How Much Is GEICO Auto Insurance Per Month?

GEICO provides affordable auto insurance coverage options. However, the monthly costs vary depending on your vehicle features and driving habits. You can get a quote online to find out your monthly estimate. Various discounts can also help in saving costs. Contact customer service to check if you qualify for any discounts.

GEICO is among the largest insurers in the market with a good reputation. You can protect your vehicle through its coverage options, such as liability protection, personal injury, and comprehensive coverage.

The insurance company is popular for its affordable prices. However, the GEICO monthly auto insurance cost is different for various policyholders. You can expect a lower premium if you require fewer auto repairs and medical costs.

You can get a free quote through the official website. Alternatively, you may call customer care to know your monthly cost estimates.

Factors Influencing Monthly Rates

There are no fixed rates as monthly charges for auto insurance. However, you can determine the rates by considering a few factors.

Driving Record

One of the most significant influences on monthly premium rates is your driving record. The following can increase your policy costs:

  • Accidents caused by you
  • Speeding tickets
  • Traffic violations

Drivers with a spotless record have much lower premiums. You can also qualify for numerous discounts if you follow safe driving habits. In some states, GEICO provides the Drive Easy app. It tracks your driving behavior, including hard braking, speeding, acceleration, and using your phone while driving. The more points you score, the lower your prices drop.

Driving Activity

The chances of damages and getting into accidents increase if you drive often, so GEICO analyzes your driving activity to calculate monthly rates.

If you drive regularly and tend to go long distances, your rates may be higher. Meanwhile, the costs are lower if you occasionally drive and for short distances.

Vehicle Features

Your vehicle features can also lower your monthly costs. If your car has higher safety ratings, you can expect lower premiums. Features such as airbags, tracking devices, anti-lock brakes, alarms, and anti-theft can get you more discounts.

However, your monthly prices increase if your vehicle undergoes frequent repairs. You can contact customer care to know more about the features that help in saving costs.


GEICO offers several discounts to help you save money. Young drivers may qualify for good student discounts, defensive driving discounts, and driver's education discounts.

You can also bundle your auto insurance policy with homeowners, condo, mobile home, or renters' policy through GEICO. This allows you to receive a multi-policy discount. You can also get multi-vehicle discounts if you insure more than one vehicle with the company.

Additionally, you may qualify for other discounts, including new vehicle, emergency deployment, and good driver discounts. You can reach out to a live customer representative to check your eligibility for different discounts and lower your monthly rates.

Get an Online Estimate

One of the best ways to learn more about GEICO's cost is getting a quote. Here's how:

  1. Visit the official website and choose "Insurance" from the "Menu" tab.
  2. Choose the "Vehicle" option and select "Auto."
  3. Enter your ZIP code and select the "Review Your Quote" option.
  4. Next, provide the necessary personal, vehicle, and driver's details.
  5. Finally, select "Submit" and receive your estimate.

You can also contact customer care to receive any additional information regarding coverages and prices.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.
How Much Is GEICO Auto Insurance Per Month?

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GEICO monthly auto insurance cost
GEICO auto insurance cost per month
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