
Viacom Inc. Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is Viacom Inc.'s Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Viacom Inc. customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Where can I find the latest news and updates about Viacom Inc.?

To find the latest news and updates about Viacom Inc., you can visit our official website at www.viacom.com. On the website, you'll...
Ask any question you have about Viacom Inc. customer service, get an answer now.

Recent Viacom Inc. Customer Questions

How can talk to someone in Human Resources

There is a link here on the FAQ page that will provide you with the most updated contact information for Viacom Inc. Ensure that you specifically request to speak to someone in the Human Resources department when using the provided contact details.
Asked Jun 6, 2024 3:03 PM

Help me with my Viacom Inc. customer service issue


What is Viacom Inc.?

Viacom Inc. is a leading global media company that operates a diverse portfolio of popular entertainment brands. It serves as home...


When was Viacom Inc. founded?

Viacom Inc. was founded on December 31, 1971.


What are the major brands owned by Viacom Inc.?

Viacom Inc. is a leading global media company that owns and operates various major brands. These brands include MTV, Nickelodeon, Paramount...


Where is the headquarters of Viacom Inc. located?

Viacom Inc.'s headquarters is located in New York City, specifically in the Times Square neighborhood of Manhattan. This iconic media...

Stock Symbol

What is Viacom's stock symbol?

Viacom's stock symbol on the NASDAQ stock exchange is "VIAC."

Fiscal Year

What is Viacom's fiscal year?

Viacom's fiscal year starts on October 1st and ends on September 30th. This means that the company's financial reporting and accounting...


Does Viacom Inc. have any subsidiaries?

Yes, Viacom Inc. has several subsidiaries. Some of its major subsidiaries include MTV Networks, BET Networks, Paramount Pictures, Nickelodeon,...


What is Viacom's mission and values?

Viacom's mission is to create content that entertains, informs, and inspires audiences around the globe. We strive to be a leading...


Does Viacom Inc. offer internships or job opportunities?

Yes, Viacom Inc. offers internships and job opportunities. As a leading global entertainment company, Viacom is committed to cultivating...


Where can I find the latest news and updates about Viacom Inc.?

To find the latest news and updates about Viacom Inc., you can visit our official website at www.viacom.com. On the website, you'll...
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