Comenity Bank Customer Service Issues

Archive 12

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Comenity Bank customer service, archive #12. It includes a selection of 11 issue(s) reported August 19, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
On April 22, [redacted], I was notified by all three credit bureaus that an account was opened with my stolen identity at Comenity Capital Bank/Boscovs on April 6, [redacted]. After contacting Comenity, they assured me they would investigate. I also filed a dispute with the credit bureaus. On May 11, [redacted], Comenity closed the Boscovs account without further communication, leading me to believe they recognized it as fraudulent. Between December 24, [redacted], and January 19, [redacted], I received notification that the account was [redacted] days past due, charged off, and sold to a collection agency. This should not have occurred as the account was fraudulently opened. However, as the account has been sold, I am struggling to get clarification. Communicating this to the current collection agency has proven to be extremely challenging. I am seeking assistance in understanding how this situation unfolded without any communication from Comenity Capital and would appreciate someone reaching out to me for clarification.
Reported by GetHuman-mlangwel on السبت ١٩ أغسطس ٢٠٢٣ ١٧:١٢
I previously experienced my AAA Advantage card being frozen and incurring a late fee when I was late in the past. This time, I am unwilling to pay the [redacted] late fee. I intended to increase my monthly payment to [redacted] to avoid such situations. I was unaware of any grace period for payments. Typically, notifications are sent via email or regular mail, but I did not receive one. After researching, your bank appears more like a debt collection agency to me. Upon receiving a phone call, I discovered the number was marked as a scam on Google. My proposal is to pay [redacted] monthly and adjust accordingly. Kindly waive the [redacted] fee and allow me to proceed with this payment plan. I hope to receive a response soon and will also follow up with a phone call if necessary.
Reported by GetHuman-wudeeplo on السبت ٢٦ أغسطس ٢٠٢٣ ٠٩:٠٢
I've been a loyal Commenity Mastercard customer for several years, but recently encountered issues using my card due to an earlier expiration date than expected (September [redacted]). I've always made timely payments and am eager to renew my card promptly. Kindly reach out to me via email to assist with this matter.
Reported by GetHuman8609781 on الجمعة ٨ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٣ ٠٨:٣٦
I unintentionally used the Just Answer app on 07-21-23 without realizing there were future fees involved. Recently, I received an alert from Capital One Credit Wise about an account being opened with Comenity Bank. I contacted Capital One’s fraud line, and they advised me to reach out to Comenity Bank. Upon noticing the connection to "Just Answer," I understood the association. I now wish to close all accounts. I had only asked one question, received an incorrect answer which led to unnecessary travel, and then forgot about the app. I acknowledge that not thoroughly reading the fine print was my oversight. I am seeking guidance on how to close the account and terminate the app to prevent additional charges.
Reported by GetHuman8620343 on الجمعة ١٥ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٣ ٠١:٣٢
It appears that the customer service responses I have received from Women Within are standard form letters. I have sent the requested payment copies to the address indicated in the correspondence, PO Box [redacted] Columbus, Ohio 43[redacted], multiple times, yet I keep receiving requests. I wish to send my last copies directly to a specific individual to avoid any further confusion. The continued billing with added interest is frustrating, especially since the original payment was made on time. My account number is [redacted] with an original amount of $[redacted].58. To resolve this matter promptly and avoid escalating it further, I kindly request the name and address of the designated individual to receive the copies of the voided check. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-dunnpat on الأربعاء ٢٠ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٣ ٢٠:٥٩
I've attempted multiple times to pay my bill at Michael's store in Boulder, but no one provided assistance to me. I even called customer service from the Michael's store in Boulder, CO, but it was not helpful. I am concerned about my payment as I don't possess a credit card or any paper documents. Someone contacted me for the payment, but they added an extra charge to my original bill. I haven't received any payment documents or a Michael's credit card. Could you please assist me with my payment? Thank you - K. Ghimire.
Reported by GetHuman8645789 on الثلاثاء ٣ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٣ ٠٢:٤٠
Hello, I am reaching out from Vancouver, BC, Canada. Dell Financial referred me to this forum seeking assistance. I kindly request the removal of two collection accounts from Dell on my credit report due to a challenging period. Last year, I experienced a hip injury and subsequent knee replacements which hindered my ability to work. Being in my 60s, recovery has been slow. I am earnestly working to improve my credit score to secure suitable housing in Greater Vancouver, as I must remain close to my doctor. Living in a trailer park that is being sold, I am faced with moving out by June. Despite paying off both accounts with PRA Group Inc, I was informed only Dell has the authority to remove them for compassionate reasons. Your understanding and consideration are greatly appreciated. Thank you, Christine E. Sent from my iPad
Reported by GetHuman8674944 on الخميس ٢٦ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٣ ٢٠:٣٣
During my recent Royal Caribbean cruise on October 12, [redacted], I visited a jewelry store in Honduras seeking small diamond studs for my second earlobe piercing. The staff offered me champagne and urged me to consider buying expensive diamonds, even though I had a budget of $[redacted]. After being offered a pair for $11,[redacted], I insisted on my limit. I agreed to the purchase, received a festive bell to ring, and had the earrings inserted. Sadly, one earring fell out overnight. Despite trying to return the item at two Diamond International stores in New York, I faced challenges finding them. I called the corporate office to resolve this issue. I believe some sales tactics used were deceptive, and I am determined to return the earrings.
Reported by GetHuman-costala on الثلاثاء ٣١ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٣ ٠١:٤٧
I have been passed around between Commenity Bank, Overstock, and now Bed, Bath, and Beyond. After paying off my account, Overstock charged me for a service I had cancelled. CB claimed I was delinquent, so I contacted Overstock and they refunded the money. Overstock assured me CB would handle the late charges. When CB contacted me again, I thought the issue was resolved. But for the past two months, I keep receiving the same payment requests to settle my account and waive late fees. This month, the same thing happened again! My balance is still not zero. The situation feels like a shake down!
Reported by GetHuman8710766 on الإثنين ١٨ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٣ ١٧:٣٢
I'm receiving emails from Carter's stating I made purchases, but I haven't and thought they were spam. Recently, I got an email from Bread Financial/Comenity Bank about a payment due on 01/02/[redacted]. I reached out to [redacted] to check if there's an account in my name (my first name was misspelled in the Carter's emails, making me doubt their legitimacy) but haven't received a response. I'm concerned now. I checked my Experian credit report, and no new cards were opened under my name. I'm currently outside the US, so calling is costly. What steps should I take? Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman-debskolm on الخميس ٢٨ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٣ ٠٢:٣٥
Dear Comenity Capital Bank, I am reaching out to address late payments on my credit account with your institution. Between August [redacted] and January [redacted], I faced significant hardship due to the passing of my mother. This challenging time led to financial difficulties, resulting in late payments and negative marks on my credit history. I sincerely regret the late payments and am committed to repaying the outstanding balance. I kindly ask for your understanding and goodwill in removing the late payment remarks from my credit history. This gesture would greatly help me recover financially and rebuild my credit profile. While I respect your policies, I appeal to your compassion in considering my request given the circumstances. I am dedicated to honoring my credit agreement and appreciate any assistance you can provide. Thank you for your time and understanding. I look forward to a positive resolution. Sincerely, [Zeleya R.] [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8716807 on الأربعاء ٢٨ فبراير ٢٠٢٤ ٠٤:٥١

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