Dept of Child & Families, Access Florida Customer Service Issues

Archive 8

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Dept of Child & Families, Access Florida customer service, archive #8. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 19, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I can log in to my Access Florida account, but my options are limited. I'm unable to upload any documents, and all I see is a message saying, "Case Information This information is current as of June 18, [redacted]. If you made any changes to your case within the last 24 hours, please allow time for this information to be processed into the system. Please check back later." I can't access any other information or view my status. I urgently need to upload my paystubs, but I'm unable to do so.
Reported by GetHuman8444420 on lunedì 19 giugno 2023 19:42
Our case has been recently decided, and I am concerned about being required to participate in a work program or find a job. During the summer, I care for my 11 and 9-year-old children, one of whom has a [redacted] plan and behavioral health appointments. If I have to work, this would disrupt our family dynamic where my husband works outside and I care for the children. I feel it's unfair for them to dictate our lifestyle. They mentioned that if we don't comply, we may lose food assistance despite approving $[redacted], which isn't enough for two children during the expensive summer months. I struggle with depression and anxiety, receive no help from relatives, and finding a job, particularly with a child needing behavioral support, is not feasible for me.
Reported by GetHuman-jesssess on giovedì 22 giugno 2023 12:39
I am having difficulty enrolling in Sunshine Health and obtaining benefits I believe I am eligible for. My status on the FL Medicaid Member Portal shows as "partial Medicaid" possibly due to dental insurance with DentaQuest. Despite submitting applications three times, my enrollment status remains "pending approval." Additionally, attempts to apply for Part B have been unsuccessful as I received a letter stating I do not qualify. I would appreciate assistance from an agent to resolve these issues promptly and ensure I receive the benefits I am entitled to as per the information displayed on the portal.
Reported by GetHuman8444264 on martedì 27 giugno 2023 14:09
I am encountering an issue with my SNAP benefits application stating I was denied due to non-cooperation with child support, which is incorrect. I currently have three ongoing child support cases. I have been attempting to reach out to a live representative for weeks to address and rectify these account problems. I am in the process of reapplying for benefits for my daughters, Sidalee Mae and Izabella, as well as for myself. There seems to be an error indicating that my daughter, Izabella, was removed by the department when this is not the case. I am solely trying to apply for food assistance and Medicaid for my daughters and myself. I would appreciate any assistance with this matter.
Reported by GetHuman8464916 on mercoledì 28 giugno 2023 15:15
My case closed without my fault. I submitted documents on May 26, [redacted], as requested by the case manager. If incorrect, they should have communicated instead of closing it. I live on a tight budget; this could leave me unable to eat. I've been trying to contact someone for 3 days, but the phone service hangs up or puts me on hold for more than 4 hours. I have a screenshot as proof.
Reported by GetHuman8465807 on mercoledì 28 giugno 2023 20:42
I need assistance with my tanf application. Despite applying multiple times, I keep getting denied due to a sanction I don't understand. I suspect it's because I can't do the work study program, mainly due to lack of transportation and recent medical issues. I have trouble standing for more than 5 minutes without a walker, my legs are swollen, and I can only take a few steps unaided. It seems my explanations are ignored during the process. I'm a single mother with no income and can't work until my health improves. I'm unsure who to contact for help since I can't visit the office.
Reported by GetHuman-myrdahlc on venerdì 30 giugno 2023 19:18
Child Protective Services placed my kids with their father while my water was off. Now that my water is back on, my children's father is preventing me from seeing them. It has been three months since I last saw my kids. His girlfriend has been sending me unpleasant messages, and they are now trying to get sole custody and child support. I have always been there for my kids, even when we were in a shelter together. I have brought them to see their father whenever they asked, going as far as traveling from Homestead to Overtown just to make it back for curfew. I have taken parenting classes and always put my kids' well-being first.
