State Farm Customer Service Issues

Archive 4

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about State Farm customer service, archive #4. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported January 17, 2020 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I have discovered a method to access water without using ocean water. It's frustrating how scientists like myself are often overlooked. I can introduce you to innovative individuals with promising technology that can be delivered and tried for free for a limited time. I possess an image of the device that operates without relying on salt water, manufactured in Israel and China. Currently, I am exploring highly efficient portable solar technology and compiling a list of manufacturers. The current solar energy harvesting method you've chosen looks ineffective to me. I can connect you with better systems to help you save money while obtaining energy and water. It would be appreciated if a retainer or consultancy fee is considered.
Reported by GetHuman4261552 on Friday, January 17, 2020 2:07 PM
Claim Number: 05-[redacted]-Z92. I am disappointed by the lack of response regarding my request for compensation following the injuries sustained in a car accident. The impact caused physical harm and mental anguish that cannot be quantified. I am willing to settle, and I have provided all necessary documentation, including medical bills and letters. It is time for a fair resolution to be reached to address the disruption this incident has caused in my life.
Reported by GetHuman4285918 on Friday, January 24, 2020 1:23 AM
Regarding [redacted], my son was in a rear-end collision with a State Farm insured vehicle. I visited your employed estimator who offered me a cash payout of $1,[redacted], which I found to be insufficient. Seeking a second opinion, I went to two State Farm authorized body shops and received estimates of $4,[redacted] and $2,[redacted]. The estimate your estimator provided was $2,[redacted]. It appears the authorized shops found more damage than your employee did. I was informed that only your employee's initial estimate is considered, which seems unfair given the disparity in the evaluations. I simply want a fair payout reflecting the true damage done to the car. Despite visiting another authorized shop for a third-party estimate, the discrepancy remains. I am willing to cooperate with another estimator of your choice to come to a fair resolution. The current proposed payout does not align with the actual repair costs, as going to the shop where the estimate was $4,[redacted] will incur additional expenses, including a rental car. I urge you to reconsider the payout amount to avoid further complications.
Reported by GetHuman4298082 on Monday, January 27, 2020 6:06 PM
In June or July [redacted], I was rear-ended and pushed under a semi-truck by an unlicensed driver. I was completely stopped when he hit me, causing my car to be lodged under the truck. Despite attempting to flee, law enforcement intervened due to his previous warrants. My car, which was less than 2 years old, had full coverage insurance, and my 3-year-old daughter and husband were also in the vehicle. After being hit so severely, we were advised to visit the hospital for a check-up. Subsequently, we have been pursued by a collection agency for the medical bills from the ER and ER physicians. These bills, totaling approximately $[redacted], are a financial strain. Having reached out to several individuals regarding this matter, I am seeking assistance as I carry insurance, including coverage for uninsured motorists.
Reported by GetHuman-obrn_ on Tuesday, March 31, 2020 10:51 PM
While attempting a left turn in my neighborhood, I was struck by another vehicle. The area where I was turning was crowded with cars due to it being a Sunday morning. This congestion made it challenging to see oncoming traffic. Following a 20-30 second wait at the stop sign, I cautiously moved forward to check for incoming cars. Just as I believed it was safe to turn, the collision occurred as another vehicle struck my driver's side. The other driver was traveling above the 25 mph speed limit for the neighborhood. We exchanged information, and I am now looking to report the incident that took place on Sunday, May 17th, around 9:00 am. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-olaykath on Monday, May 18, 2020 7:53 PM
I filed a claim for roof damage in October. The adjuster promised to provide an estimate but only sent a check for around $[redacted]. I struggled to find contractors to do the repairs within that budget. When I contacted my agent, I was advised to wait until spring. Even in spring, I couldn't find anyone willing to do the necessary repairs for that amount. I had trouble reaching the original adjuster and was later informed he was no longer with the company. After much back and forth, the claim was denied due to the estimate calling for a complete roof replacement. The lack of clarity and communication in this process has been frustrating. The damage to my room has worsened, and the lack of assistance is disappointing given my long-standing policy with significant annual payments. I feel more transparency regarding repair limits and clearer communication throughout the claim process would have been beneficial.
Reported by GetHuman5060540 on Monday, July 13, 2020 5:39 PM
I have submitted a claim for my [redacted] Elantra with the claim number 3509C475J. It is currently at a body shop for repairs. Despite the initial pick-up date of today, July 27th, further work is required on the side of my car due to a significant scratch. The shop, Service King at [redacted] Puritas, Cleveland, OH [redacted], can be contacted for more details. I have been without a car for 3 weeks now, and they are unsure if it will be ready this week. The shop's operating hours are until 6 pm Eastern Time. I am unable to call at the moment as my husband is working from home, so please respond via email at [redacted] I am eager to have my car back promptly to conclude this claim. Thank you for your assistance. Warm regards, Annmarie C.-K.
