Rent A Center Customer Service Issues

Archive 2

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Rent A Center customer service, archive #2. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 29, 2019 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
On June 28, [redacted], I visited Bob's Discount Furniture at [redacted] Lincoln St. in Worcester, MA with a friend to inquire about furniture financing through the acceptance now program. After filling out an in-store application, I was approved for a $[redacted] line of credit. Spent about an hour selecting furniture and got a quote #[redacted]0 for $[redacted].95. During the process, my friend asked to add a sofa set, which seemed possible until a sales associate responded rudely, causing discomfort. When I returned to finalize the agreement, I was informed my application was denied without explanation, and I'd need to reapply in 30 days. This situation was frustrating and unprofessional, leading me to question the quality of service. I hope for a resolution and appreciate any assistance. - Edgar N.
Reported by GetHuman-enboriev on शनिवार, २९ जून २०१९, दोपहर ३:३८ बजे
On July 30th, I entered into a contract believing it was for a Note 9, but to my dismay, it was actually for an S9, rendering my $[redacted].50 voucher useless. Despite setting up auto-pay and providing $20 cash, I left without the correct phone as the store manager, Ellen, needed to fetch it from another location. A week later, I received what I thought was the Note 9, only to discover it was an S9. Ellen questioned my choice of an expensive phone, and when she finally provided a Note 8, it was locked to another user's Google account. This led to further issues with the contract stating an S9 Plus. I find this level of service unacceptable. The lack of communication, incorrect phone models, and dodged calls have left me feeling mistreated. I am adamant about returning all items and severing ties with this St Augustine branch due to Ellen's actions. I expect a proper Galaxy Note 9 compatible with T-Mobile, the correct application of the voucher, and a more reasonable payment plan of 15 months instead of the current 6 months due to the inconvenience caused by Ellen. I appreciate your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-pierce_c on रविवार, ११ अगस्त २०१९, शाम ७:१२ बजे
On July 30th, I signed a contract for what I believed to be a Galaxy Note 9 with a $[redacted].50 voucher and $20 cash down. However, upon delivery the following Saturday, I received a Galaxy S9 instead. Despite this mix-up, I agreed to wait for the correct model. A week later, I received a Galaxy Note 8 instead of a Note 9, which was also defective. I contacted Samsung and discovered it was locked. Both contracts were misrepresented, one for an S9 and the other for an S9 Plus. The store manager failed to communicate properly, leading to this frustrating situation. I demand compensation for my time wasted and the misleading contracts. The voucher was not used as agreed, and I was overcharged for a lower-end phone. I expect Rent-A-Center to investigate this and provide me with a refund of $[redacted].
Reported by GetHuman3410064 on सोमवार, १२ अगस्त २०१९, दोपहर १२:३५ बजे
Hello, this is Krista Smith. I am reaching out to discuss my payment situation. As a single mother, I am struggling to support my two boys. Unfortunately, I recently fractured my right ankle and have been unable to work for the past few weeks. I am in need of a payment plan to ensure I can keep the product(s) I currently have. I was unable to make my payment today as I just got out of the hospital with my oldest son who needed emergency surgery. I kindly ask Rent-A-Center to refrain from repossessing our belongings as they are crucial to us at the moment. I assure you that I am committed to continuing my business with your company if you can work with me during this challenging time. Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Reported by GetHuman3436238 on शुक्रवार, १६ अगस्त २०१९, शाम ७:१९ बजे
After paying off my refrigerator, I wanted to switch my payment to a different item. I made $15 payments for the first week but ran into issues at the store with the female manager. She couldn't print out my certificate or receipt initially, and only later suggested I take a picture of them. However, this didn't help when I needed to transfer my information to another store. When I mentioned the store's ongoing issues, the manager seemed annoyed and suggested I reverse the payment on my card. I agreed, and she didn't offer any help with finding service at another store.
Reported by GetHuman4057543 on शनिवार, ७ दिसम्बर २०१९, दोपहर ४:१८ बजे
I processed my $15 payment for my MacBook Pro today. I have the receipt in my email. I am curious about the delivery time. I called all the local stores, but they kept hanging up on me. They close at 5 o'clock Central Standard Time. I am hoping for same-day delivery as I have other commitments.
Reported by GetHuman-mpenders on रविवार, २२ दिसम्बर २०१९, रात ८:४७ बजे
I leased a California king-size bed and bed frame bundle from Rent-A-Center. I received the bed, but not the bed frame. After waiting two weeks and contacting them, I was assured they had the frame in stock. Upon arrival at the store, I was informed they did not have it as promised. I was told to wait another week or two, but it has been six months without any updates. The bundle is paid off, and I am still waiting for the missing bed frame.
