TracFone Wireless Customer Service Issues

Archive 19

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about TracFone Wireless customer service, archive #19. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported May 2, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I encountered an account access problem with Tracfone that was caused by their system. After two weeks and numerous calls, speaking with 7 or 8 representatives, the issue was finally resolved. However, during the holds, Tracfone deducted over 60 minutes from my phone minutes, even though the [redacted] number is meant to be toll-free. It was frustrating to pay for being on hold when the technicians seemed uncertain about the solution.
Reported by GetHuman8337701 on Tuesday, May 2, 2023 12:21 AM
I sent back a defective Tracfone using the prepaid shipping package. The LaVergne warehouse confirmed they received it, but Tracfone never sent the replacement as promised. I've made countless calls to customer service, but each representative has been dishonest. Despite numerous calls to Tracfone, full of lies, two months have passed with no resolution. Avoid sending any exchanges to this company, as it seems replacements are not forthcoming. I recommend swiftly switching to a different provider. Do not invest any more money with these deceitful individuals - nothing but dishonesty from them!
Reported by GetHuman-edvanman on Sunday, May 7, 2023 8:15 PM
I had a negative experience with multiple representatives who were rude, hung up on me, and refused to assist me. They also declined to provide me with a contact number for further assistance. Despite being a long-time customer, I have never encountered such issues until today. I expect this matter to be addressed promptly. I made note that calls were recorded on my end and I will escalate this to the relevant authorities if the company does not resolve this issue for their paying customers.
Reported by GetHuman8363073 on Saturday, May 13, 2023 5:57 PM
I bought a Tracfone (Nokia) and reached out to Tracfone Assistance to activate it. During the call, the CSR nearly finished the activation but had to end the call due to a medical appointment. I have only this phone for service right now. Today, I tried again to complete the activation. The CSR mentioned they couldn't resolve the issue related to turning on the phone. Subsequently, I tried making calls but received quick messages at the bottom of the screen, potentially about "call limit has been reached."
Reported by GetHuman8364405 on Sunday, May 14, 2023 3:58 PM
I reached out previously regarding an unordered phone I received. I am looking to return it but require a barcode shipping label. I was informed over the phone that the label would be emailed to me, but I am still waiting for it. Dealing with Tracfone has been incredibly frustrating, and I am considering contacting the Better Business Bureau. I have spent all day attempting to resolve this matter to no avail. Could someone please email me the barcode return label? Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8376077 on Friday, May 19, 2023 8:07 PM
I experienced a loss of cellular data connection last year and despite spending over 3 months working with Tracfone to resolve the issue, it was not permanently fixed. The problem resurfaced about a month ago after adding airtime to my account. I am disappointed by the recurring nature of this issue, and if Tracfone/Verizon cannot provide a lasting solution, I am considering switching to a new carrier. I seek a permanent restoration of my cellular data connection without the need for repeated troubleshooting with low-level support.
Reported by GetHuman-brian_js on Monday, May 29, 2023 2:29 PM
I have a friend who gifted me Tracfone service for a year in April [redacted]. However, I noticed a charge of $27.72 on my credit card for the service. Can you please credit this charge back to me for May 5, [redacted]? Additionally, I would like to confirm that my service is set for a year as intended. Thank you. My phone number is [redacted]. - Teri W. I can provide the donor's number if necessary. Please make sure to stop the monthly charges since I have prepaid for a year of service.
Reported by GetHuman8398751 on Tuesday, May 30, 2023 8:10 PM
I noticed a double charge on my plan today. This morning, I received a text about my plan and thought I was on my old one. After replying, the options given were not helpful. I purchased the same plan online, only to realize it was unnecessary. I found out my card was charged twice. I've spent over 6 hours trying to fix this with no luck.
Reported by GetHuman-nlsnjpn on Tuesday, May 30, 2023 11:19 PM
I ordered a new phone from Tracfone on 5-24-[redacted] to replace my broken one. I paid extra for overnight shipping. I received an email on 5-25-[redacted] confirming the purchase and tracking number. The tracking information states "pending remote fulfillment." Despite five calls to customer service within the past 7 days, I have been unable to get an update on the whereabouts of my phone. I have been a loyal customer for over 20 years and have never experienced issues until now. I am seeking resolution or a refund promptly. Any assistance is appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-davesf on Thursday, June 1, 2023 12:12 AM
I have been a loyal Tracfone customer for over 15 years. Recently, I lost my Samsung A02s phone, which I had upgraded for the 5G system. Losing the phone has caused me to be locked out of my accounts that require verification codes. Even though I purchased a new Samsung A13 Tracfone, I am unable to change my old number to the new phone due to authentication issues. Despite multiple attempts, including inputting my 4-digit code, mother's maiden name, and two frequently contacted phone numbers, I have been unsuccessful. This has been a frustrating and distressing experience. I have tried contacting customer service numerous times, but the responses have been unhelpful and repetitive. My 15+ years of loyalty and the long service end date of [redacted] seem to hold no weight in resolving this situation. I urgently need access to my old number. Tracfone has been reliable until now, and I hope there is a way to get assistance beyond the standard procedures to restore my confidence in the company. Thank you for directing all correspondence to my girlfriend's email address. - RW
Reported by GetHuman8402067 on Thursday, June 1, 2023 4:17 AM
I have two phone lines with Tracfone. I wanted to cancel one line and transfer the minutes to a new phone. After contacting them through live chat, they said it could be done. I bought a new phone, successfully transferred the minutes from one line, but had trouble transferring the minutes from the second line. They mentioned a "higher department" needed to assist. After being passed around for 1.5 hours, I was told the only way to transfer the remaining minutes was to deactivate the new phone and then transfer the number and minutes, causing me to lose the minutes already on the new phone. It seems I am stuck with two phones as they claim there is no solution. Essentially, I feel misled after purchasing the new phone.