Reported by GetHuman-losenosl on sabato 1 luglio 2023 01:14
Since May 8, I submitted an application for my family, including my wife Lenia Gonzalez Hernandez, my child Marcos Denis Martinez, and myself Enriwue Denis Martinez. The case number is [redacted]. We have visited the office three times since then and each time it feels like something is amiss. The lady who assists us always requests the same documents we provided on the first day, making it seem like she hasn't processed our information. We have a young child and the process seems to be taking longer than expected. Despite this, the lady assisting us speaks only Spanish and displays a poor attitude. It's concerning that she asked for the same documents repeatedly, despite us having already submitted them. Thank you for your attention, looking forward to your response. - Enrique Denis Martinez
Reported by GetHuman-mislechu on mercoledì 5 luglio 2023 18:38
I have tried for over a month to contact them, scheduling several callbacks. However, every time the system calls me, I am put on hold for 2 to 3 hours only to be disconnected. This has happened at least 10 times. I am unable to speak to anyone and cannot progress with my case. Whenever I try to view the information, it redirects me back to the beginning, leaving me frustrated. I need to provide them with my income details as they mentioned that the work department may not be necessary since I am looking after my father who receives SSI. Unfortunately, I am unable to submit this information due to the technical issues.
Reported by GetHuman8493305 on lunedì 10 luglio 2023 20:41
Dear Sir/Madam, I am reaching out to express my deep concerns regarding the welfare of a child named Lilian Marcella, currently residing at [redacted] Monroe Smith Rd S. As a concerned community member, I am compelled to highlight the serious issues affecting this young girl that require immediate assistance. It has come to my attention that Lilian is experiencing severe malnourishment and failure to thrive, evident in her physical appearance and reports from those familiar with the situation. Adequate nutrition is crucial for a child's development, and the neglect of this basic need is distressing. In addition, there are allegations of heroin presence in the household where Lilian lives, posing significant risks to her health, well-being, and safety. This environment is detrimental to her growth and must be addressed promptly. Witnesses have reported neglect and abandonment, observing Lilian left unsupervised, placing her in harm's way emotionally and physically. This neglectful behavior must be investigated to ensure her safety and provide the necessary support. I urge urgent action to investigate Lilian's living conditions and her parents' actions to secure her safety and well-being. I am willing to assist with any information needed to support the investigation. Protecting Lilian should be our top priority, and I trust Child Protective Services will act swiftly to ensure her rights are protected. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I hope immediate steps will be taken to safeguard Lilian Marcella's well-being and provide her with the care she urgently requires. Sincerely, A concerned citizen
Reported by GetHuman-fleacarn on lunedì 10 luglio 2023 22:05
I've been attempting to reach out to the Department of Children and Families to access my benefits. The website indicates that verification is required, and though I have submitted all necessary documents, I am unsure of the delay. With three children at home, our food supply is running low. It has been a month since I renewed my benefits, and I am yet to receive a response. Despite numerous calls, I have been unable to get through as all lines seem to be busy. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman8493636 on lunedì 10 luglio 2023 23:26
I needed to complete a recertification by 5/13 and I finished all the required steps. I spoke with a representative last Tuesday who confirmed that my documents were in order and apologized for the unprofessional behavior of the caseworker. She assured me that the process would be expedited, and I should receive June's deposit by Friday at the latest. However, I have not received anything yet, and my status still shows as "processing." I have been repeatedly trying to reach someone since 7 am, but haven't had any success.
Reported by GetHuman8494604 on martedì 11 luglio 2023 12:53
I reapplied for benefits six days before my recertification was due, so I was on time. My benefits are supposed to be available on the first of the month, but it is already the 11th. I have received conflicting information from different call center representatives - some were kind, while others were rude and condescending. Despite being on time with my recertification, I was told that my case was not completed by the caseworker and that benefits would be available by the 11th at the latest. However, I have still not received my benefits. When I called again, the representative was unkind and dismissive, blaming the backlog for the delay. This issue is causing me difficulties as my Medicaid is pending, and I cannot access necessary medical care for my disabilities. I have complied with all the department's requirements, but I am frustrated by the inconsistent responses from different agents.
