How do I access my old Minecraft account?

If you have an old Minecraft account that you would like to see if it's still active, or if you simply feel the urge to play again, here's how you can recover it.

Christian Allen is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Jul 19, 2019

There are two types of Minecraft accounts. A Minecraft account created after 2012 or any account that has been migrated to the new account format is now known as a Mojang account. Only accounts created before 2012 and not migrated to the new format are still called Minecraft accounts. You can access a Minecraft account using the username and password.

There are several reasons why you may be unable to access your Minecraft or Mojang account. I will describe these issues and offer solutions to access your account if faced by one of these scenarios.

Forgot Your Password?

If you have forgotten the password to your Minecraft account and cannot find anywhere you backed u that information, there are steps you can take to reset your password. For the old Minecraft accounts, you will have to log in to your account using your username where you will be asked to migrate to a Mojang account. Once you upgrade your account to a Mojang one, you will have to provide a valid email address where you will be sent a link to the password reset page. Select a secure password and you should be able to access your account.

Forgot Your Email Address?

If you have forgotten the email through which you access your Mojang account, then you will have to reset your password. Once you choose to reset a password, your Mojang account should send an email to the address you have registered and will reveal your account's email address to you. You may also try using old email addresses that you own to access your account before trying to reset your password.

You Do Not Have Access to Your Email Address?

You may recall your email address, account username and password but if you no longer have access to your email address, you will have to change the email through which you will be logging in to your account. If you still have an old Minecraft account, you will be required to migrate it in order to change he email address associated with the account.

To change the email on a Mojang account:

  1. Log in to your Mojang account
  2. Go to 'Settings'
  3. Select 'Change Email.' You will be presented with a security challenge which is often a series of questions you selected and gave answers to when setting up your account. Only when you successfully answer the questions will the email address be changed.

Don't Remember Your Minecraft Account Username?

If you have a Minecraft account but do not remember your username, you will have to migrate your account to Mojang where your Minecraft username will be shown in-game and on your Mojang account page.

If all the above measures fail, you will have to contact customer support. You can contact Minecraft's customer support team by sending them an email trough their website. Yu will be asked to fill several fields including the description of your problem. The link to the email can only be found on the website.

You can also contact Minecraft's customer support through an online help desk. Tell them that you cannot access your Minecraft account and they will contact you with a solution. You can find the link to the help desk on GetHuman.

Mojang also has an online help desk where you can get help from their customer support team if you are having issues accessing your Mojang account. Only Minecraft users who have migrated their accounts can use this option to get help. You will be walked through the entire process and will soon have access to your account. You can find the link to Mojang's help desk through GetHuman.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.
How do I access my old Minecraft account?

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