Reported by GetHuman8450102 on Thursday, June 22, 2023 3:20 AM
I need to reactivate my service as my debit card was suspended before the payment was processed. I have a new debit card to use. However, I cannot access my on-file email ("[redacted]") to complete the reactivation as I haven't used it in months. I need to change my email to "[redacted]" to continue the recovery process online. Account Details: Phone Number: [redacted] Phone IMEI: [redacted] Name: Joe Sharp PIN: Not remembered as it's rarely used.
Reported by GetHuman-diltutta on Thursday, June 22, 2023 3:32 PM
I've experienced disappointment four times this past week due to conflicting information from your agents. Finally, one agent was honest that you couldn't assist me after others claimed they could, despite lengthy phone calls and chats. It seems there is a lack of consistency among your agents, suggesting they may not have received the same training. Their failure to follow up on promised callbacks is also frustrating. I prefer not to continue communicating through email as typing out my concerns repeatedly is exhausting.
Reported by GetHuman-hassenfr on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 2:03 AM
I am experiencing issues with my wife's Tracfone being deactivated without intention to reactivate it. Additionally, I had two phones deactivated by Tracfone as well, creating doubts about their service. It seems Tracfone deactivates phones without accountability or attempts to fix the issues, as many others have expressed similar complaints without any solutions provided. This kind of service creates frustration and dissatisfaction among customers who feel ignored by the company's actions.
Reported by GetHuman8470588 on Friday, June 30, 2023 7:25 PM
On July 1st, [redacted], my Tracfone service was deactivated by a chat representative who mentioned I have a Safelink phone. Although I did have a Safelink phone between 2[redacted], I canceled that service through the Safelink website and verified it with a Tracfone representative. According to the Safelink website and a Tracfone rep, my phone should have reverted to a normal Tracfone after canceling the Safelink service. This change occurred three phones and ten years ago. I have purchased over 30 phone cards and accumulated [redacted]+ minutes, texts, and data with service through January [redacted]. When I contacted the chat support again, they said they couldn't assist me, abruptly ended the conversation, and requested a callback number. However, my Tracfone is my callback number. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any email support options available.
Reported by GetHuman8481944 on Wednesday, July 5, 2023 9:58 PM
My husband accidentally dropped his A20 cell phone in the ocean, and it's now not working. I purchased an A53 to replace it, but we're having trouble transferring his number because the agents are unable to verify the old phone. Despite providing the SIM number and IMEI number, it seems there may be an issue with his account file. We shared two numbers he texted on June 21, but the agents couldn't locate them. Since the old phone won't turn on, sending a security number for verification is not an option. We've been loyal customers for over a decade, which I believe your records will confirm. Given our age and reliance on our phones for safety outside our home, we would greatly appreciate any assistance.
Reported by GetHuman8482262 on Thursday, July 6, 2023 1:27 AM
I have attempted to contact your company over 50 times today due to dropped calls. Every call I made experienced call drops, and when calls weren't dropped, the issue was not resolved. This situation is causing me immense stress as I rely on phone calls for my livelihood in retail. I have lost a significant amount of money due to this ongoing problem. Despite assurances of a resolution and compensation for my time, nothing has been done. I am extremely stressed and struggling to function properly. Could you please arrange for me to speak with a manager as I have followed all the steps requested of me without any improvement in the situation.
Reported by GetHuman8493045 on Monday, July 10, 2023 7:04 PM
I've been struggling to connect my phone to TracFone Wireless. I'm unsure of other compatible options. When I was shut down, they mentioned an issue with my name which I have rectified. I have completed all necessary steps online, but I keep getting the runaround. They cancelled my phone and took my prepaid money twice. Even after getting a new SIM card, my phone remains inactive. It has been 5 to 6 months, and I haven't received any assistance despite providing all required information. I need someone to address this issue immediately as my phone is still not working. I've tried to change my number, get a new SIM card, and transfer my old number, but nothing has worked so far. Please help me resolve this problem promptly.
Reported by GetHuman8520218 on Sunday, July 23, 2023 12:14 AM
Hello, When I attempted to restart my Nokia G300, it entered fastboot mode with the following details displayed on the screen: FastBoot Mode PRODUCT_NAME - aoki VARIANT - SM_ EMMC BOOTLOADER VERSION - BASEBAND VERSION - SERIAL NUMBER - A0AOKIH002N[redacted]2 SECURE BOOT - yes DEVICE STATE - locked The IMEI number on the device is [redacted][redacted]. I have attempted to exit this mode using the volume and power keys, but each restart leads back to the same screen. I am seeking guidance on how to successfully navigate away from this fastboot mode screen.
Reported by GetHuman8521152 on Sunday, July 23, 2023 4:25 PM
Hello! I’m reaching out for assistance as I have been experiencing difficulties with Tracfone customer service. I was previously using Tracfone service under the Walmart family plan, however, I no longer have any contact with Walmart. I have qualified for a free government phone service, and I need Tracfone to unlock my phone to use with the government service. I have made multiple attempts to have Tracfone unlock my phone, but they are requesting a payment of $[redacted] before doing so. They have also been unhelpful and have rudely hung up on me several times. After consulting with Apple, I was advised to escalate the issue to management, as Tracfone should not be able to lock my phone since I purchased monthly minute cards and had no contract with them. Any assistance with this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman8561001 on Saturday, August 12, 2023 11:49 PM

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