Guidance Software, Inc. Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is Guidance Software, Inc.'s Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Guidance Software, Inc. customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Does Guidance Software, Inc. have a refund or return policy?

Yes, Guidance Software, Inc. has a refund and return policy. If customers are not satisfied with their purchase, they can request a...
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What is Guidance Software, Inc. and what do they do?

Guidance Software, Inc. is a leading provider of digital investigation and cybersecurity solutions. They specialize in empowering organizations...


What products does Guidance Software, Inc. offer?

Guidance Software, Inc. offers a range of products designed to help organizations effectively manage and protect digital information...


What is the pricing structure for Guidance Software, Inc. products?

Guidance Software, Inc. offers a flexible pricing structure for its products to cater to the diverse needs of its customers. As an...


Can I request a demo or trial of Guidance Software, Inc. products?

Yes, you can request a demo or trial of Guidance Software, Inc. products. To experience the full potential of our products and witness...

System Requirements

What are the system requirements for running Guidance Software, Inc. products?

The system requirements for running Guidance Software, Inc. products vary depending on the specific software being used. For EnCase...


Is training available for using Guidance Software, Inc. products?

Yes, training is available for using Guidance Software, Inc. products. Our company offers comprehensive training programs designed...

Support & Maintenance

What is the support and maintenance policy for Guidance Software, Inc. products?

Guidance Software, Inc. is committed to providing comprehensive support and maintenance for its products. We offer various support...

Payment Options

What are the payment options for purchasing Guidance Software, Inc. products?

Payment options for purchasing Guidance Software, Inc. products are diverse and customer-friendly. We offer various methods to accommodate...

Refund Policy

Does Guidance Software, Inc. have a refund or return policy?

Yes, Guidance Software, Inc. has a refund and return policy. If customers are not satisfied with their purchase, they can request a...

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