How Do I Check My Boost Mobile Voicemail Without My Phone?

Boost Mobile voicemail is a service that allows subscribers to check their messages without needing access to a phone. Boost Mobile offers three options for checking your voicemails, calling another number, going online or listening on the app. There are several benefits of using these methods. For instance, they're convenient and easy to use when you don't have access to your phone. The company employs industry-standard encryption so only you can see what's inside.

Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Dec 9, 2022

If you're like most people, you probably don't want to be without your phone. It's a vital part of our everyday lives. But what do you do if you need to check your voicemail and your phone is lost, stolen, or just out of reach? Don't worry; there is a solution in checking your Boost Mobile voicemail without your phone.

1. Call Your Phone Number From Another Phone

The easiest way to check your voicemail is to call your phone number from another phone. This can be a friend or family member's phone or even a public phone. Once you're in the line, wait for the greetings. Reach out to customer support for guidance on the procedure.

2. Press the '*' Key

If you can get to a phone but don't have the number memorized, you can press the '*' Key on any phone. It prompts the automated system to ask for your Boost Mobile voicemail password.

3. Enter Your Password

From here, you type your password. It's paramount to make corrections so that you don't have to repeat the steps. Press the '#' Key. After you've entered your password, press the '1' key. This will take you directly to your voicemail inbox.

4. Listen To Your Voicemails

Now that you know how to access your voicemail, it's time to listen to them. All of your voicemails will be listed in chronological order. You can either listen to them one at a time or press the '7' key to listen to them all at once. Contact support for guidance if you encounter an issue.

If you want to save a voicemail, press the '3' key. It allows you to keep it as a WAV file on your computer.

5. Delete a Voicemail

If you want to delete a voicemail, press the '4' key. This will delete the selected voicemail and mark it as "deleted."

6. Mark a Voicemail As "Unread"

If you want to mark a voicemail as "unread," press the '2' key. It changes the color of the voicemail's icon to blue, and it will show up as "unread" in your voicemail inbox.

Boost Mobile Check Voicemail Online

If you can't get to a phone, or if you want to avoid having to call your number, you can also check your voicemail online. Just go to and log in with your Boost Mobile account information. From there, you can see all of your voicemails, delete them and even change your greeting.

There are a few benefits of going online to check your voicemail. First, you don't have to worry about having access to a phone. You can check your voicemail from any computer or device with an internet connection. Second, you can save voicemails as WAV files and listen to them offline.

This is great if you're on a plane or somewhere without cell service. Finally, you can delete voicemails without having to call your number or go online. This is helpful if you're trying to clear out your inbox before your vacation. Seek help from the customer support team if something comes up.

How Secure Is Your Data?

Boost Mobile takes the security of your data very seriously. They use industry-standard encryption methods to protect your information. This means that even if someone can access your account information, they can't see or hear your voicemails, and you can maintain your privacy.

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Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg.
How Do I Check My Boost Mobile Voicemail Without My Phone?

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How Do I Check My Boost Mobile Voicemail Without My Phone?
Checking Your Boost Mobile Voicemail Without the Phone

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