
Khan Academy Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

How do I Contact Khan Academy Customer Service?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Khan Academy customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

How Do I Create Multiple Accounts Under One Email Account with Khan Academy?

As an educator or a parent, you may want to set up multiple accounts for your children or students under your Khan Academy account....

Are there any age or grade restrictions for using Khan Academy?

There are no age or grade restrictions for using Khan Academy. It is an open platform available to learners of all ages and academic...
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Recent Khan Academy Customer Questions

I want to map khan academy student results to an Excel spreadsheet for each student

You can download Khan Academy student data by going to your Teacher Dashboard. From there, go to "Roster," select the class, then click on "Progress." Scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the "Download CSV" button. A CSV file will be downloaded containing comprehensive data of your students. You can open this file in Excel, after which you can organize the data as needed. However, please note that only teachers linked to the students' accounts can download the students' data due to privacy reasons.
Asked Apr 1, 2024 12:36 AM

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Technical Support

How Do I Report a Problem with Khan Academy?

As a parent, teacher, administrator or student, you want to get the most out of your Khan Academy account and enhance your learning...

Account Management

How Do I Create Multiple Accounts Under One Email Account with Khan Academy?

As an educator or a parent, you may want to set up multiple accounts for your children or students under your Khan Academy account....

Classroom Management

How Do I Assign My Whole Class Specific Lessons on Khan Academy?

It's very easy to assign a lesson from Khan Academy to your entire class. You can find lessons by browsing the lesson library, by looking...

Offline Access

Can I use Khan Academy offline?

Yes, you can use Khan Academy offline. Khan Academy offers an offline feature called "Offline Mode" that allows learners to access...


Can I download Khan Academy videos for offline viewing?

Yes, you can download Khan Academy videos for offline viewing. For users with the Khan Academy app, simply click on the "Downloads"...


Is Khan Academy available in multiple languages?

Yes, Khan Academy is available in multiple languages. It offers instructional videos, practice exercises, and quizzes in various languages,...

Mobile Access

Can I use Khan Academy on my mobile device?

Yes, Khan Academy can be accessed on mobile devices. The Khan Academy website is mobile-friendly and can be used on smartphones and...


Is Khan Academy completely free to use?

Yes, Khan Academy is completely free to use. All users have access to the full range of educational resources and lessons without any...

Test Preparation

Can I use Khan Academy for test preparation?

Yes, you can absolutely use Khan Academy for test preparation. Khan Academy offers a wide range of educational materials and resources...


Does Khan Academy offer any certifications or diplomas?

No, Khan Academy does not offer any certifications or diplomas. The main purpose of Khan Academy is to provide free, high-quality educational...

Progress Tracking

Can I track my progress and achievements on Khan Academy?

Yes, Khan Academy provides a comprehensive tracking system that allows users to monitor their progress and achievements. When you create...

Age Restrictions

Are there any age or grade restrictions for using Khan Academy?

There are no age or grade restrictions for using Khan Academy. It is an open platform available to learners of all ages and academic...
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