What Should I Ask T-Mobile When Shopping for a Cellphone Provider?

This article covers questions to ask T-Mobile when shopping for a cellphone plan. The article is in four sections of questions: coverage, price and plans, data speeds and special features as well as two hyperlinks to reach customer service via gethuman.com.

For the past two decades, T-Mobile has been establishing itself as a leader in cellphone service. Known for its outstanding coverage, devices and plans, T-Mobile has something for every customer; however, you will want to ask several questions before settling on a plan. What are some topics you should cover when speaking to T-Mobile customer service before settling on a new cellphone plan? You can contact customer service here, and you can get an idea below on what questions you should ask.


T-Mobile advertises one of the nation's largest coverage areas; however, you want to make sure it is available in your hometown. By providing your zip code to the customer service representative, or checking your zip code on the T-Mobile website, you can find out if it is available in your area. You can also ask these questions:

  • What kind of network does T-Mobile use to deliver cellphone service?
  • How does T-Mobile guarantee coverage?
  • How many towers does T-Mobile have in your area?
  • What areas of the nation do not have sufficient coverage?

Pricing and Plans

You want to make sure you are getting a good price and a good plan when shopping for a cellphone provider. By asking these questions to T-Mobile, you can ensure you are getting the best plan and price for you:

  • What are the various plans offered by T-Mobile (individual, business and family plans)?
  • Is T-Mobile currently running any promotions?
  • Does T-Mobile offer discounts for special groups such as military, seniors, teachers, first responder or through affiliations with certain businesses or industries?
  • Does T-Mobile have any bundle plans available and how much are the bundles?
  • How much are T-Mobile phones? Does T-Mobile have a payment plan for smartphones and tablets?
  • What pay as you go plans does it offer? What are the terms of the contract for contract plans? How long are contracts valid? How would contracts be renewed?
  • What type devices are available for purchase? Can you bring your own device to your new plan?

Data Speeds

Cellphones today are more than just a means of talking to others. They are also message boards, computers and entertainment centers. Therefore, data speeds are very important when shopping for a cellphone provider. Below are some questions you can ask about data speeds:

  • What unlimited data plans are available from T-Mobile?
  • For those plans with data caps, how are they configured? What happens if you go over your data cap in a month?
  • How does T-Mobile guarantee data speeds? What are peak data usage times where data speeds may be slower than normal?

Special Features

Along with data speeds and pricing, you want to know what special features are available on your T-Mobile plan. Here are some questions to ask about those special features:

  • What international talk and text plans are available?
  • How do you activate parental controls on devices?
  • Does your plan include hotspots?
  • Does the plan include insurance, and what does the insurance cover?

When you are shopping for a new cellphone plan, it is important to get as many questions as possible answered so you are making an informed decision. Since cellphones are integral parts of daily life, asking these questions will help you pick the plan that will keep you connected. Contact customer service here for more information.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.
What Should I Ask T-Mobile When Shopping for a Cellphone Provider?

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questions to ask T-Mobile cellphone
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