ads. I have followed the troubleshooting steps outlined on the help forum, but unfortunately, it did not resolve the issue.
Reported by GetHuman8398352 on मंगलवार, ३० मई २०२३, शाम ५:५० बजे
Hello, my name is Pedro Cortez, and I am Mr. Dave Owens' assistant. I posted two ads in the last two weeks, and they were fine. However, today when I tried to post another one, the platform kept removing it. Subsequently, the other two posts I had previously posted were also removed. I attempted to follow the process on the platform, but I find it a bit baffling. It is urgent and crucial for us to advertise available rental housing. I am concerned about my job security, so can you please provide insight into why my posts were flagged down? The IDs of my posts are [redacted], [redacted], and [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman8404389 on गुरूवार, १ जून २०२३, रात ११:०९ बजे
I need assistance with my account. My email is [redacted], and the new password is *12Imagination34. When I log in, the page appears extra wide and seems to be locked. I am unable to perform any actions as clicking on anything prompts me to log in again. It requires a one-time code that does not work. I am unable to add a new post or even log out. A representative requested a screenshot, but I am unsure how to provide one. I have already deactivated the second account associated with my email. My details are: Account Email: [redacted] Message ID: [redacted] Thank you for your help, Gary
Reported by GetHuman8408293 on शनिवार, ३ जून २०२३, दोपहर ४:२२ बजे
My ad on Craigslist Columbus, GA for a 21-foot flats/river boat was flagged for the first time. I'm perplexed as to why. Someone interested in the boat asked questions, and I responded politely. I mentioned updating the post with more information for them to see. If more questions arise, I'm willing to answer them. Contact me at [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8412875 on सोमवार, ५ जून २०२३, रात ८:५४ बजे
I've been trying to post on Craigslist in Wilmington, NC, but many posts, including mine, keep getting flagged. There is hardly any activity, with most sections having zero posts, and occasionally 1 or 2 in general, groups, or missed connections. Could someone please review my posts and the flagged ones to identify what's causing the issue in Wilmington, NC, and possibly in Jacksonville and Eastern NC to some extent? Thank you, A C Weyh.
Reported by GetHuman8420295 on गुरूवार, ८ जून २०२३, शाम ६:५० बजे
Good Afternoon, I am Bracken Motors, and we showcase our vehicle selection on Craigslist in San Antonio, Texas. We have been loyal users of your service for several years now. Unfortunately, we have been experiencing harassment from an individual named Charles Smith on every one of our posts. This situation has been ongoing for a few years but has escalated recently. We have already taken the step of reporting this to local law enforcement. Charles has inundated us with hundreds of emails. Any assistance you can offer would be greatly appreciated. I have screenshots of the emails and can provide them if needed. Please reach out to me at [redacted]. Thank you, Bracken Motors
Reported by GetHuman8433692 on बुधवार, १४ जून २०२३, शाम ७:१० बजे
I placed an ad in the "talent gigs" section seeking male models for an artistic coffee table book project. The ad was intended for fit individuals aged 18-23 without mentioning nudity, as per Craigslist guidelines. After a few hours, the ad was taken down, and I received a notice advising against such content on the platform. Despite filling out a customer service form to inquire about the removal, I have yet to receive a response from Craigslist.
Reported by GetHuman8443568 on सोमवार, १९ जून २०२३, दोपहर २:१८ बजे
I listed some items for sale and was contacted by someone claiming to be interested in buying. They provided a name, Tatjana Hill. When I requested their phone number, they were hesitant but eventually shared a German number. However, upon contact, it became clear they were looking for an apartment to rent, not the item. During the conversation, a male voice in the background denied any knowledge of the previous messages and intentions. It seems someone may have misused my information to create a false rental listing on Craigslist.
Reported by GetHuman8450009 on गुरूवार, २२ जून २०२३, रात १:५० बजे
I haven't used my Craigslist account in approximately two years. When I tried to log in, I had trouble accessing it and was directed to reset my password. However, each time I attempted to do so, I was met with an error message stating the page was not found. Additionally, my attempts to create a new account using the same email were unsuccessful as I kept getting redirected to reset my old account's password. I would appreciate it if my original account could be restored so that I don't have to log in every time as I did previously. If that is not possible, I would like to create a new account using my existing email. Thank you. - D.C.
Reported by GetHuman-tenspott on गुरूवार, २२ जून २०२३, शाम ७:३३ बजे
I have been having trouble posting on Craigslist. The website keeps prompting me to log in, but I am unsure if I even have an account. Despite many attempts over several weeks, I have not been successful in resolving this issue. If I do have an existing account, I would like to delete it and create a new one. As an 80-year-old individual, I find computer troubleshooting challenging, and I would appreciate assistance from a customer service representative to guide me through the process step by step. Each time I try to navigate the website, my actions seem to be unsuccessful. Thank you. George W. F.
