What is the difference between state and federal extended unemployment benefits in Connecticut?

Asked 10 months ago
State extended unemployment benefits in Connecticut are available to individuals who have exhausted their regular unemployment benefits and meet certain eligibility criteria. These benefits are funded and administered by the state government. The amount and duration of these benefits vary depending on the prevailing economic conditions and the state's unemployment rate. On the other hand, federal extended unemployment benefits are additional support provided by the federal government during periods of high unemployment. These benefits are an extension of the state benefits and are available to individuals who have exhausted their state benefits. The duration and amount of these benefits are determined by federal legislation and may differ from state extended benefits. It is important to note that the availability of federal extended benefits is subject to ongoing federal legislation and is usually triggered by high unemployment rates at the state level.
Jeff Whelpley is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Answered May 3, 2024

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