Reported by GetHuman8495282 on martedì 11 luglio 2023 17:01
I recently faced issues with my food stamps application being denied due to missing proof of income letters. Even after multiple attempts to upload the required documents, my case was rejected. Despite providing the necessary letters from individuals both inside and outside my household, my application was still denied. I was advised to submit a letter from someone outside my house to expedite the process, which I promptly did on the same day, but my case was still denied weeks later. I have uploaded all required documentation, including my last paycheck stub, two personal letters, and two external letters. I have been struggling without food stamps since May, despite being told my application would be fast-tracked. I kindly request a thorough review of my case to address these ongoing issues.
Reported by GetHuman8496970 on mercoledì 12 luglio 2023 12:17
I submitted my benefit renewal over two months ago, as well as several applications to ensure it was received, but this month's benefits have not been deposited. The status is still pending/processing. The DCF hotline is constantly busy, and I am unable to reach an agent for assistance. I am currently homeless with two toddlers who need to eat, and this situation is urgent. Despite my attempts to upload documents to the DCF portal and inform them of my review completion, I have not had any success. I urgently need help.
Reported by GetHuman-saramota on mercoledì 12 luglio 2023 12:23
I submitted my application on June 12, and I have not received my stamps yet. I was told it would take 30 days, and today is the deadline, but there is no update. The system shows that technical verification is required, but I did not receive any notification about what is needed. I am also concerned because I am only receiving $60 in stamps each month, despite my income being $[redacted] below the poverty line. I pay $[redacted] in rent and $40 for my phone, and it is a struggle to make ends meet. I have seen others in similar situations receiving $[redacted] a month in stamps while I am struggling to get by. As a diabetic, it is challenging not to eat properly when I have to skip meals due to the lack of assistance. Please address these issues promptly as I cannot wait any longer for help. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8497614 on mercoledì 12 luglio 2023 16:47
I have been waiting for my food stamp application for over a month. I submitted a new one after spotting errors in the original. I cannot participate in the work program due to no transportation and taking care of two kids, one under six. Also, my child has a mental disability claim. I am concerned about the long wait for my initial application and need assurance that my updated application with corrections has been received and is being processed.
Reported by GetHuman8501797 on venerdì 14 luglio 2023 13:03
I've been trying to contact the Department of Children and Family Services about my food stamp benefits for two days now. Initially, I faced the challenge of navigating through a high call volume message, leading to constant disconnections. Despite my persistence, getting through meant enduring long periods on hold. Today, I've been on hold since this afternoon due to system issues. It's frustrating as my issue is time-sensitive, and my family relies on these benefits. I hope to connect with a representative soon to resolve this matter promptly. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8508921 on lunedì 17 luglio 2023 20:54
I have applied multiple times in the last month. I am on disability. I am waiting for my food stamps to be renewed and for my daughter, who has multiple medical issues, to receive regular Medicaid. She requires prescriptions and appointments with several doctors for her well-being. Our current family insurance plan does not cover her medical needs, which are crucial for her survival and avoiding unnecessary hospitalizations due to inadequate care from DCF.
Reported by GetHuman-alivingt on martedì 18 luglio 2023 14:14
I applied for cash assistance but was denied for not submitting a work form. I wrote a letter explaining that I am not working because I am caring for my four-year-old with autism who has therapy four times a week, and my 12-year-old with ADD/ADHD who is in counseling. I have been waiting for social security approval for over a year and am struggling without financial assistance. Lavan Ware cannot work as he is a full-time caregiver for his father who suffered a stroke and had bypass surgery. He needs to take his father to appointments, ensure he eats and takes his medicine on time, and assist with therapy.
Reported by GetHuman8515393 on giovedì 20 luglio 2023 16:47

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