
Audible.com Customer FAQ

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What is Audible.com's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Audible.com customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Can I return a book I purchased with credits?

Yes, you can return a book that you have purchased with credits on Audible.com. Audible has a Great Listen Guarantee policy which allows...
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Recent Audible.com Customer Questions

My books on audible have stopped downloading

There could be several reasons why your Audible books are not downloading. It may be due to a problem with your internet connection, insufficient storage on your device, or an issue with your Audible app. Try the following steps: 1. Ensure you have a stable internet connection. 2. Check if your device has enough storage space. If not, free up some space. 3. Restart your device. Sometimes, this can solve temporary issues. 4. Update your Audible app. This could fix bugs causing downloading issues. 5. If the problem persists, you may need to uninstall and reinstall your Audible app. Remember to use the same Amazon account you initially used for your purchases. Remember, we're here to help. If you have any additional trouble, let us know.
Asked May 25, 2024 6:37 PM

How can I gift an Audible book to someone?

You can gift an Audible book through Audible's "Give as a Gift" feature. To do so, find the book you want to gift in the Audible catalog. Then, click on "Give as a Gift". You will have options to send the gift via email, send a print-at-home gift, or share a link to the gift. When sent via email, the recipient will receive an email with a link to redeem the audiobook. For the print-at-home option, you can print a certificate with the redemption code for the gift. The shareable link can be sent via any method you prefer. Note, you will need to complete the purchase of the gift before these options are made available.
Asked May 18, 2024 2:16 PM

Couldn’t process payment Please check your payment information, or enter a new card and try again. This.. is the issue

This issue could be due to several reasons. One possible reason is that your payment information is outdated or incorrect. To resolve this, make sure to update your payment details with the correct information. If that doesn't work, it might be due to insufficient funds in your account. Please ensure you have enough balance in your account to cover the cost of your subscription. Also, please know that some banks may block certain online transactions for security reasons. So, it is worth getting in touch with your bank to make sure they are not blocking the transaction. If these suggestions don't work, it's best to try a different payment method if you have one available.
Asked Apr 22, 2024 12:21 PM

I wish to cancel my audible account

To cancel your Audible account, go to your 'Account Details' page on the Audible desktop site. Next, you should click on 'Cancel my membership' under the "Account Settings" section. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the cancellation process. Please remember that any unused credits will be lost upon cancellation, so it is advisable to use your credits before cancelling your membership.
Asked Apr 4, 2024 4:54 PM

me cobraron sin usar la membresia de audiolibros audible

Lamentamos escuchar que has tenido un problema con la facturación de tu membresía de Audible. Normalmente, Audible cobra una cuota mensual por su servicio de suscripción, incluso si no utilizas la membresía para descargar o escuchar audiolibros durante ese mes. Si cancelaste tu membresía y aun así se te está cobrando, es posible que haya habido un error. Te recomendamos que revises tu suscripción en la sección de 'Detalles de la cuenta' de la página de Audible para asegurarte de que se ha cancelado correctamente. Si confirmas que la membresía está cancelada y sigues siendo cobrado, es posible que necesites resolver esto directamente con Audible o con tu proveedor de servicios financieros.
Asked Mar 27, 2024 7:52 PM

Help me with my Audible.com customer service issue


How Do I Return an Item from Audible.com?

If you mistakenly purchase the wrong items from Audible, you can return them to get a refund. You should qualify for a refund as long...

Can I return a book I purchased with credits?

Yes, you can return a book that you have purchased with credits on Audible.com. Audible has a Great Listen Guarantee policy which allows...

Credit System

How does Audible's credit system work?

Audible's credit system operates as the primary currency for purchasing audiobooks on their platform. Members receive a specific number...

Offline Listening

Can I listen to Audible audiobooks offline?

Yes, you can listen to Audible audiobooks offline. Audible offers a feature called "Offline Access" which allows you to download the...


What devices are compatible with Audible?

Audible is compatible with a wide range of devices to cater to the varied needs of our users. You can enjoy Audible content on smartphones...


Can I share my Audible audiobooks with others?

No, you cannot share your Audible audiobooks directly with others. Audible follows a strict policy that restricts the sharing of content...

Language Options

Is Audible available in other languages?

Yes, Audible is available in multiple languages. Audible offers audiobooks and audio content in various languages including Spanish,...

Membership Fee

What is the Audible membership fee?

The Audible membership fee is $14.95 per month, charged automatically to your provided credit card. As an Audible member, you receive...
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