Reported by GetHuman5106716 on Monday, July 27, 2020 9:25 PM
Dear State Farm Auto Claims, I'm writing to express my confusion regarding the delay in processing my grandson Tanner Freeman's claim (#[redacted]96). It seems evident from the accident and stolen vehicle reports, along with Eleanor Mullen's conflicting statements, that she was driving during the incident. Due to the extended wait for resolution, Tanner has resorted to commuting on his motorcycle on Twin Cities freeways. I am worried about his safety during these commutes and find State Farm's prolonged decision-making concerning. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Robert A. Tanner's Grandfather
Reported by GetHuman4987161 on Saturday, August 8, 2020 1:18 AM
I am seeking to change agents as my current agent has been slow to respond to my inquiries via email and phone calls, sometimes taking up to a week or not returning calls at all. I have noticed discrepancies in my State Farm billing over the past few months. Upon reviewing my policy documents on the State Farm website, I discovered that my policy has undergone several changes, including cancellation, reinstatement, and an increased policy amount. However, I have not been notified about these changes by my agent or State Farm. I recently received a bill from State Farm, the first in a while. I am frustrated with my agent's lack of communication, inaccurate policy quotes, and failure to provide requested information in a timely manner. I attempted to use a link on the State Farm website to change agents, which was available last week but is now missing. Thank you for your help, Phil L.
Reported by GetHuman5254889 on Friday, September 11, 2020 8:29 PM
Regarding claim #11B9171H7 managed by Carol Silverman, I, Courtney Wynne, am notifying you that I received a bill for physician services amounting to $[redacted] for my daughter, Zoe Wynne, which was not submitted to our health insurance after our settlement in July. I believed this amount was paid by State Farm along with the settlement. Alcoa Billing Center allegedly sent this bill to State Farm in April on my behalf. However, I got a bill yesterday because it remained unpaid. When I reached out to State Farm, I was connected to a representative in Texas after waiting for over one hour and forty minutes, which wasn't ideal as I reside in Georgia. The bill is from Alcoa Billing Center with the account number M[redacted]0 for Patient: Zoe Wynne with Bill ID: 2[redacted]-[redacted] totaling $[redacted].00. Their contact number is [redacted]. Due to my current commitments, I request a courtesy confirmation of this message receipt and details on the next steps to address this issue promptly. For further communication, please email me or contact me at [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman5338589 on Tuesday, October 6, 2020 1:24 PM
Subject: Inquiry Regarding CADILLAC SRX Claim # 38-12B8-93W I have initiated a case and expect contact within 30 days for further investigation. Additionally, I will be reaching out to the Governor's office for assistance. Thank you, Beverly Hilton
Reported by GetHuman5423201 on Sunday, November 1, 2020 4:57 PM
After being insured with State Farm for more than 25 years, even turning down a better deal from USAA due to our loyalty, my husband, a military member with 16 years of service and multiple deployments, has recently faced challenges resulting in a couple of speeding tickets and a lane violation ticket over the past 18 months. Despite our long-standing relationship, we were informed by letter that we are being dropped from our coverage without any prior discussion from our agent. While we acknowledge the traffic violations, the lack of support or understanding around the stresses and challenges military personnel face, including PTSD, is disheartening. We feel disregarded and unappreciated by State Farm, solely focused on financial matters. We intend to share our disappointing experience with other military members and raise awareness about the treatment we have received.
Reported by GetHuman-nissitea on Saturday, November 7, 2020 5:22 PM
I have a claim number 5914K588C for my door repair. I submitted a supplement claim with photos, but it was denied. They asked me to pay $[redacted].45 for parts, labor, and painting. Despite sending pictures, they wanted more. I paid $[redacted].45 out of pocket and received a $[redacted].00 check after my deductible, but I still need reimbursement for the $[redacted].45. The app I used for the claim process was not user-friendly.
Reported by GetHuman-teamfigu on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 5:19 PM
Due to Hurricane Zeta, a tree fell in our kitchen. State Farm has been very supportive throughout this process. However, I am experiencing delays with Sedgwick, an associated company, which is holding up the repair approval. Despite Zeta hitting Alabama on October 29th, we are still kitchen-less. I am hoping a State Farm representative can assist in expediting this claim. My agent and claim adjuster have been proactive, but the holdup with Sedgwick is causing frustration.
