How Do I Dispute a Charge with

If you have any concerns, you should contact directly. The best way to contact is on the phone. It allows you to speak directly with a representative. Explain your concerns as clearly as possible and you will get the help you need. When seeking support on the phone, be as polite as you can. Even when you feel angry or frustrated, being rude or impatient is unlikely to yield positive results. Keep in mind that your dispute will not always be successful. There are times when it may be denied no matter how hard you try. does not offer support on email or social media sites. They do not have a help desk.

Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Nov 19, 2019 helps you find the right rental cars in all parts of the world. If you feel that you have been charged unfairly, you may dispute the charge. If you are being charged for damage, the rental company you choose will find ways to prove that you damaged the car and charge your credit card. They are likely to charge you as soon as you return the car.

Even though disputing a charge can be difficult, it is possible to succeed. It will be your word against theirs.

Disputing Damage

If you feel that you are being unfairly charged for damage to a rental car, you can dispute it. You need evidence to prove that the damage did not occur while you were renting the car. To dispute damage, you need the following;

1. Photos of the car during pick up time, while renting it, and during drop-off. Your photos should show the dates and name for credibility

2. Paperwork that you have from the rental. This may include; a check-in form, rental agreement, and checkout form

Disputing the Cost of Repairs

If you damaged the car but feel that you have been overcharged for repairs, you may present evidence to dispute the repair costs. Contact the car rental company and ask for the estimated repair cost. If it does not match what you were charged, ask for a refund.

The Rental Price Does Not include all Fees

The cost of renting a car typically includes; collision damage waiver, theft protection, airport surcharges and road fees. You will be charged for extras when you pick your car up. Such charges should not be considered as errors. If you have any questions about your charges, check the Terms and Conditions of the car you wish to rent.

Disputing Your Charge

Submit Your Claim Online

One of the easiest ways to dispute your charge is by contacting the rental company online. Have all the relevant paperwork and photos before disputing your charge. When you submit your request, members of the support team will review it and give you the help you need. If they ask for extra details, you must be ready to provide them.

Members of the support team at may help you contact the car rental company directly.

Contact Your Credit Card Company

If your attempts to dispute a charge were unsuccessful, you may have to contact your credit card company. Raise a chargeback and they will investigate your case. If you were double charged or charged unfairly, you may get a refund.

Escalate Your Complaint

If all your attempts fail, you should consider seeking help from a consumer right organization. There are plenty of organizations that may help you depending on where you live. You may also work with a lawyer to file a claim in a court of law. Even though this is a long process, it may help you get your money back.


If you have any concerns, you should contact directly. The best way to contact is on the phone. It allows you to speak directly with a representative. Explain your concerns as clearly as possible and you will get the help you need. When seeking support on the phone, be as polite as you can. Even when you feel angry or frustrated, being rude or impatient is unlikely to yield positive results. Keep in mind that your dispute will not always be successful. There are times when it may be denied no matter how hard you try. does not offer support on email or social media sites. They do not have a help desk.


dispute a charge with, charge dispute

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Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg.
How Do I Dispute a Charge with

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Updated 5 years ago
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Dispute a Charge
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