How Do I Lower My Charter Communications Bill?

When you are looking at ways to trim your budget, lowering your Charter Communications bill is one way you might be able to add more cash to your pocket. You can call and request a lower rate or see if you can get a discount for setting up autopay. Purchasing your own equipment is another way to lower your bill. The quickest way to lower your Charter Communications bill is to eliminate unused services or downgrade to a lower package.

Charter Communications provides millions with telephone, internet and cable television service. As a Charter Communications customer, you want to get the best value for your services, and you may be looking at ways to lower your monthly bill. How do you lower your Charter Communications bill? You can find out more about Charter Communications' billing by calling customer service here, and below are ways you can lower your monthly bill.

Charter Communications is owned by Spectrum, so it is important to understand Spectrum's policies. Spectrum does not offer introductory prices to existing customers; however, it is possible to lower your monthly rate.

Call and Ask

The first step you can take is to call Charter Communications here and ask if you can get a better rate on your bill. You may have to speak to several customer service representatives as you elevate the matter; however, persistence may pay off by getting you a lower rate. While Spectrum has stated it will not provide introductory rates to existing customers, you may still be able to negotiate a lower rate.

Re-Evaluate What Services You Need

Another tried and true method of lowering your Charter Communications bill is to look at what services you have and which ones you can do without. Do you need the internet speed you currently have, or can you get by with a slower speed? Are you watching all the channels on your current plan, or can you step down your television package? Do you have a cellphone and a landline but only use your cellphone? By examining your current services and dropping those you don't use or downgrading the ones that you can downgrade, you can lower your monthly bill.

Reduce or Eliminate Equipment Fees

Purchasing your own modems and routers can help you lower your monthly bill by eliminating leasing fees from your account. You can get a decent router for less money than the added monthly leasing fees. This saves you over the long-run in addition to saving money each month.

Autopay Discounts

Sometimes you can get discounts on your services by setting up autopay. Check with Charter Communications to see if you can get your monthly bill lowered by setting up an autopay plan. Autopay is not only convenient for you, it can ensure your bill will be paid on time each month.

There are many ways you can lower your Charter Communications bill. For more information, contact Charter Communications customer support here.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.
How Do I Lower My Charter Communications Bill?

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Charter Communications

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