State Farm Customer Service Issues

Archive 5

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about State Farm customer service, archive #5. It includes a selection of 18 issue(s) reported November 6, 2021 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I wanted to share that my family will not be choosing State Farm as our insurance carrier as long as Aaron Rodgers is in their commercials. His misleading statements about his COVID-19 vaccination status are disappointing. It's crucial for individuals like Mr. Rodgers to prioritize getting vaccinated to protect themselves and others. False claims about vaccine side effects are baseless rumors. Many hoped he would make a responsible decision to get vaccinated, but instead, he seems focused on spreading misinformation and not following protocols. I will not only avoid State Farm but will also advise my friends and family to do the same until they end their association with Mr. Rodgers. Sincerely, Jay A. Premselaar
Reported by GetHuman-jayprems on Saturday, November 6, 2021 8:28 PM
I'm really disappointed that Aaron Rodgers is still a spokesperson for State Farm. As a loyal customer for over 30 years, I'm thinking of switching my coverage. His decisions are jeopardizing those around him for invalid reasons. If I were dishonest, my coverage would be canceled. It's unacceptable for him to continue as a spokesperson after being dishonest about his vaccination status. Please reconsider your position. Thank you, J. DeVries.
Reported by GetHuman-jedevrie on Tuesday, November 9, 2021 1:37 AM
I am disappointed in State Farm for not severing ties with Aaron Rodgers. I have been a loyal customer for over four decades, with all my insurance needs covered by them. This recent situation challenges my perception of the company's values. If I were dishonest with my information, State Farm would not hesitate to take action. It seems only fair that Rodgers faces consequences for his deceit. Please pass this message along. - M.L. from Decatur, IL. [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman6789858 on Tuesday, November 9, 2021 1:58 AM
I've been a loyal State Farm customer for many years. The agents have always been helpful, and I've never had any issues with claims. However, I was surprised and disappointed to see Aaron Rodgers still featured in your commercials. It's concerning to have someone like him represent the company. I hope State Farm considers ending this partnership as having him as a spokesperson may not align with the company's values.
Reported by GetHuman-averycat on Thursday, December 2, 2021 9:06 PM
Re: Claim 11-27C9-25P I have reached out to State Farm multiple times regarding a claim, and the representatives I spoke with were unprofessional and argumentative. They did not try to understand my questions, became louder when I persisted, and one even spoke over me when I pointed out the issue. The last agent even refused to provide their name, which should be attached to my claim details. I believe these agents need coaching on their behavior. It seems they have become disengaged and hostile towards customers. As a former customer considering returning, I am concerned about the treatment others might receive. In my experience supervising a call center in the travel industry, such behavior would not have been tolerated. State Farm needs to address this cultural issue. D.T.
Reported by GetHuman-junkater on Tuesday, January 4, 2022 10:47 PM
I believe all my insurance coverage has been removed by mistake. The last two and a half months have been extremely difficult for me. I underwent two major surgeries, dealing with the loss of my uncle who raised me from 8 to 18, as well as the tragic passing of my mother-in-law. The most heartbreaking was the loss of my son. I have been highly preoccupied with these events. I urgently request the reinstatement of all my policies without further delay.
Reported by GetHuman-jmjreese on Wednesday, February 9, 2022 2:24 PM
On 5/29/22 around 11:40 am, we were involved in an accident at Genesta Walk and Harlen Walk inside the apartment complex. We were assisting a blind churchgoer into our car by backing up in a narrow lane between parked cars. Being unable to turn around due to limited parking spots, we started to reverse partway up the drive when Jill, parked near the shed obstructing our view, started to pull out. Despite using the backup camera and my husband checking, we didn't spot her until the impact occurred at the parking garage edge. The collision happened at a low speed as neither car was moving swiftly.
Reported by GetHuman-sdkbrow on Sunday, May 29, 2022 7:45 PM
I submitted a claim to State Farm after an accident with a GEICO driver, clearly documented in the police report as the other party’s fault. My Jeep Wrangler Sahara, just 3 years old, was rear-ended severely. Despite cooperating with my agent(s), there have been significant delays in processing my claim, leaving me to cover rental car costs personally. The State Farm repair facility deemed my Jeep a total loss due to a cracked frame, a decision accepted by State Farm nearly a month ago. However, they have been consistently unresponsive, attributing it to a lack of supervisory personnel. As a result, I am facing financial difficulties and unable to meet my obligations. I seek guidance on escalation channels within State Farm to address this issue promptly and secure the claim payment they have assured me of. Assistance in expediting the resolution and reimbursement for my total loss would be greatly valued.
Reported by GetHuman7774778 on Thursday, September 1, 2022 6:58 PM
Subject: Policy Transfer Inquiry I need assistance regarding LF-2[redacted]. I was informed that I need to take action by December 15. I am looking to transfer ownership of the policy to my four great-grandchildren for their education. However, I have been told that this is not possible. Instead, I would have to cash out the policy in my name, pay state and federal taxes on the interest earned, and then allocate the remaining amount to the children's education fund. This seems illogical to me as I should be able to transfer ownership. Please respond promptly to clarify this matter. Thank you, Kelvin K.
