Dept of Child & Families, Access Florida Customer Service Issues

Archive 7

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Dept of Child & Families, Access Florida customer service, archive #7. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported April 6, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Subject: Urgent Request for Financial Assistance To Whom It May Concern, I am writing to urgently seek a quick response to my application for financial aid. Since January, I have been in communication with nine different individuals and have submitted all required documentation. I have even received approval on three occasions. Unfortunately, during my recent attempt to speak with a supervisor about my application status, I was disconnected. In my conversation just four days ago, I was asked to provide income verification due to my self-employment since [redacted]. It seems there was a misunderstanding in my application, assuming I had an employer. Please be aware that I have consistently been self-employed and this information was correctly submitted initially. I am troubled by the request to reapply, as my circumstances remain unchanged. As a single parent with a nine-year-old child, I am deeply worried about my living situation. I am spending considerable resources on food and without aid, I am at risk of losing my home. I urge you to give this matter your prompt attention and provide a resolution as soon as possible. Sincerely, J.T.
Reported by GetHuman7412610 on Donnerstag, 6. April 2023 17:44
I have completed all the necessary steps for my case renewal. I am urgently seeking assistance with obtaining food for my children. I have been calling consistently for approximately a week now. I usually receive assistance on the 4th of every month and I ensure that I fulfill all requirements to access food for my kids. I have been informed that there is a backlog within your organization. I completely understand the challenges you are facing during this crisis, as I have experienced similar difficulties in the past. I would appreciate it if someone could review and approve my completed case promptly.
Reported by GetHuman8287854 on Freitag, 7. April 2023 20:39
I'm in the process of applying for benefits, but I'm unable to proceed as I've forgotten my login information, including my username, password, and most importantly, my case number. I do have verification information like my Social Security number to provide. I've been struggling to retrieve this information for a while, and I'm feeling pressed for time as I have important commitments, such as going home to my kids. Thank you for any assistance you can provide. Have a great day!
Reported by GetHuman8307793 on Montag, 17. April 2023 21:40
I have completed the requested documents and faxed them as instructed, but I have not received any response from them. It is impossible to reach them by phone or have them return any calls. I have been trying to renew my food stamp card for weeks, but the process has been incredibly frustrating. Please expedite my renewal by late February so I can receive the assistance I need for April. Thank you, Kenny. Additionally, the individual named Mrs. Green from FOC does not return calls and her voicemail is consistently full. This lack of communication is causing further delays. Sincerely, Kenneth D.
Reported by GetHuman8313706 on Donnerstag, 20. April 2023 14:28
I applied for a new EBT card from SNAP benefits in Citrus County, Florida, and it has been more than a week without receiving it. The last time I had to replace my card, it arrived in 2 days. I suspect my new card might be lost in the mail or taken. I'd prefer not to reorder it yet as I discovered my lost card after requesting the new one and now have no benefits or food. I'm having trouble reaching anyone by phone to confirm if the card was sent or if I should reorder. I tried scheduling a call back, but I waited for 40 minutes today without any answer. Dealing with the Department of Children and Families in this state, especially in this county, has been frustrating due to delays and lack of responsiveness. I just need a simple and clear answer about my SNAP benefits to know if I should proceed with ordering a new card or if there is an issue with the delivery. I hope for a prompt resolution. Thank you, Jamie C.