Reported by GetHuman4255146 on बुधवार, १५ जनवरी २०२०, रात ८:४५ बजे
An individual from the company entered my property by jumping over my closed gate, despite a "No Trespassing" sign. After knocking on my door, they left with two ribeye steaks from my porch. Upon contacting the store, my steaks were returned around 7:30 PM. I was informed that it was the manager who took them. This incident is distressing, especially during the current pandemic when obtaining food is challenging. I had to discard the stolen meat and travel to find replacements, which were unavailable. As a retiree on a fixed income, having items taken from my secured property is unacceptable. I am considering legal action and intend to report this to the media to shed light on the behavior of Rent A Center individuals.
Reported by GetHuman-gnaymon on मंगलवार, २१ अप्रैल २०२०, सुबह ६:०२ बजे
The issue is that my partner and I have not been working for about two months due to the coronavirus. We had spoken with the store about waiting for the payment, and they agreed to wait. Today, they called stating that if I didn't make a payment, they would come to collect the items. We are willing to pay but cannot as we are not working due to the extended quarantine in California. I would appreciate it if you could contact me to resolve the problem. My phone number is [redacted], and I live in Sunnyvale, California. My name is Juan Muniz. I had already talked to the general store manager, who said he would help me during the coronavirus situation. I asked him to contact me if the store called to threaten collection, but I have been trying to call, and no one answers.
Reported by GetHuman4794199 on शुक्रवार, ८ मई २०२०, रात ८:०८ बजे
I am extremely dissatisfied with the service we received recently. Approximately six weeks ago, my partner and I visited the RAC store at [redacted] Kanoelehua in Hilo, Hawaii. We made a $[redacted] cash deposit for a living room set after being told it would arrive the following week. To our surprise, we found out that the order was not actually processed that quickly when we visited another store. Despite being informed that the order had already been shipped, weeks passed without any updates. After contacting the store multiple times, we were given conflicting information about the status of our order, including delays due to shipping issues related to COVID-19. The manager, Crystal, was unhelpful and even hung up on us when we shared our frustrations about the extended wait for our furniture. We expect better communication and service in the future, as our funds have been held without any compensation for this inconvenience.
Reported by GetHuman-auraap on शनिवार, ८ अगस्त २०२०, रात १२:३४ बजे
I visited your store in Ft. Dodge, Iowa [redacted] last Friday to purchase a gaming laptop. I was informed it would arrive by Monday or Tuesday. After not hearing anything, I called the store to follow up. Unfortunately, they had no record of my order. After a delay, I spoke with Connie, who explained that my laptop was forgotten on the UPS truck and would now arrive on Wednesday. However, when trying to set up my website account, I did not receive the confirmation email. Though Connie tried to send a text to help, it never came through. While she was polite and tried to assist, the overall experience has been frustrating. I understand that issues can arise, but the multiple mishaps have left me disappointed with the service provided so far. I hope to receive my laptop as promised, but this experience does make me question future business with your company. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman5510625 on मंगलवार, १ दिसम्बर २०२०, शाम ६:४९ बजे
Hello, my name is Mercedes Maple. I have an account with Rent-A-Center in Iola, Kansas. I currently have a washer and dryer rented from them. I have a history of always making my payments on time and have never missed one. Recently, I contacted them to change my payment plan to monthly since I have just started a new job that pays me monthly. Despite explaining my situation and offering to pay on my next payday, they insisted on the payment for February 13th, threatening to repossess the appliances. As a college student, I receive disbursement on the 26th and my paycheck at the beginning of March. I have already made payments at the end of January, so I believe they should be flexible in changing my payment schedule. I researched and found that Rent-A-Center is supposed to accommodate changes in payment dates due to changes in paydays. If they proceed with repossessing the washer and dryer, I will avoid using Rent-A-Center in the future due to this issue.
Reported by GetHuman-mrmabug on बुधवार, ३ फ़रवरी २०२१, दोपहर १२:२४ बजे
Since I made a purchase from Rent-a-Center, I have been experiencing persistent harassment. There have been instances of aggressive knocking on my doors, peering through windows and even attempting to open my front door. This behavior has greatly frightened my 13-year-old sister and my 2-year-old son who were at home during these incidents. Despite my challenges with job loss due to Covid and health issues during the pandemic, Rent-a-Center has been charging me more than what was originally agreed upon. They claimed to correct a mistake but failed to do so, resulting in inflated payments and constant attempts to charge my card excessively. Their actions have led to my card being locked for suspicious activity. I have ceased payments as I believe I am being overcharged. The intimidation tactics, such as parking behind my car without me providing my vehicle information, have crossed a line. Rent-a-Center's confrontational and threatening approach towards customers is unacceptable. I am considering legal action for harassment and unwarranted attempts to enter my home in my absence. This situation has left me feeling unsafe and I am determined to address these issues.
