How Do I Cancel My Vonage Service?

If you want to cancel your Vonage service, make sure you note down all details about your account and prepare what to say before calling the customer service desk. If needed, return any equipment and request written confirmation of the cancelation. If you have any trouble, you can contact customer service for assistance.

Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Dec 9, 2022

Vonage is an American company that provides residential and commercial telephone services. They provide both phone and fax services and some other enhanced services like voicemail that can be accessed online or through the mobile app. Vonage allows customers to make free international calls on some plans. There are also discounts for armed forces and students. Although Vonage is usually used as a phone service for personal use, it can also be used as a fax machine and voicemail for small businesses.

Vonage allows you to cancel service by calling the company's customer care agents. You have come to the right place if you have a Vonage subscription that you want to cancel.

Write Down All Details About Your Account

Before you call Vonage to cancel your subscription, it's a good idea to jot down a few details about your account. This includes:

  • Your full name and address
  • The type of plan you have
  • The phone number associated with the plan
  • The due date for future payments, if applicable
  • Account number
  • PIN

These details help the Vonage customer care agent locate your account and cancel it for you. If you have a fax number, be sure to write down the telephone numbers it's routed to so that you can confirm disconnection later.

Practice What to Say

Now that you know your account details, it's time to prepare what you will say to Vonage when you call. To cancel, you need to say that you wish to disconnect services. There is no need to explain why you're going offline. If you have a prepaid subscription, make sure you say "prepaid" when making your request. This helps the Vonage agent locate your account and ensures that you will get a refund for any remaining balance on it.

Prepare a List of Questions to Ask During the Call

If you have several questions that you want answers to before you cancel your Vonage account, prepare them in advance. Always ask about the agent's name and ticket number for your call, as you need them to make further inquiries down the road. Other vital questions include:

  • When will be the last date of service?
  • When will be the later date your account is charged?
  • Does your account have any outstanding balances?
  • Do you need to provide anything else to complete the cancelation?

Call the Customer Care Desk

Once you have your questions ready and the necessary information about your account written down, call the Vonage customer care desk. Depending on your location, you may be able to call through the Vonage contact number for free. Otherwise, make sure you have international rates activated on your mobile phone or landline.

Once you get hold of a customer care agent, provide them with the details of your account and cancellation request. Don't forget to ask about refunds if you're unhappy with your service. You might also want to ask about whether you are entitled to any discounts for the inconvenience of moving services or if there are any promotions available.

Return Any Equipment If Needed

If you have any equipment that needs to be returned to Vonage, call the customer care number to arrange a convenient time for collection. Make sure you return everything so that you are not charged anything further at a later date. If you have other questions about the broadcast fax service, feel free to contact Vonage support.

Request For Canceling Confirmation Via Email or In Writing

Once you have made your request to cancel, written confirmation is usually sent via email. If you want something in writing, make sure you ask the Vonage representative for it before ending the call. This way, you can check out what they send thoroughly and follow up with them if there are any problems or questions.

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Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg.
How Do I Cancel My Vonage Service?

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Asked 2 years ago
Updated a year ago
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Vonage service cancelation
How to cancel your Vonage service

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