How Do I File a Complaint About the Property to Sheraton?

If your stay at a Sheraton hotel or resort did meet your expectations or the standards Sheraton claims to adhere to, you can file a complaint to Marriott, its parent company. You can use your app or visit the Marriott website to file the complaint. You can also make a complaint and request a refund by contacting Sheraton or Marriott customer support and explaining your situation.

Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Jul 13, 2023

Sheraton Hotels & Resorts is part of the Marriott International family. Sheraton boasts more than 155,000 rooms globally and is known for its luxury properties and excellent guest service. Although the chain has been accommodating guests since 1937 and has a great reputation worldwide, it may not always meet guests' expectations. If you have recently stayed at a Sheraton hotel or resort and found the property to be below Sheraton's standards and not in keeping with your reservation in some way, you can file a complaint with the company. Here's how.

Filing a Property Complaint With Sheraton Hotels & Resorts

There are a few ways you can file your complaint: via the app, website, or by calling the company.

Filing a Hotel Complaint Through the Marriott App

  1. Open your Marriott Bonavoy app. Sheraton is a Marriott hotel, so you will, technically, be making your complaint to Marriott.
  2. Follow the steps in the app to contact customer service.
  3. When filling out your message, be sure to describe your negative experience. You can also request a refund.
  4. Submit and wait to receive a response from Marriott support.

Filing a Hotel Complaint via the Marriott Website

  1. You can click on the Marriott link on the Sheraton home page or go directly to the Marriott website.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Site Map.
  3. Scroll down and click on Contact Us under the Customer Support heading.
  4. Log in or sign in as a guest.
  5. Choose from the available options (Compliments / Concerns about a Stay).
  6. Fill in all the information boxes.
  7. Describe your complaint in the comment box. Include all relevant details about your experience.
  8. Click submit and wait to hear back from the support staff.

Making a Complaint via Phone

Guests can also call Sheraton customer service to make a complaint. Be sure you provide the customer representative with the dates of your stay and why you wish to file a complaint about the Sheraton property. Common complaints include the air conditioning system not working, a dirty room or an unpleasant odor in the room. Expect the associate to file your complaint; however, they may not be authorized to offer a refund without further investigation of your claim. In such cases, they will let you know when you can receive a reply.

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Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg.
How Do I File a Complaint About the Property to Sheraton?

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Sheraton Hotels

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Updated a year ago
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Sheraton Hotels
Filing a hotel complaint with Sheraton
Filing a complaint about Sheraton Hotel properties
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