Reported by GetHuman5751244 on शनिवार, १३ फ़रवरी २०२१, रात ९:१५ बजे
I experienced rude treatment with racist overtones during my seven trips to the store, where I was made to wait for 30 minutes each visit. The manager falsely claimed I was in the system, prompting me to have my sister attempt to rent. Shockingly, the electric bike we wanted to rent disappeared mysteriously from the parking lot. We simply want to rent the bike and dryer. I have tried to address this issue with the business to promote equality. Now, I feel the need to file a discrimination complaint and potentially pursue legal action if not addressed promptly. My encounter with such hatred during a simple store visit has been distressing for my son and me. In [redacted], discrimination should not be tolerated, and I have witnesses who support me in resolving this matter.
Reported by GetHuman6371368 on शुक्रवार, २३ जुलाई २०२१, शाम ६:३१ बजे
We attempted to return the merchandise, but the store manager declined to accept it due to past due payments. We explained that the item had a broken screen, offering to cover the damage costs. Unfortunately, we are now facing payment disputes with the manager. Despite being two months behind on payments, the manager refuses to accept the merchandise back, which would not have been an issue if she had accepted it initially when we were up-to-date on payments. Additionally, no loaner was provided, and instead, a new contract was made for another TV. This has led to us paying for two TVs when only one should have been applicable as a loaner. The manager's insistence on payment without resolving the merchandise return issue has put us in a difficult situation.
Reported by GetHuman6626283 on मंगलवार, २१ सितम्बर २०२१, रात ८:५९ बजे
I recently visited Rent-A-Center Store #[redacted] with my husband to rent a washer and dryer. Unfortunately, the ones we wanted were broken. They asked us to choose another set while they attempted to secure the ones we preferred. The total cost was $49, but being on a fixed income with SSI, my husband explained he only receives one check per month. On 9/4/21, they took him to the ATM and requested $64 be paid. Then, on 9/18/21, they called demanding $59 immediately, or they would repossess the items the next day. They refused our request to combine the $59 with the $[redacted] owed for October, claiming they couldn't accommodate the payment plan, which we know isn't true since they helped a friend using a different approach. I've been waiting on hold for an hour and 45 minutes, only to be disconnected. As seniors relying solely on Social Security and SSI, we seek clarity and a more considerate explanation for future interactions. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-shanaype on शुक्रवार, २४ सितम्बर २०२१, रात ८:०४ बजे
Rent-A-Center repeatedly called and showed up at my apartment, even attempting to enter when I wasn't there. I texted the manager about being late on a payment and explained I would be home the next day to resolve it. Despite this, they demanded payment or threatened to take legal action. I made arrangements and communicated with them, but they still harassed me and my friend. This behavior has happened before, and I feel it's unacceptable.
Reported by GetHuman6856237 on मंगलवार, ३० नवम्बर २०२१, सुबह ५:३१ बजे
I bought a Samsung S21 last night and completed the lease agreement in the contract. I made it clear to the salesperson that I wanted to pick it up the next day. Despite having all the necessary documentation, when I arrived at the store, the staff were extremely rude and unhelpful, refusing to give me my phone. I feel disrespected and frustrated as I have already made the payment for the device.
Reported by GetHuman7004665 on रविवार, ९ जनवरी २०२२, दोपहर १२:०१ बजे
I've had an account with the Asheville Highway location in Knoxville for over a year. Today, they arrived to repossess my furniture, claiming my ex, Mark, called to instruct them to do so due to a payment default. Not aware of this, I later discovered that prior to my ex leaving, he had changed the contact information on my account to his own phone number and email. Despite my account being in good standing, Rent-A-Center only contacted him and not me regarding missed payments. I usually pay over $[redacted] a month for my bed, mattress, table, couch, and computer. The account fell a few days behind, leading them to take actions without my knowledge. Despite being on autopay since [redacted], any communication issues led to this situation. The handling of this repossession was poor, and I question the security of their verification process, as it seems anyone can make changes or orders on your behalf just by knowing your name. The entire experience was disappointing and unsettling.
Reported by GetHuman7476140 on बुधवार, २५ मई २०२२, दोपहर २:२१ बजे
I rented a stereo system from the Rent-A-Center in Richmond, Kentucky, for my wife. Despite multiple failed delivery attempts, the store staff were unhelpful and rude. When I finally went to the store in person, a staff member brushed me off even though I had been waiting for an hour. The stereo was eventually found but then unexpectedly demanded back, with no prior paperwork signed by my wife. I explained my situation with my ill mother at Baptist Health Hospital, but they were unwilling to give me more time to sort it out. The way they handled the situation was unprofessional and disrespectful. I am disappointed and would like my stereo back, possibly with a discount for the inconvenience caused.
Reported by GetHuman7566525 on शुक्रवार, २४ जून २०२२, रात ३:३८ बजे

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