How Do I Contact Customer Support from Light In The Box?

The best way to contact Light in The Box is through their help center on the website. Navigate to this page by clicking on the ‘help center' tab at the top right-hand side of the web page. You'll then be able to view the frequently asked questions or submit a support ticket to answer your query. It generally takes up to three working days for the customer service team to reply.

How do I contact customer support from Light in The Box?

Light in the Box is a fantastic company that sells a wide selection of products. With Christmas fast approaching, Light in The Box is likely to be a popular online store. Sometimes a customer may need to contact Light in the Box and speak to a customer service representative. This may be because they want to return an item, either because they've changed their mind or the product has arrived faulty or damaged.

There are many ways to access customer support from Light in The Box. You can either phone the company, send an email or use live chat on the website. There is also a frequently asked questions page on the website, which will help you to solve common issues.

How to submit a support ticket on the Light in the Box website.

A great way to contact customer support is directly from the Light in the Box website. The company has a dedicated support center, which can be found by clicking on ‘contact us' or ‘help center' on the top right-hand side of the web page. You can then follow these steps to submit a ticket for your order.

1. Scroll down to the bottom of the page where you'll see a red ‘submit ticket for my order.' Click this button or choose ‘Submit ticket for pre-sale/ other issue' if you haven't yet placed an order. If you've previously submitted a ticket, you can also check the status of your ticket if you've asked a customer service question by clicking on ‘Check my ticket.'

2. Once you've chosen what to do, you will be asked to log in to your Light in The Box account if you haven't already.

3. You can then follow the steps to submit your ticket request.

Contact Light in The Box customer service team

If you've been unable to resolve your issue using the above steps, you may like to phone the customer service team, who can give you further help and advice. Light in The Box can also be contacted using live chat, email, or through social media.

Further questions?

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.

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Light In The Box

Asked 4 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
Viewed 1,341,073 times
Light In The Box
Customer support for Light in the Box
Contact Light in the Box
How to contact Light in the Box
Customer support from Help in the Box
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