
Vicroads Customer FAQ

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What is Vicroads's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Vicroads customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

What are the requirements for getting a learner's permit?

To obtain a learner's permit in Victoria, you must meet several requirements. Firstly, applicants must be at least 16 years old. They...
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Driver's License

How do I renew my driver's license?

To renew your driver's license, you can do so online through the official Vicroads website, in person at any Vicroads Customer Service...

How can I update my address on my driver's license?

To update your address on your driver's license, you can either do it online through the Vicroads website or by visiting a Vicroads...

Vehicle Registration

What documents do I need to bring to register a vehicle?

To register a vehicle with Vicroads, you will need to bring certain documents. Firstly, you must bring proof of identity, such as your...

What are the fees for registering a vehicle?

The fees for registering a vehicle with Vicroads vary depending on a few factors. For a standard registration period, which is usually...

What are the steps to transfer vehicle ownership?

To transfer vehicle ownership, follow these steps. First, obtain a transfer form. You can access one online or visit a Vicroads Customer...

Learner's Permit

What are the requirements for getting a learner's permit?

To obtain a learner's permit in Victoria, you must meet several requirements. Firstly, applicants must be at least 16 years old. They...

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