Reported by GetHuman-berffy on Monday, December 28, 2020 7:23 PM
Dear State Farm, My name is Phillup Brinkman, and I have concerns regarding my car insurance with Agent Dean A. Kangas in Calumet, Michigan. Due to my disability and the current COVID situation, I prefer to communicate through text or mail to have written records. I've been a loyal customer with no accidents and seek information on my coverage status. If full coverage is the only option, I'll accept it. I will share the texts/emails with Mr. Kangas for reference. Thank you for your attention, Phillup Brinkman
Reported by GetHuman-phillupb on Wednesday, January 13, 2021 3:14 PM
I am trying to file a claim with my local agent, but she is currently overwhelmed working alone and directed me to contact an online number. After calling, I received two text messages, but I am unable to complete the form as I do not have a claim number yet. My name is Tom Kunkel, and I am insured. My address is Box [redacted], Onalaska, Washington [redacted]. My policy number is [redacted]-E13-47, and my State Farm Agent is Gene Sanders in Chehalis, Washington [redacted]. The damage occurred to my new F-[redacted] Truck due to a malfunctioning RR Backup Sensor, causing my rear bumper to be severely impacted. I was referred to Hassler Auto Body in Chehalis by my Ford Dealer, who provided a repair estimate of $3,[redacted].83. Mr. Hassler mentioned there could be additional labor and parts required. I am uncertain about the specifics of the incident as no one left a note or message, and I had visited various locations recently. It's important to note that my cellular phone signal is extremely weak as I live off-grid with limited connectivity, so I prefer communication via email.
Reported by GetHuman5801782 on Wednesday, March 3, 2021 12:18 AM
I called several weeks ago, but I forgot to note the date. Could you confirm if Homeowner Policy Number: 14-K3-[redacted]-2 has been cancelled? During my Customer Service Call, I was told it was cancelled, but I haven't received any notification. If the refund process takes a while, I'd appreciate knowing how long I might have to wait for the $[redacted].00 refund. Please send the check via Postal Mail or Overnight Mail, and I'll cover any related charges. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman5908792 on Wednesday, March 31, 2021 5:53 PM
I've been attempting to obtain mortgage information from [redacted], during our tenure with State Farm Bank. After calling four times and navigating numerous menus without success, I consistently reach a recorded message stating our mortgage was transferred to Roundpoint. Unfortunately, Roundpoint's menu system only discloses the last payment made, lacking the specific details I require for tax purposes. How can I connect with a live representative who can furnish or transmit the necessary mortgage details for [redacted]?
Reported by GetHuman-dtwigg on Thursday, April 8, 2021 8:09 PM
Subject: Inquiry Regarding Recent Premium Increase for Policy 32-CH-T803-6 with Coop Insurance Hello, I am writing to address my concerns about the sudden increase in my recent bill for policy 32-CH-T803-6 to $[redacted], due on October 5, [redacted], compared to the previous bill of $[redacted]. Despite having no claims on my policy, the unexpected rise in the premium has left me confused. I have reached out to my agent, Robert Ramos, multiple times seeking clarification on the reason behind this increase, but unfortunately, I have not received any response. I kindly request a detailed explanation for this premium hike or, if possible, a reduction in the cost of my premium. Due to personal constraints, I am only reachable via email or traditional mail. Your prompt written response providing clarification on the premium increase or a potential cost reduction would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Henriette R. [redacted] West 86 Street Apt. 4-F New York, NY [redacted] Email: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman6584095 on Friday, September 10, 2021 8:44 PM
After receiving quotes from 4 insurance companies for my new home closing on October 22, I found that State Farm offered the best price, being only $[redacted] cheaper. As a loyal customer of State Farm for over 15 years, I was thrilled. I provided all required documents to my agent, Shari Cockrell at Lori Pons agency in Panama City, FL. They requested a 4-point inspection, which I promptly sent. However, the agent stipulated that three issues needed addressing before they could finalize the Homeowners policy for closing. The first problem is a relief valve on a 10+ year water heater, which will be replaced by the gas utility with a tankless water heater scheduled for October 25. The second issue, a loose light socket in the attic, is to be fixed by an electrician from Gulf Electric on October 23. Lastly, a knockout plug missing in the panel box requires attention. Despite my inability to make changes before closing, State Farm declined to offer an amendment allowing time after closing to resolve the issues. Consequently, I switched to Progressive, who accommodated my needs, resulting in my decision to transfer my Homeowners, Flood Insurance, Auto insurance for 2 vehicles, and camper policy away from State Farm due to their lack of flexibility.
Reported by GetHuman6680512 on Wednesday, October 6, 2021 6:58 PM

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