How Do I Get to Refund a Charge?

If you have had a booking with and require a refund, there are many potential avenues you can take.To help with getting a refund follow these helpful tips.

Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Nov 19, 2019, formerly named TravelJigsaw, is part of the business grouping that owns brands BookingGo,, and RentalcarsConnect. is an online platform that acts as a broker between the customer and car rental companies. Customers receive discounted rates when searching because of their "massive buying power." Clients can also compare all the deals and options available in their area.

If you have had a booking with and require a refund, there are many potential avenues you can take. Customers may request a refund if they canceled their reservation or if they feel they have unfair damage charges from the reservation. Keep reading for more details on all of your options.

Submit an Online Request

  1. Go to

  2. Select between two options: I am traveling within the USA or Canada or I am traveling outside the USA or Canada

  3. Select 'I have an inquiry about a completed rental.'

  4. You will be redirected to a new page that asks for your email address and reference number for the booking.

    • If you don't have your reference number, select 'Click here?' under the login box and follow the prompted instructions.

  5. Select 'Login.'

  6. Follow the prompted instructions to submit an online request for additional help with your refund.

Contact the Customer Service Line

You can call the customer service team at and ask for assistance with your refund. Make sure you ask the representative to confirm your refund via email. Keep them on the phone until you have received the email and reviewed the details.

Unfortunately, doesn't have a live chat function or social media pages for you to reach out to the customer service team in any other way.

Note that as is a third party vendor, the cancellation policies will vary from booking to booking. Review your confirmation email for details on your booking's cancellation.

If you don't show up for your car reservation or do not meet the reservation requirements (too young), you will automatically receive a full refund.

If you choose to return your car early, does not issue a refund for the unused dates. However, there are no additional charges for returning a car early.

If you're fighting what you feel is unfair car damage charges, it will be extremely helpful if you have pictures of the car's condition when you returned the vehicle to the company. Or, pictures from the beginning of your rental, if you believe you're being charged for pre-existing damages.

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Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg.
How Do I Get to Refund a Charge?

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Asked 5 years ago
Updated 5 years ago
Viewed 2,512,709 times
Refund a Charge refunds accounts
billing issues
dispute charges
Refund a Charge
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