What Kind of Insurance Do I Need to Drive for Uber?

If you are thinking of putting your vehicle to work for you by becoming an Uber ride share or delivery driver, you may be wondering what insurance you are required to have. You will be required to insure your vehicle based on the laws in your state, and while you are actively logged into the Uber app and seeking a rider or deliver, Uber provides supplemental liability insurance coverage.

Many people are putting their vehicles to work for them by driving for Uber, either as a ride share driver or delivering food for Uber Eats. If you want to work for Uber, you may be wondering what kind of insurance is required to be in compliance with both Uber's guidelines and with local laws. What kind of insurance do you need to drive for Uber? You can find out more about Uber's driver requirements by contacting driver support here, and below is an outline of the insurance needed to be a ride share driver.

Uber Ride Share

While a driver is logged into the Uber app, the company maintains liability insurance on its drivers. Uber requires that the vehicle be insured privately as well, following the laws of the state where the driver resides. The insurance Uber maintains is only active while the driver is logged into the app and actively seeking a rider. Uber's liability differs depending on whether the driver is en route to pick someone up, or if they have already picked up the rider.

Waiting on a Rider

If you are on your way to pick up a rider, Uber provides the coverage outlined below. Coverage is in addition to your primary insurance policy, and includes:

  1. Third-party liability of $1,000,000.
  2. Both under and uninsured bodily injury coverage, or first-party injury coverage.
  3. Comprehensive and collision, with a $2500 deductible, up to the actual value of the vehicle.

On Your Way to and After Picking Up a Rider

Once the rider is in your vehicle, the coverage is different. When transporting someone, your coverage through Uber includes:

  1. Bodily injury in the amount of $50,000 per person with a cap of $100,000 per accident.
  2. Property damage up to $25,000 per accident.

Uber Eats or Uber Delivery Drivers

For those who do not transport people, but deliver food or other items, Uber also has insurance coverage for these workers. This includes:

Waiting for an Order

When waiting for an order, the driver has the additional coverage to their primary policy supplied by Uber. This includes:

  1. Bodily injury in the amount of $50,000 per person with a cap of $100,000 per accident.
  2. Property damage up to $25,000 per accident.

Picking Up and Delivering an Order

When en route to pick up the order, and while delivering it, Uber provides third-party liability of $1,000,000 and, comprehensive and collision, with a $2,500 deductible, up to the actual value of the vehicle.

The insurance Uber provides is only valid while the driver is logged into the app and actively working to pick up a ride share or delivery. For more information on Uber requirements, contact driver support here.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.
What Kind of Insurance Do I Need to Drive for Uber?

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