How Do I Cancel My Allegiant Airlines Flight?

We are going to show you how to cancel your Allegiant Airlines flight in a step-by-step manner below. This guide will make the cancellation process both simple and easy.

Jeff Whelpley is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Apr 24, 2020

Perhaps you are an Allegiant Airlines customer who booked a flight that no longer works for you. If that is the case, you want to know how to cancel your Allegiant Airlines flight, is that correct? If so, we definitely understand your position! This article was written specifically to help people like you.

We are going to show you how to cancel your Allegiant Airlines flight in a step-by-step manner below. This guide will make the cancellation process both simple and easy. Just follow along and you will be able to cancel your flight in no time at all.

Allegiant Airlines, of course, is the ninth-largest commercial airline in the United States. It is owned by the publicly-traded company Allegiant Travel Company. Its headquarters is in Summerlin, Nevada. Summerlin is a beautiful suburb of Las Vegas, Nevada. It has a market cap of $2.6 billion and over 4,000 employees.

Are you ready to get started? Fantastic! Let's begin the cancellation process:

1. You will first want to navigate on over to the Allegiant Airlines website. Once you have arrived, please carefully look at all of your options on the Allegiant Airlines website home page.

2. Next, carefully check out the top navigation links at the top of the Allegiant Airlines home page. One of the links will be a white "Manage Travel" link. Click that link.

3. You will be prompted to login. Please enter your myAllegiant username and password to login to your account. After you have logged in, you will be directed to the "My Trips" page within your myAllegiant account.

4. Enter in your itinerary confirmation number under the bold black "Itinerary Confirmation Number" heading. Then click the grey "Add This Itinerary" button.

5. Your trip will now be displayed. From here you can cancel your flight by clicking the "Cancel My Flight" link. You will have to confirm your selection at this point. Also, you should note that there may be fees that you are charged when you cancel your flight. Those fees should be displayed as you click "Cancel My Flight". You will have the opportunity to agree to those charges and confirm your selection before the cancellation is finalized.

6. Please note that you are able to cancel your flight without any charges within 24 hours of purchase with Allegiant Airlines. If you do this, you will receive a full refund.

7. You also may be able to cancel your flight on the phone with an Allegiant Airlines customer service representative. If you try this, please note that there may be an additional fee when processing the cancellation on the phone versus online. Additionally, there can sometimes be long hold times when attempting things like this by phone.

7. If you still would like more detailed assistance with this request, click here to visit our dedicated support page and we will put you in touch with a human in the customer support department of Allegiant Airlines very quickly.

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Jeff truly believes that all customers deserve good service. He’s been building tools, inventing phone tree hacks and helping customers since before his days at GetHuman. He's also a Google GDE and involved in the Angular community.

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Asked 4 years ago
Updated 4 years ago
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how to cancel Allegiant Airlines flight
Allegiant Airlines cancel my flight
cancel my Allegiant Airlines flight
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