
Amerigroup Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is Amerigroup's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Amerigroup customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Does Amerigroup offer dental and vision coverage?

Yes, Amerigroup does offer dental and vision coverage. As a comprehensive healthcare provider, Amerigroup understands the importance...
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Contact Information

How Do I Contact Amerigroup Customer Service?

Amerigroup is a leading provider in Medicaid and Medicare plans. If you are an Amerigroup member, you want to make sure you can reach...

About Amerigroup

What is Amerigroup?

Amerigroup is a leading managed care company that focuses on providing Medicaid, Medicare Advantage, and other health insurance options...

Health Insurance Plans

What health insurance plans does Amerigroup offer?

Amerigroup offers a range of comprehensive health insurance plans to meet diverse healthcare needs. With a focus on providing accessible...

Prescription Coverage

Does Amerigroup cover prescription medications?

Yes, Amerigroup does cover prescription medications. As a health insurance provider, Amerigroup understands the importance of medication...

Travel Abroad

Can I use my Amerigroup insurance when traveling abroad?

No, Amerigroup insurance does not cover healthcare services received outside the United States. It is important to note that Amerigroup...

Additional Coverage

Does Amerigroup offer dental and vision coverage?

Yes, Amerigroup does offer dental and vision coverage. As a comprehensive healthcare provider, Amerigroup understands the importance...

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