Reported by GetHuman8314936 on Freitag, 21. April 2023 00:40
I recently contacted Florida Access and was informed that my benefits for May [redacted] have been more than halved due to allegedly failing to meet the Learnfare school attendance requirement. This is puzzling to me as I have never been asked to fulfill this requirement. I am a parent and do not receive child support from the father. Please restore my benefits to their usual amount as I have been receiving them for my daughter for nearly seven years without any such attendance stipulations applying to me. These benefits are crucial for us, and I believe they are rightfully mine. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman8342374 on Mittwoch, 3. Mai 2023 21:23
My food stamp benefits were unexpectedly transferred to a company called Exotic Inc in South Florida before I could use them to buy groceries. This seems to be a computer error as I did not authorize this transfer. I contacted the company owner, who dismissed it as a prank and found it amusing, but the situation is causing me distress. I am now left without essential food money for the remainder of the month, and using my limited funds will jeopardize an important home bill payment. I have been attempting to resolve this for a week without success. Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman8352393 on Montag, 8. Mai 2023 20:49
I submitted my application again on April 13th. I'm still waiting for a response. Despite sending several faxes, I haven't been able to reach anyone through the automated system, which is very unusual. During a call with a supervisor, the line disconnected. After waiting for 10 minutes, they called back, but the call was brief. I would greatly appreciate assistance in assigning me a new case worker, and I hope that a supervisor contacts me soon. You can reach me at [redacted] or email me at [redacted] Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8354284 on Dienstag, 9. Mai 2023 18:04
While at the grocery store, a man offered to send me more details about Florida Blue health insurance. I agreed, but now I keep receiving mail indicating I am covered by Florida Blue. I currently have Medicaid for myself and my son, and I'm unsure if I can have both insurances. I prefer the coverage with Florida Blue and want to confirm if it's acceptable to keep it and drop Medicaid. I need to ensure that if I cancel my Medicaid coverage, it won't impact my son's Medicaid coverage.
Reported by GetHuman8358146 on Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2023 13:29
I have not received my replacement EBT card as promised within 5 to 7 days. My address at [redacted] Ashton Road, Sarasota, FL, is closed for the next two weeks, and I have forwarded my mail to Kelli Kelly at General Delivery, Osprey, FL [redacted]. The magnetic strip on my current card is not reading in store card readers, which has caused issues with using it. I called to request a new card as money has gone missing from my account. My EBT account is active, and when I called, the automated system stated my amount had been increased without specifying how much. After ordering a new card, the automated system abruptly disconnected, stating the card was inactive. I suspect my EBT number has been forwarded and my SNAP account hacked online, possibly impacting my bank account as well. I have a case number from Turning Points in Bradenton due to my wallet being compromised, and I am unable to access my login and password online. I am unable to call due to phone accessibility issues. Please do not send any information to [redacted], as that email account has been compromised along with my Facebook account.
Reported by GetHuman8362753 on Samstag, 13. Mai 2023 14:54
I recently renewed my food stamps and was approved for benefits promptly. Following that, I also completed my phone interview with EBT. Although I have fulfilled all the necessary requirements, my benefits have not been loaded onto my card within the expected timeframe. Despite my continuous attempts over the past three days to reach out to the appropriate customer service assistance, I have been unsuccessful in connecting with anyone who can provide me with the necessary help. I am currently facing hunger, financial hardship, and homelessness, all while awaiting my benefits that I am unable to access. Regrettably, I have not been able to reach anyone despite my persistence in contacting the designated support numbers. Your assistance in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman8384451 on Dienstag, 23. Mai 2023 20:42
Hello, my name is Katerria Little Mccarthy. I recently renewed my food stamps application and provided my job information, but I have not received any updates yet. I am frustrated with the lack of response whenever I call, as either no one picks up or they are already on another call. I am feeling overwhelmed by this situation, especially since I am currently homeless and in urgent need of assistance. Could someone please reach out to me as soon as possible regarding my food stamps renewal? Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8402573 on Donnerstag, 1. Juni 2023 11:40
I am experiencing issues with my Medicaid and my daughter's coverage, as well as the termination of our food stamps. There seems to be a discrepancy in my employment verification since 04/19/23. Despite speaking to around 30 representatives and spending numerous hours on hold, the problem persists. I urgently require assistance to either review the faxed paperwork or guidance on reapplying if necessary. As a type 1 diabetic with gastroenteritis and with my daughter born without a thyroid and managing hypothyroidism, this situation is critical. I work as a server earning $7.68 per hour plus tips, and I truly need help to reinstate our benefits promptly.
