How do I cancel my subscription to People Magazine?

In a nutshell: People Magazine is a trusted American weekly magazine focusing on human-interest stories and celebrity news. To unsubscribe, go to the People website, click on "Magazine," then "Manage Your Subscription," and

Jeff Whelpley is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Mar 7, 2024


People Magazine is an American weekly magazine specializing in human-interest stories and celebrity news. The newspaper's information is trustworthy and captivating, providing a deep connection to American Culture. With a subscription, you get insights into the lives of celebrities, ordinary people doing the extraordinary, and newsmakers. If one day you feel the need to stop getting these updates on trends and other news, you can unsubscribe. Here are the steps to follow to unsubscribe from the People Magazine.

Go to the People Website

Open your browser and Google This takes you to the People Magazine’s website. The company homepage features an exclusive and a top story for the day, along with other celebrity news on the sidelines.

How do I cancel my subscription to People Magazine? (Step 1)

Go to “Magazine”

On the People Magazine homepage, navigate to the “Magazine” option at the top right and hover your mouse over it.

How do I cancel my subscription to People Magazine? (Step 2)

Click “Manage Your Subscription”

Placing our mouse over the “Magazine” option reveals a drop-down menu. This menu contains options to subscribe to the platform’s services, give a gift subscription, and more. Click “Manage Your Subscription.”

How do I cancel my subscription to People Magazine? (Step 3)

Log Into Your Account

Clicking the “Manage Your Subscription” button opens the account login section. To manage your subscription to People Magazine, you must log into your account. Provide your account number and zip code, and click “Login Now.”

How do I cancel my subscription to People Magazine? (Step 4)

Click “Cancel Subscription”

After signing into your account, the People website opens the magazine subscription management section. Click “Cancel Subscription.”

Confirm the Selection

Next, the platform asks you to confirm that you intend to cancel the subscription. Click “Confirm” to proceed with the process. Before the cancellation is fully processed, you may receive one or two publications of the released magazines. After successful cancellation, you’ll obtain a refund on the issued publications after you initially unsubscribed. The platform charges you a cancellation fee, which counts on your subscription plan. Due to some of the discounts that the platform offers, you may not be able to cancel before the subscription period ends, and you won’t get a refund. You can cancel auto-renewal for the next year.

Check Your Email

After successful cancellation, People Magazine sends you an email confirming that you’ve canceled your subscription. If you can’t find the email in your inbox, check the junk or spam folder. If you can’t find the email completely, proceed to the next step.

Go to “Get Help”

Open the People website homepage and hover your mouse over the “Magazine” option to reveal the drop-down menu. Go to the bottom section and click “Get Help.”

How do I cancel my subscription to People Magazine? (Step 8)

Contact Support

When you click the “Get Help” button, the People Magazine website opens the client support section. The support section provides various emails that you can use to contact the People Magazine customer support team. You can also use the email provided for inquiries. For issues with account subscriptions, the platform provides a phone number to contact customer support in real-time. You can dial the phone number and make the call to talk to one of the customer support representatives.


People Magazine is a reputable entertainment and news platform that can keep you informed on the latest advancements in the country. The platform is user-friendly, with straightforward steps to subscribe or unsubscribe to its services. If you want to unsubscribe from People Magazine, make an effort to follow the correct steps for a hassle-free experience.

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Jeff truly believes that all customers deserve good service. He’s been building tools, inventing phone tree hacks and helping customers since before his days at GetHuman. He's also a Google GDE and involved in the Angular community.
How do I cancel my subscription to People Magazine?

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People Magazine

Asked 5 years ago
Updated 5 months ago
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