Reported by GetHuman8454292 on शुक्रवार, २३ जून २०२३, रात ८:४३ बजे
We bought two puppies from an ad, and unfortunately, they got sick with Parvo shortly after. We only have the phone number [redacted] of the person we got them from. We are dealing with the sickness at home, but it's a difficult and expensive process. We want to reach out to animal control, but we need the seller's name to report the situation properly. It's been a heartbreaking experience, and we want to prevent others from going through the same ordeal.
Reported by GetHuman5679523 on रविवार, २५ जून २०२३, दोपहर २:४४ बजे
I own a weekly rental property in Brant Beach, New Jersey. A potential renter contacted me after being scammed for $4,[redacted] through craigslist listing number [redacted], which is a copy of my listing on with number [redacted]. I reported and had the fraudulent craigslist listing removed. I would appreciate it if you could provide me with the contact details of the person associated with the listing number. Knowing their name and address would be helpful. Please reach out to me at [redacted] to discuss this matter further. My name is Andrew Ezzell. I am concerned about preventing such scams on your platform in the future. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8492471 on सोमवार, १० जुलाई २०२३, दोपहर ३:५९ बजे
I shared personal details with a Craigslist ad for an apartment in Solvang, CA, and upon visiting the address, I discovered it was a scam. The advertiser is asking for $3,[redacted] upfront for a non-existent apartment listed at $1,[redacted], much lower than the average rent in the area. The neighbor confirmed there are no apartments for rent. The ad ID is [redacted], and the advertiser goes by Craig Jackson or Craig Jackson. I did not send any money but provided my full name, address, phone number, and email. I only disclosed my income and not any financial or banking information. I'm considering changing my contact details due to this scam.
Reported by GetHuman8499243 on गुरूवार, १३ जुलाई २०२३, दोपहर ११:१५ बजे
I appreciate using Craig's List, but there is a major issue. Nine out of ten rental listings seem to be scams, which is frustrating. I have learned to identify them because they either request personal information or lack photos, and often have out-of-state phone numbers. I recommend only allowing postings with actual photos of the front, back, and at least three interior pictures. These images should be genuine, not stock photos from a catalog. Another suggestion is to consider employing someone, like me, to verify these listings. It can be quite time-consuming searching for a place to live. I hope this feedback is helpful in improving the quality of the listings. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8508334 on सोमवार, १७ जुलाई २०२३, शाम ५:१० बजे
I've been attempting to reach out via email regarding the Craigslist ad linked below for the [redacted] Mercedes C230. Despite sending several emails over the span of two weeks, I suspect there may be an issue with the listing's email contact on Craigslist. The car has been listed for sale for 26 days. I'd appreciate it if you could help relay my interest to the seller by providing them with my contact details, either through email or my cell phone number. I'm located in the SF Bay Area and am genuinely interested in purchasing the vehicle. I've been a frequent Craigslist user and believe there may be a technical issue preventing my messages from going through. Thank you for your assistance. Tim, Camarillo, CA. [Link to the listing redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8509491 on मंगलवार, १८ जुलाई २०२३, रात २:३८ बजे
I came across an advertisement for two African gray parrots in Greenville, SC. The seller requested $[redacted] from me for transfer papers but refused to provide their name or address. Despite repeated attempts to obtain this information and arrange to pick up the birds, the seller evaded giving any details. Feeling uneasy about the situation, I ceased contact. Now, I find myself blocked from Craigslist, while the suspicious post has been removed. I believed the lack of transparency from the seller indicated a scam. I rely on Craigslist regularly and wonder how long this block will last. I would appreciate any clarification on this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-charlcyn on बुधवार, २६ जुलाई २०२३, दोपहर २:२७ बजे
I believe someone complained about my post recently. He asked me questions all day on Sunday, and finally, on Sunday night, he agreed to come on Monday after 6. I had to reach out to him to confirm the time, but he said he was stuck at work and never contacted me. I called him while waiting, but he never responded. I have a good history of exchanges with people, and I have the text messages if needed. It seems like he was stalling, and I'm not sure why. Please contact me if necessary at [redacted]. My ad should not be flagged; his responses should be as a buyer. I appreciate using Craigslist. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8565210 on मंगलवार, १५ अगस्त २०२३, दोपहर ११:४८ बजे
When I browse Craigslist ads in cities like New York, I notice that only one page of listings displays instead of the usual multiple pages where I could go back several pages. Previously, I could easily navigate back through job listings or other categories for months. Typically, I'd find the most recent ads on the first page and older ones as I clicked through to subsequent pages, but now I can't seem to find any option to go back beyond the initial page. It seems like there might be a glitch in the system, preventing me from accessing older listings. I'm unsure how to resolve this issue or which buttons to click on the website using my internet browser.
Reported by GetHuman8573413 on शनिवार, १९ अगस्त २०२३, शाम ५:०१ बजे

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