Reported by GetHuman8403077 on Donnerstag, 1. Juni 2023 15:21
I had a conversation with a Supervisor yesterday regarding my application for expedited benefits due to being unable to search for work after undergoing mental health and substance abuse treatment in April and May. I submitted a letter from the treatment center confirming my situation, as requested. Without access to a phone or computer while in treatment, I was unable to contact DCF. I haven't received my benefits for April and May, and although I reapplied with all the necessary information on May 26, [redacted], I still haven't received anything. Supervisor Jenni assured me that the benefits department would address this promptly, but as of now, the funds have not been deposited. I urgently require assistance with this matter. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8403729 on Donnerstag, 1. Juni 2023 18:57
Hello, I recently applied for Foodshare, Cash Assistance, and Medicaid for myself and my daughter. Unfortunately, I received a response stating we are not eligible for expedited help. The notice claims I received Food Share this month, which is inaccurate as I haven't received benefits for several months. I have also lost my job recently without a valid reason and plan to apply for Unemployment benefits, but I am uncertain about the approval timeline. This situation leaves me concerned about covering rent and bills. I would appreciate a phone call on Monday morning. Thank you. Best regards, Eliza S.
Reported by GetHuman7687953 on Sonntag, 4. Juni 2023 07:13
I recently had a situation where my in-law took my EBT food and forced me out of the room I've been renting since July [redacted] from my brother at my dad's house. My brother is currently incarcerated, and my in-law moved in with her boyfriend, getting rid of all my dad's appliances and locking up the food. She also took my possessions, including my clothes, cane, dog license, medication, and internet access. Due to not having access to food, my EBT card has been canceled. As a mentally disabled 61-year-old, this has been incredibly challenging. I'm reaching out for assistance, as I've only received mail from this forum. Thank you for any help you can provide.
Reported by GetHuman8411456 on Montag, 5. Juni 2023 12:58
As a disabled veteran, I have been working on getting Medicaid in Florida. I've met all requirements and submitted all requested forms. I've been trying to reach my case worker at phone number [redacted] for a week since she received my final paperwork for an interview, but she hasn't responded. Today is the deadline for my interview and after contacting the food share representative earlier this week, there was still no response until today when I finally reached my case worker. The interaction was unprofessional and she was rude, which has been difficult for me due to my mental disabilities. I am requesting a different case worker and an employee review for her behavior. I believe her name is Jamilla Brown, as mentioned earlier.
Reported by GetHuman8422662 on Freitag, 9. Juni 2023 19:03
I rely on food stamps due to a severe motorcycle accident that left me with permanent injuries. Despite recertifying recently, I received a letter stating my benefits would be discontinued due to a renewal issue. I had someone assist with reapplying on the fifth, and I am hopeful my benefits will be reinstated retroactively. I kindly ask for a prompt response. My friend Jessie can also be contacted at [redacted] to help with communication as I struggle to hold on the phone. Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman8423532 on Samstag, 10. Juni 2023 03:40
I had an accident recently and now face difficulties with my food stamps renewal. Due to my injuries, I require assistance with this process. Despite submitting my renewal application, the stamps were discontinued for non-renewal. I believe I qualify for expedited benefits with arrearage. It's urgent that I receive them, but I'm struggling to reach someone by phone. I feel this is discriminatory given my situation. I am disabled and unable to read or comprehend well, needing help urgently. Please reach out to me at [redacted] or contact my friend Jessie Spivey at the same number. You can also reach me via email at [redacted] Thank you for your attention, and I am hopeful to hear from you soon.
Reported by GetHuman8423532 on Samstag, 10. Juni 2023 03:52
I am encountering difficulties with the FL Medicaid Member Portal concerning my MMA & LTC enrollment. The portal shows my status as "partial Medicaid," possibly because I have dental coverage with DentaQuest. Despite submitting my information to Sunshine Health three times on 12/06/[redacted], 1/18/[redacted], and 6/14/[redacted], my enrollment is still pending approval. In April, I applied for Part B for free immunosuppressive drugs after my Humana Gold Plus was canceled in May [redacted]. However, I was informed in a letter from SSA dated May 29, [redacted], that I do not qualify due to my full Medicaid coverage. I have not received any communication about my benefits and would like assistance to resolve this issue and ensure that I receive the benefits I am entitled to.
Reported by GetHuman8444264 on Montag, 19. Juni 2023 18:58

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