Reynolds American, Inc. Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is Reynolds American, Inc.'s Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Reynolds American, Inc. customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Is Reynolds American, Inc. involved in any charitable initiatives?

Yes, Reynolds American, Inc. is actively involved in various charitable initiatives. We believe in giving back to the communities where...
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Company Overview

What is Reynolds American, Inc.?

Reynolds American, Inc. is a leading tobacco company in the United States. As one of the largest manufacturers of tobacco products,...

What brands does Reynolds American, Inc. own?

Reynolds American, Inc. is a leading tobacco company in the United States, and it owns several popular brands in the industry. Some...

Where are Reynolds American, Inc.'s headquarters located?

Reynolds American, Inc.'s headquarters are located in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. This city serves as the company's main operational...

Employment Opportunities

Does Reynolds American, Inc. have any job openings?

Yes, Reynolds American, Inc. often has job openings available in various departments and locations. We have a diverse range of career...


What is Reynolds American, Inc.'s stance on sustainability?

Reynolds American, Inc. is committed to sustainability and acknowledges its role in creating a more sustainable future. As a leading...

International Availability

Are Reynolds American, Inc.'s products available internationally?

Yes, Reynolds American, Inc.'s products are available internationally. As a global tobacco company, Reynolds American, Inc. serves...

Can I order Reynolds American, Inc. products online?

Yes, you can order Reynolds American, Inc. products online. We have an official website where you can browse our range of products...


Does Reynolds American, Inc. offer any discounts or promotions?

Yes, Reynolds American, Inc. offers various discounts and promotions. We understand the importance of providing value to our customers,...

Corporate Social Responsibility

Is Reynolds American, Inc. involved in any charitable initiatives?

Yes, Reynolds American, Inc. is actively involved in various charitable initiatives. We believe in giving back to the communities where...

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