
Lorillard, Inc. Customer FAQ

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What is Lorillard, Inc.'s Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Lorillard, Inc. customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Can I order Lorillard, Inc. products online?

No, Lorillard, Inc. does not offer the option to order their products online. As of now, the company's products are not available for...
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Company Overview

What is Lorillard, Inc. and what do they do?

Lorillard, Inc. is a renowned tobacco company based in the United States. With a rich history dating back to 1760, Lorillard has established...

What are the different brands of cigarettes sold by Lorillard, Inc.?

Lorillard, Inc. offers a diverse range of cigarette brands to cater to varying preferences. We proudly bring several popular brands...

Are Lorillard, Inc. cigarettes available internationally?

No, Lorillard, Inc. cigarettes are not available internationally. Lorillard, Inc. is a tobacco company based in the United States and...

Are there any job opportunities available at Lorillard, Inc.?

Yes, there may be job opportunities available at Lorillard, Inc. We are a dynamic and growing company that values talent and diversity....

Can I order Lorillard, Inc. products online?

No, Lorillard, Inc. does not offer the option to order their products online. As of now, the company's products are not available for...


Where is Lorillard, Inc. headquartered?

Lorillard, Inc. is headquartered in Greensboro, North Carolina, USA. Situated in the heart of the state, Greensboro serves as the company's...

Marketing and Advertising

What is Lorillard, Inc.'s stance on responsible marketing and advertising?

Lorillard, Inc. is committed to responsible marketing and advertising practices. We prioritize the well-being of our consumers and...

Smoking Cessation

Does Lorillard, Inc. offer any programs to help smokers quit?

Yes, Lorillard, Inc. offers various programs and resources to assist smokers in quitting. We understand the challenges associated with...

Social Responsibility

What is Lorillard, Inc.'s approach to corporate social responsibility?

Lorillard, Inc. is committed to maintaining the highest standards of corporate social responsibility (CSR). We believe in conducting We strive to minimize our environmental impact by implementing sustainable practices in our operations, including waste reduction and energy conservation. Additionally, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our employees by promoting a healthy and inclusive workplace environment. Our responsible marketing practices focus on reaching adult tobacco consumers while adhering to strict guidelines and avoiding any marketing directed towards youth. We understand the importance of giving back to the communities in which we operate. Through various philanthropic initiatives, volunteer programs, and partnerships, we actively engage with local organizations to address social needs and contribute to community development. At Lorillard, Inc., we believe that our commitment to CSR is not only vital for our long-term success but also reflects our dedication to being a responsible corporate citizen....


Are Lorillard, Inc.'s products regulated by any health organizations?

Yes, Lorillard, Inc.'s products are regulated by various health organizations. As a responsible tobacco company, Lorillard is subject...


What is the history of Lorillard, Inc. as a company?

Lorillard, Inc. has a rich and dynamic history as a company. Established in 1760, it is one of the oldest continuously operating tobacco...

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