Reported by GetHuman8012874 on Friday, December 9, 2022 11:28 PM
Could you kindly cease sending me insurance quotes? I did not reach out to you during my insurance search, and your frequent messages have become bothersome. At this juncture, I have no interest in purchasing insurance from your company. Moreover, I do not possess all the vehicles mentioned in the quote, and I certainly do not wish to pay for car insurance for my former spouse.
Reported by GetHuman-zakuskas on Wednesday, December 28, 2022 2:18 AM
Claim #1847z645K. My name is Barbara S. I have left multiple messages for Corey Whitworth since the 19th, but he has not returned my calls or emails. Corey previously said it was not hail damage when he visited, but my roof is leaking and requires attention. Another contractor has a different opinion and wants to discuss with Corey. They insist the contractor must send pictures. My sister is experiencing a similar situation where the adjuster will meet the contractor. I am frustrated by the lack of response.
Reported by GetHuman-schledt on Monday, April 24, 2023 3:52 PM
I experienced a lack of service with Policy: 75-KL-G742-8. I applied for this coverage at the agent's office, paid in full, and was told it would take 3-4 days for underwriting. However, it took over 3 weeks for underwriting, and then the agent misplaced the policy for another week. To make matters worse, I received a bill for $1.00 after already paying for the entire year. I am requesting an adjustment to the policy start date to account for the delay and to have the $1.00 fee waived, as I find it to be disrespectful.
Reported by GetHuman-coringrm on Friday, May 26, 2023 1:25 AM
I am attempting to find out where I can bring my motorcycle/scooter for an appraisal as the injured party. The person who hit me is the policyholder. Despite the mobile app indicating I could use it, I am unable to do so since I am not a policyholder. When I call, I am continuously placed on hold and transferred around. The one time I did speak to someone, I was informed that I need to take the scooter to a shop as the adjusters/appraisers no longer visit the vehicle; instead, the vehicle has to go to a shop where they can appraise it. However, the documents sent to me were for car dealerships, not motorcycle dealers. After raising this issue, I was told I could choose any shop, but it would delay the appraisal process significantly as they would ultimately have to take it to one of the designated places on the list.
Reported by GetHuman8471722 on Saturday, July 1, 2023 4:54 AM
My auto insurance has increased by 18% in the past year without any changes to my coverage, accidents, or tickets. This rise is significantly higher than my friends and family members in the same age group with similar vehicles living nearby. Surprisingly, when I inquired with my agent, the reason given for the increase was simply "costs." The total increase for both of my vehicles now amounts to $[redacted] per year. I am puzzled as to why my insurance premium has surged so drastically while others have not experienced any changes at all.
Reported by GetHuman8479489 on Tuesday, July 4, 2023 11:18 PM
While visiting a friend in Sweet Home, Oregon, we drove to Lebanon for groceries. On returning, my truck was hit by the neighbor's Dodge. Despite witnesses confirming the damage, he denied it, causing more chaos by trying to move my vehicle improperly. I'm struggling to deal with the police and waiting for a promised rental and towing service. I am frustrated with the lack of assistance and the neighbor's uncooperative behavior. This situation is causing me stress and affecting my daily life and medical appointments. I do not feel responsible for this mishap and want the insurance to resolve this quickly. I am considering legal action against the negligent driver and his behavior. Please contact me at [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman8560972 on Saturday, August 12, 2023 11:16 PM
I was in a car accident with a client of State Farm. The other driver lied, and State Farm denied my claim for property and bodily damage on the same day without investigating or contacting me. My insurance agent is trying to contact them to provide evidence, but State Farm has been unresponsive. I want to reach someone higher up before involving other agencies.
Reported by GetHuman8664204 on Tuesday, October 17, 2023 5:52 PM
I canceled my Homeowners and Auto policies with my agent, Rick Fields, on October 5th. Following up, I contacted corporate the next day to check on the cancellation status. Underwriting for the homeowner's policy confirmed the cancellation effective October 6th, with a refund of around $1,[redacted] due. Auto Underwriting later verified the auto policy cancellation. However, I have since received bills totaling approximately $[redacted].00. I am requesting a corporate representative to contact me to resolve this issue as I no longer wish to deal with Rick Fields due to his misleading information in the past. I previously submitted a complaint about his lack of transparency regarding policy changes, but have not received a response. Kindly address this matter promptly. Tim T.
Reported by GetHuman8690411 on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 5:15 PM
Subject: Inquiry about State Farm Employment Rules Hello, I am a property & casualty licensed individual currently working towards life and health certifications. I am not an agent yet and would need to work under one as a team member. Before pursuing a job with a State Farm office/agent, I am interested in knowing if State Farm permits team members to work remotely from Tijuana, Mexico. As an American citizen residing in both the US and Mexico intermittently, I seek clarification on the regulations and eligibility criteria for a position within the State Farm family of agents. Your prompt response to this matter would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Nick
Reported by GetHuman8716029 on Wednesday, February 14, 2024 7:49 PM

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