If you are looking to buy auto insurance, you need to know about more than just coverage and price options, you also need to know about customer service. After all, if you ever need to actually use your insurance, you will have to deal with it a lot. Mapfre is an auto insurance provider that many people look to for their auto insurance needs. Read on to learn about Mapfre's customer service, so that you can do more effective comparison shopping.
J.D. Power is a consumer intelligence company that conducts independent studies on a wide variety of consumer products and publishes reports on them. It is particularly well known for reviewing automobiles and related products, such as auto insurance. It has rated Mapfre's claims satisfaction as below average, coming in 24th out of the 25 insurers covered in its study.
The NAIC is the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. Based on complaints made to the NAIC, it has rated Mapfre with a 10.46 on its complaint index. This score is much higher than the 1.00 score that is the standard of the insurance industry.
Auto insurance-related complaints are sometimes directed at state regulators of the auto insurance industry. Mapfre has more complaints lodged with state regulators than is typical for a company of its size.
The Better Business Bureau tracks complaints lodged against various companies. It has noted that the majority of customer complaints against Mapfre have to do with billing, collections procedures, delayed claims, and denied claims.
If you need any other questions answered, you can try to get in contact with Mapfre's customer service. You can do so by calling them.
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